The Great Conqueror

Chapter 517 Big Face (Second)

When Dolan City was attacked for the first time, he contributed money and energy, which was considered a good relationship. When Arthur came for the second time, he stood by Arthur's side. If he saw the situation clearly, then when the red-clothed high priest led the army to come for the third time, the other person basically fell to Hartilo. In the end, he actually stood up at the critical moment, and only then did he have the brighter side.

It's not that Bran didn't have conflicts before, but he suddenly thought about it, because if he sold it again, he would really be worthless. He made the only impulsive decision in his life, and this decision saved his life, as well as the entire Bran family.

There is no doubt that the rise of the Bran family is inevitable, Arthur needs local manpower, and now Dolan City, under the glory of the Pope, will inevitably become a large city in the province of Divine Grace.

The Pope has personally paid attention to it. If the construction is not good, then it is not paying attention to the Holy See, and it seems that the Sablanca shaman is too incompetent. No matter what the reason is, Dolan City must be improved.

Recently, Bran has become more serious and low-key in his work. After escaping the catastrophe, he is more determined to follow Arthur's footsteps. He is so ruthless. His hands and eyes are open to the sky, and there is no news beforehand. A red-clothed priest has just ascended to heaven. It is not clear why. This method is both sophisticated and ruthless. Of course, Bran thinks that Zou Liang is involved.

For Arthur, Bran already had a strong awe.

However, Bran also really realized the dignity. The surrounding city lords, consuls, etc., who met him before and only knew to stretch out their hands to gain benefits, all started to call him brothers and sisters. How exciting is life's ups and downs.

An inconspicuous little god sacrifice was extremely lively because of the appearance of the pope and other big figures. If the same thing happened in the imperial capital, even if there were more people involved, it would not have this effect, but leaving the imperial capital, the effect would expand.

And Zou Liang is obviously better at seizing opportunities. Duolan City is crowded with people, and all the inns and houses are overcrowded. As long as you have a place in Duolan City, you can make money.

When many business groups gather together, it is obvious that many cooperation projects can be reached, not to mention that there are some underground projects hidden in Duolan City, and many people come here to discuss such projects.

Countless business groups are scrambling to sign various agreements with the city hall. Of course, the purpose is different. Some are simply here to send money, as long as they can spend the money, they are worried if they can't spend it.

However, real businessmen are also considering the commercial value of Dolan City. In their view, Dolan City itself has little meaning. The important thing is whether it can be used as a "special case" in the future.

But at present, various transactions are still going on underground, and there is no clear opening. After all, it is greatly discounted, and Duolan City itself is probably a little bit worse, and the living environment is also average.

Bran is already very satisfied, but his instructions to the city lord are a bit strange. Some plots are directly circled out, not allowed to be rented out, let alone sold, and almost all of them are near the strange big circle.

Although Bran didn't understand, he didn't dare to ask. He also wondered in his heart whether he could make money without making money. Once the Pope left, although he couldn't say that people would leave the tea, he might not know when there would be such a grand occasion.

Although he didn't understand, Bran still carried out Arthur's order very decisively.

Almost everything is ready for the little miracle, and it is impossible for the Pope to stay here for a long time. Zou Shengun also has a relatively cool thing, that is, the commander Nebello does this and that, of course, in the name of the Pope. The Pope said that since he is here, he must help.

For love rivals and opponents, Zou Liang is not polite. This is the only way to pass the village. There is no such shop. Nebeiro and the order knights led by him can be very angry. Even in the imperial capital, they are high-ranking.

But Zou Liang also had to be convinced, the Owned Knight's mentality is not generally good, he always smiles, even if it is a trivial matter, he can do it as if it is related to Meng Jia's safety, and does not give Zou Liang the slightest chance.

Of course, Zou Liang didn't have the time to fight against Nebeiro, and the sacrifice of the little god was very important.

The night before the Little God Festival started, Zou Liang called together all his core cadres, and Avril also rushed back in the early morning, tired but excited.

"Fifth sister, thank you for your hard work this time. The number of business groups that came to Duolan this time has increased five times than expected, and they have generated countless income."

"It's okay, it should be." Avril Lavigne smiled slightly.

"Fifth Sister, don't be polite to Big Brother, ask for credit when it's time to ask for credit, you don't know, my Qiufeng Town is overcrowded, it's so cool, there are people who want to get a foot in every nook and cranny."

Classmate Randy is still very frightened. A while ago, the coolness of Autumn Town really gave Randy a headache for a while. It was really like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves. Fundamentally speaking, Autumn Town is worse than Maple Town. Randy was like a pimp just to get a business, but this time he finally turned over and became the master.

