The Greatest Showman

1798 Social interaction

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address:

Amid the crowds, Annie opened the envelope and announced the winner, "Jared Leto, 'Dallas Buyers Club.'"


It was an accident, not an accident.

Surprisingly, the powerful and ferocious academy public relations of "American Hustle" and "12 Years a Slave" in the second stage were not able to distinguish themselves from each other. Instead, they allowed the "Dallas Buyers Club" to take advantage. The little golden man who won the best supporting actor with an undisputed strong attitude also added more suspense to the trend of the awards ceremony tonight.

Not surprisingly, in the "Dallas Buyers Club", Jared Leto, who amazed all the audience with his performance in disguise as a woman, has always been the most popular winner outside of Michael Fassbender. . In the first stage of the awards season, Jared and Michael were competing against each other; after entering the second stage, Michael's absence made Jared go wild, and the call for winning the award continued to grow. Jared's final victory can also be said to be widely expected.

Objectively speaking, this is an award that lacks enough suspense - otherwise, the Academy will not be placed in the first award. According to the practice of previous years, the best supporting actress is arranged to appear first, but this year's most The best supporting actress department is precisely the most suspenseful among the four major acting departments, so it is the best supporting actor.

However, it was only when Jared took over the Golden Man trophy from Annie that the dust really settled - the best picture contenders in the first group still failed to change the situation through academy PR, and Jared took the lead. The "Dallas Buyers Club", which was well-received in acting and script, successfully got the last laugh.

It is not an "American scam" or "12 Years a Slave", which once again confirms a truth: Academy PR and award predictions are only predictions after all, but the human heart is the most unpredictable thing in the world, more than 6,000 The votes of famous college judges are always unknown and cannot be accurately predicted.

So, can the trend of tonight's best picture really be as suspenseless as Ellen DeGeneres' opening joke?

His eyes returned to Jared.

The whole awards season has been going up and down, Jared is actually mentally prepared, he is the biggest hit, so when Annie announced the results, Jared stepped onto the stage calmly and steadily, and successfully completed his own In the acceptance speech, only when he mentioned his mother, his voice trembled slightly because of his emotions, revealing his inner emotion and excitement.

Afterwards, Jared and Annie left the stage hand in hand, and Alan appeared on the side of the stage again.

Waiting patiently for the applause to subside, Alan raised his mobile phone, "Congratulations! Before the next session, I was going to live stream the whole party on Twitter tonight. Just after I finished my opening remarks, I walked off the stage and suddenly It's incredible to realize what's going on in front of you."

"I mean, I can see the whole audience, if everyone can see it through my perspective..." After that, Alan started fiddling with his phone.

Witnessing this scene with his own eyes, Renly began to hold his forehead and shouted a word, "Advertiser."

In a quiet atmosphere, the word was so conspicuous that it could be clearly heard by almost the entire audience, including the audience in front of the TV.




Renly's shouts shattered the quiet atmosphere of the scene, and all eyes were locked on Alan in an instant.

Indeed, this is the advertising placement time - Allen's actions are so obvious that it can almost be said to be hard and broad, and the whole series and connection are extremely rigid, like inserting a film photo into an oil painting, It is very difficult to ignore, and it makes people feel powerless to complain.

Not only Renly, but the audience at the scene looked at each other in dismay, not knowing where the link setting came from.

Everyone knows that the academy wants to be closer to the younger generation of audiences. The social networking platforms headed by Twitter and Facebook are the market they are trying to conquer. Alan, who has chosen to be extremely active on social networks, also thinks so. When they were all curious about how to connect with the network tonight, this scene appeared.

However, thinking is one thing, breaking the news and complaining is another.

Renly complained mercilessly, breaking the balance of the atmosphere at the scene, and the subtle atmosphere of crying and laughing began to slowly spread.

The feeling of wanting to laugh but not daring to laugh makes the corners of the mouth still itchy. Between the eyes, everyone quickly uses their eyes to convey their thoughts: what should I do now? What's next?

At this time, Ellen, who was standing on the stage as a party, carried all the focus and attention, and was under a lot of pressure. She paused in fiddling with her mobile phone, and then returned to normal again, her expression unchanged, "Thank you for the reminder. , Master Renly. Actually, I'm thinking about how to make my presentation clearer, now..."

