In the mansion of the Grand Duke of Xuanhao Principality located in the Divine Grace District of Momburg, a grand ball is going on.

The Grace District is the most prosperous district in Momburg, where the vast majority of nobles and servants of the gods live.

The dance area as a banquet is divided into two parts,

One is the dance hall, which is located on the ground floor and is paved with ornate stone slabs full of exquisite patterns.

In the corner, there is an excellent band belonging to the Duke playing hard, the songs never stop, and the passion is unrestrained.

Countless handsome men and beauties embraced each other and danced, with smiles on their faces, and bursts of applause from time to time.

Going up the stairs in the hall is the corridor on the second floor. The guests hold wine glasses and stand in front of the railing, looking down at the dance below.

Gentlemen kept coming up to the ladies to invite them to dance together, and then walked down the stairs in twos and onto the dance floor.

After the cloister there are door after door, and those rooms can be used as guest lounges.

A large number of exquisite patterns are carved on the door, and a blood-red eye is particularly conspicuous.

That is the coat of arms of the grand duke family of Xuanhao Principality, and it is said that it is also the source of their blood.

All the way to the end, you can see another part of the dance.

There are long tables and a banquet hall filled with all kinds of food and wine.

Another band plays melodious and relaxing music for the guests here.

The style is completely different, slow and elegant.

All are all kinds of world famous songs, which make people feel calm.

The guests gathered together in groups of three or four, holding wine glasses to exchange various things, covering their mouths and exclaiming in surprise.

These guests are all prominent figures in the principality, each with amazing energy, and many with sin.

But here, they are all polite and gentle gentlemen.

Many people simply went to the balcony to look down at the scenery in the large garden of the Duke's Mansion downstairs and the bright moonlight representing the goddess Sarina.

After the banquet started, Monica Brown came to this balcony.

Here she stared at the garden full of flowers blooming wonderfully under the night in a daze.

There were also quite a few people who came over and invited her to dance on the other side of the dance floor, or wanted to talk to her.

But she shrugged it off because she was unwell.

She really couldn't get into the topic of these people. At the center of their topic, the legendary leader of the blood red rose knight team, flying knight Earl Gu Chuan, was her cousin.

She used to be her fiancé...

Monica Brown's heart was empty, as if something was missing.

I've never felt like this before, as if my soul was taken away, it's really sad.

Always wanting to grab something but seeming to have nothing, Monica Brown felt as if she was about to suffocate.

Recalling her previous encounter with Earl Gu Chuan, she felt so depressed that she wanted to cry.

He looked down at his toes with a pained expression on his face.

It turns out that she has always been the ridiculous clown.

It was only immediately that she completely changed her expression, became calm and elegant, and straightened her back.

Reverted back to the charming Miss Monica.

She heard footsteps, and someone else was coming.

"Hello, Miss Sana, my princess, you are the brightest and most dazzling gem at this ball."

Monica framed an impeccable smile and said hello with a flawless smile and manners.

It was a young woman who came,

Tall figure and stunning beauty, a princess dress studded with jewels, and a small crown.

Miss Sana, the young and only daughter of the Grand Duke of Xuanhao Principality, and the future Duchess.

It is also today's birthday star, and today's dance is held for Miss Sana.

She is eighteen, and today is her coming of age ceremony.

"Monica, you can really talk! I've been looking for you, but I didn't expect you to be hiding here!"

Miss Sana raised her beautiful face slightly, with a haughty smile on her lips.

As the beloved daughter of the Grand Duke, she has always been very confident in her appearance.

Although Monica is also a beauty, she is much worse than her.

She remembered the rumor she just heard today, and hurriedly asked for confirmation.

"Monica, I just heard that you and that flying knight Earl Gu Chuan are cousins, is it true?"


Finally squeezed out the word yes.

Monica's mouth was full of bitterness.

She is not only Gu Chuan's cousin, but also his fiancee.

Although only in the past...

"That's really great! Can you take me to meet this Earl Gu Chuan?

I had sent him an invitation before, but he didn't come to the dinner.

Can you meet this Earl Gu Chuan for me? Sorry for your trouble, Monica! "

Sana's face was full of anticipation.

For a young hero, a girl of her age is the least able to resist.

Ever since Earl Gu Chuan became famous a month ago, she has been Earl Gu Chuan's little fan girl.

It's a pity that Earl Gu Chuan has been running around.

It wasn't until recently that he settled down and returned to this city.

This dance was nominally her coming-of-age ceremony, but in fact it was held to invite Earl Gu Chuan to meet.

She knew that her father, the Grand Duke, was considering marrying her to Earl Gu Chuan.

Even if it's just for this point, she still wants to meet Earl Gu Chuan first.

For her idea, the Grand Duke is happy to see it come true.

But unexpectedly, the ball was successfully held, but Earl Gu Chuan, who was the most important guest, did not come.

His butler told the servant who delivered the post that Earl Gu Chuan was retreating to a higher level.

Originally, Sana was completely disappointed, but now she heard such a rumor.

Earl Gu Chuan and her best friend Monica are actually cousins.

"Can you, Monica?"

Monica's lips were dry and trembling.

She is not only Gu Chuan's cousin, but also her fiancee!

You asked her to help introduce Gu Chuan?

Is it too much?

It's just that she still uttered a good word with a trembling voice.

The Grand Duke is the master of Xuanhao Principality.

No one can violate his will.

If she rejects Sana's request now, the consequences will be disastrous.


Seeing Sana leaving with joy on her face, Monica was filled with pain.

She finally couldn't hold it anymore, sat down, leaned forward, and pressed her hands to her forehead in pain.

Now she is too weak!

A longing for power filled her heart.

She had never hated her own weakness as much as now.

"If...if I can be as strong as Gu Chuan, I should be able to control my own destiny, right?"

Monica didn't realize that the necklace she had been wearing around her neck suddenly released a strange light.

A strong signal was sent towards a certain existence in the abyss hell.

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