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First Universal's "Jurassic Park"; then Disney's "Rogue One."

In just a few weeks, Renly has successively confirmed the performance agreement of two works. After "Interstellar", it has made further progress in commercial films. In the future, we will be able to see more of Lanly in the summer and vacation seasons. With the appearance of Li, the "egot curse" that people were worried about was officially broken.

In fact, Renly has never been troubled by the "Golden Man's Curse" or "egot Curse". Although he reached his peak in terms of awards when he was young and famous, Renly was able to calm down again after he was away from the spotlight of the awards ceremony. Persistently exploring on the path of returning to the actor, last year's "Gravity" and "Drunken Country Ballad" also proved Renly's artistic attainments again, which also made the so-called magic spell meaningless.

Now, the two works of "Rogue One" and "Jurassic Park" have successively achieved new highs in terms of remuneration, proving the disappearance of the "egot curse" in a more direct and simpler way. , In terms of remuneration and box office, he has truly stood at the top of the pyramid, and he deserves to be "the first person in Hollywood".

However, the filming of the two works did not start so soon, and the clues can be seen from the contract signing conditions.

The script of "Rogue One" has been completely overturned and rebuilt. In the next three to six months, writing the script is the primary task. One after another, the casting work and the selection of the director will be launched. You can make your own suggestions and opinions; if necessary, you can first determine the actor, and then create the role according to the actor's image.

The script for "Jurassic Park" has been drafted, but it still needs to be reviewed by Renly, because Steven Spielberg made an opinion at the beginning: I hope the new work will focus on the human role, not the supporting role of the dinosaur, Now that Renly has been chosen as the male lead, Universal Pictures naturally doesn't want the human character to become a chess piece running around under the feet of the dinosaurs.

Next, while Renly is reading the script, making comments, and revising the script, Universal Pictures will focus on assembling the entire shooting team. The main cast, director, photographer and other cast members have not yet been determined, but it is certain that, With Steven Spielberg and Renly Hall on the cards, the work will go well.

But no matter how smooth and fast it is, the official launch of "Jurassic Park" will take some time.

This means that, in the short term, Renly can still enjoy his long vacation.


Andy Rogers knocked on the door, the crack of the door and the window were faintly flowing with the beautiful melody of the cello, no one answered the door, so he simply twisted the door handle - it was unlocked, and he entered without any problem. After entering the room, he saw Renly and Matthew curled up on the sofa.

Renly sat cross-legged in the corner of the left side of the sofa, with several thick books and picture albums scattered on the right side, wearing a dark gray knitted sweater, supporting the armrest of the sofa with his left hand, and casually rubbing his messy hair , holding a glass of red wine in his right hand, with an expression of comfort and enjoyment on his face.

Matthew was sitting on the sofa diagonally opposite, with his right leg overlapping the knee of his left leg. There was a hint of casualness in his elegance. His body remained upright, but leaned slightly against the back of the chair, and the lines of his shoulders and arms were relaxed. When he got down, there were books and picture albums stacked on his knees and in front of the coffee table, and a glass of red wine next to him. At this time, he was flipping through a thick picture album on his lap, and he could faintly see the fingers of his right hand tapping in accordance with the melody.

Andy doesn't know anything about classical music, and doesn't know whose movement is playing at this time, but the elegance and idleness in the afternoon sunshine breeds a comfortable laziness, which makes people want to wander. , that kind of "stealing for half a day's leisure" is really enviable.

Recently, Andy has been running at full speed, working overtime and working overtime. While negotiating with the two giants, he also needs to further complete the follow-up layout and cooperate with the grand plan of Sisyphus Films-now in the early stage. At this stage, you must be cautious and cautious, careful and careful, serious and serious, and no mistakes are allowed. This is the case in the early stage of entrepreneurship. This is definitely not an easy task.

Every night, even sleeping is not very stable, the nightmares one after another, the dream fragments between the light and the shadows are intermittently exhausting, and occasionally I wake up in the middle of the night and sweat profusely, but I can't tell the reason for the specific description. It's not fear or panic, but it's better than nervousness, because the nerves are so tense that the whole person is a little weak, but after the sun rises, it must be refreshed again.