Avril smiled, and Kurt on the side couldn't bear it anymore, "Fifth sister, the little god sacrifice is over, let big brother treat you to a good meal!"

"Okay, okay, it seems that I am so vicious as a big brother, after the little god sacrifice is over, I will accompany you in whatever you want!"

Zou Liang said, it was obvious that Avril Lavigne had lost weight, and so many things happened were enough for her to work hard.

Avril nodded with a smile.

"Second brother, third brother, I let you keep the place you kept?"

"I saved it, but it's too uncomfortable. Why don't you want the shiny gold coins?"

Randy is about to get into the eyes of money, and he is afraid of poverty. Only when he became a town guard did he realize that every part of the town building needs money. In the past, Qiufeng Town gave people money and no one came to develop it.

Zou Liang smiled, "You will know after tomorrow."

Everyone discussed some details and celebrations of the Little God Festival. Avril Lavigne has already invited some performance groups. Dolan City is the main venue, Feng Town and Qiufeng Town are branch venues, and the problem of Xuelang Town has been solved. The wolf clan can also go to these three places to participate in the celebration.

At this time Joyner came to Zou Liang and said something in Zou Liang's ear, Zou Shengun paused, "Basically, it's like this, you guys discuss it, I have something to deal with."

He waved to Auricia, who was very obedient and didn't talk nonsense during the meeting, because the people here, except Kurt and Randy, accepted her very much, and the others were a bit abrupt about her arrival. It took a little time to accept, after all, there was indeed a big gap between the high-ranking Princess Gabriel and them.

"What's wrong?"

"Your mother is here." Zou Liang smiled wryly.

What should come is still coming.

Of course Bixiu would not live with him, it was arranged by Nebello, as to what relationship this has with the Sun Knight, it is unknown.

Hiding is impossible, so Zou Shengun decided to take the initiative to attack.

In Duolan City, it was the first time Zou Shengun waited for someone like this, but he endured it for Auricia. Auricia held Zou Liang's hand, feeling very sorry in her heart.

After waiting for a long time, a butler came out and said that Master Bixiu is tired and will not see any guests today.

Zou Shengun forcibly suppressed the urge to scold her mother in his throat. If you don't see her, tell me sooner, grandma, Bill.

If you don't see it, you will disappear. She dragged Aurizia to leave early, but the housekeeper blocked her way, "Miss, Madam asked you to stay."

Zou Liang stared, "Go away, don't mess with me!"

After saying that, he took Auricia's hand and left. He didn't care about Bixiu, not to mention such pretentious things, if he was not afraid that Auricia would be difficult to do, he set the fire here, which is exactly what he would do if he didn't know how to be a dude.

Anyway, the Pope is here, and if something happens, let him wipe his ass.

What's more, Zou Shengun will send His Majesty the Pope a big gift tomorrow.

Auricia obediently followed Zou Liang. She didn't have the courage to resist her mother's authority before, but after going through so many things, she also knew that she had to work hard for happiness.

Some people are doomed to sleepless nights.

At daybreak, the celebration of the Little God Festival began. All the streets in Duolan City, Feng Town, and Qiufeng Town were full of various vendors, and there were also singing and dancing of various ethnic groups. This kind of excitement has not been seen in Duolan City for a hundred years, even in the province of God's Grace.

Great figures from all over the place also gathered together and chatted with each other. The feelings are exchanged, which is a rare opportunity.

There are hundreds of consuls, high priests, and nobles. Of course, they are all here for the Pope. It is an honor to be able to see it in person. Those who can enter the main venue are of high status. Those who come late and have not enough connections can only choose the branch venues in Fengzhen and Qiufeng Town.

At noon, the Pope appeared on stage, followed by Odona, Subaru, Sablanca and others. The Pope also held a brief opening ceremony of the Lesser God Sacrifice.

After all, the Pope decided to give him a hand because he had already come, and he was constantly lobbying. Although he knew what the kid was thinking, Benedict XV was not good at opening his mouth.

This is fun with the people. In the crowd, there are ranks of apostles everywhere, as well as people from the Knights of Order. The safety of the pope comes first. Assassination is always impossible to guard against. What's more, it is located at the border. The arrival of the pope may have spread rumors in the surrounding empires, and there must be spies mixed in.

Benedict XV has given Zou Liangtian great face

All kinds of activities gradually subsided, and everyone bowed their heads devoutly. This was a sign of respect for the Pope. After all, the thousand-year-old prestige of the Holy See was still deeply rooted.

In fact, the smaller the place, the greater the impact, but it was not so obvious in the imperial capital due to the strife and struggle at the council of elders.

Some pious believers trembled with excitement, probably feeling that it is a kind of happiness to breathe under the same sky as the Pope, and maybe they can enter heaven after death.

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