Raising his hand while speaking, Allen raised the phone in his hand and aimed it at the camera, and then all the audience could clearly see the brand of the phone: Samsung.

Allen raised his eyes slightly, looked across the phone screen to the camera lens, and then blinked playfully, "Didn't think of it?"

In an instant, the laughter exploded exponentially!

All the guests applauded and cheered, and some even stood up to applaud Allen; there was even more applause in front of the TV, and there was a flash on Twitter.

The screen was swiped in no time - at an average speed of 3,000 per second, this seems to have become the most successful moment after tonight's awards ceremony, and the cheers made the Oscars ceremony and Samsung mobile phones become tonight's Big winner.

Almost everyone is asking the same question:

"It's a pre-arranged routine, right? Nice coordination between Renly and Aaron, right?"

Before the awards ceremony goes on, various versions of in-depth analysis have already begun to swipe, and one of the most popular analysis tweets received 13,000 likes in just 30 minutes:

"Renly is a gentleman who strictly follows etiquette in all public occasions. How could he openly break the rules on occasions like Oscar? What if Aaron doesn't react? Friend's stage! If this is not a part of the negotiation in advance, then Renly's behavior is really rude!"

But even this seemingly plausible tweet faces a myriad of challenging viewpoints.

"That's because you haven't watched 'one-man-stand-up'?"

"Ellen DeGeneres was a very good 'stand-up' comedian before she became a talk show host, she needed to win all sorts of reactions in the small bars, even a rude alcoholic, how did she Maybe at a loss?"

"I recommend you to watch 'The Ellen Show'. The tacit spark between Renly and Ellen is the essence of the show. There is no advance consultation, no script framework, and relying entirely on on-the-spot reactions, which makes their confrontation difficult Brilliant! So I think Renly did it on purpose. It's true that Renly is not a rude person, but he knows when and how to inspire Alan, and then create a spark! Just this part is successful now, isn't it?"

"Renly is a gentleman, but he is also a talk show guest full of wisdom. If you carefully reflect on the timing and occasion of the words just now, you can know that Renly did it on purpose!"

"Renly's cut-in and Allen's response were all on the spot, okay? Didn't you notice that Allen's hand movements and facial expressions became stiff for a moment after Renly spoke? After reacting, this kind of on-the-spot performance has the best effect! I don't think there is anything rude about Renly, although this is an Oscar, it is also an awards ceremony after all, isn't it?"

The above content is only a very, very small part of Twitter. The reality is that the speed of rapid screen refreshes per minute has made people unable to keep up with the rhythm. Everyone is expressing their own opinions, and everyone is expressing their own opinions— —The frenzy caused by this year’s Oscars on social networks has far exceeded expectations. The official Twitter account of the Academy has become the busiest user, and countless people have followed up on this link just now on the official Aite account:

Is it a trick?

But, there is no answer.

Apparently, no one but Renly and Allen himself could give an answer.

But no matter what, after the twists and turns, the original intention of the academy was unexpectedly broken by Renly's word "advertiser", and it actually achieved its goal.

The discussion heat wave on the social network reached a new high in an instant, and the real-time ratings also began to climb rapidly - it can be clearly noticed that young viewers turned on the TV or adjusted the channel curiously at this time, always boring. The Oscars actually started to get exciting this year?

While the liveliness and boiling on the Internet are going on, the awards ceremony scene has not been delayed because of this.

Allen raised his phone, pointed it at the camera, and said with a big smile, "Actually, this was inspired by Renly. I watched his live broadcast in Park City not long ago, and his performance was very, very good. , So, I thought, why can't I share the Oscar? You know, the opportunity that comes once every seven years, I don't want to miss it, who knows if the next time will have to wait another seven years."

Amidst the laughter of the audience, Alan deliberately made an extremely clumsy gesture, as if he didn't understand how to take a picture, and then shook his head repeatedly, mumbling, "This is not my phone... Understand...God..." The look of broken thoughts made the sponsor's meme fly again.

At this point, you can see Allen's deep foundation. Since it has been broken, then pick up the "broken stalk" and carry it forward in a different form, and carry out the self-defeating style to the end. It can lead to more discussion and pursuit among young groups.

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