It is undeniable that anticipation and excitement are the driving force that supports him to keep running, like a blood of chicken, but now he can only rely on this blood to persevere. Once the blood disappears, he does not know the end. What Happens: Is this the case with all startups? Or is it just Sisyphus Pictures?

At this moment, looking at Renly, who was so contented in front of him, Andy felt helpless to cry or laugh, but invisibly, his tense nerves slowly relaxed.

"No, I don't think the lighting or anything matters. Honestly, the lighting in your house in Notting Hill wasn't anything special, was it?"

"This is California, not London. Naturally the lighting is different."

"Ha. Ha. You just said that rosewood and red maple are also different. I know I know that Elizabeth is always very careful about these details, but...I can't see the difference."

"You can't see

Milky white and off-white, jazz white and ash white, powder white and pure white and so on. "

" know how you feel when I mention how surfing is supposed to wait and watch? Yes, that's how I feel right now."

"This young master, did you buy the real estate, or did I buy the real estate?"

"Well, what's the difference?"

Renly and Matthew just sat quietly in their seats, you were fighting each other with each other, apparently calm on the surface, and neither of them had any special changes in their expressions; The sword, light and sword shadow made people couldn't help but stand on tiptoe and slow down.

If it was a stranger, he would probably be scared to death at this time; but it was Andy, and he couldn't get used to it. This is the daily life of Renly and Matthew, nothing special.

"Hey, big star, your door is open like this, are you sure the paparazzi won't break in?" The inner emotions remained below the surface, and Andy showed his signature smile again, and moved towards the other one. The direction of the sofa walked over, and then teased it in a playful way.

Renly and Matthew looked up at the same time, Matthew nodded and Renly smiled, "If they dare to break in directly."

The apartment where Renly lives now, the door is facing the street, just standing on the street, you can clearly see every move in the room, there is no privacy at all; and Renly is habitually not locking the door— —

Los Angeles is still different from New York, New York is a hive-style apartment, and Los Angeles is a single-family house with a backyard, which also means that in Los Angeles, even if the door is locked, people can still enter the house from the backyard, which can prevent law-abiding Citizens, but cannot stop the pervasive paparazzi.

However, Renly's year-round residence is still New York. As for Los Angeles, if it is not for filming work, he will live here for less than a month throughout the year. Therefore, Renly never changed the apartment, and the paparazzi never broke into the door, and the two sides were at peace.

But now things have changed slightly. On the one hand, for the future operation of Sisyphus Films, Renly's time to travel to Los Angeles will gradually increase; on the other hand, more and more attention is now focused on Renly, who lives in ordinary residential areas The troubles will gradually increase-

Not long ago, while Renly was traveling to Berlin, the apartment was hit by a thief.

In fact, it is not very accurate to say that it is a thief, because no valuables were lost, and the house was searched by rummaging through boxes and cabinets. In the end, some personal daily necessities and personal belongings were lost. But whether the target of the crime is a crazy movie fan or a paparazzi, there is no way to know.

Interestingly, the script mountain placed in the dining room was slightly flipped, but the script items were not reduced - at least from a rough calculation, and the neatness of the entire script mountain and the mess in the room formed. In stark contrast, this also makes people more confused about the identity of the intruder:

Paparazzi? Still a fan? Or just a complete stranger?

In any case, the break-in incident is still a serious problem that needs to be addressed. Luckily, Rooney was not in the apartment when she went to San Diego for her second audition, avoiding a head-to-head confrontation with the intruder; and the intruder seemed to have always been careful and didn't alarm the neighbors, so, in addition to Except for the loss of some small items, no other accident happened.

Things like this will only increase, not decrease, in the future, and regardless of whether there is a threat to personal safety, Renly's daily life is bound to be disrupted.

So, after returning from Berlin, Renly officially began to prepare for the purchase of real estate.

All along, Renly has never had this awareness, mainly because of living in New York—

It is a melting pot where all races and cultures all over the world are mixed together. Even an actor can sit in a bar and play an instrument like Woody Allen, or he can perform at night like a Broadway actor and live during the day. They ride their skateboards through the streets like rituals, and they still have their own private space in their lives, just like other people living in the city, no one will make a fuss.

Now that thinking has to change slightly.

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