The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 2239: Who is Qin Yi?

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Obviously, Qiju Tiannian's words are correct, as long as Qin Yi's crazy killing and accumulation of killing intentions can promote the Kyushu magic sword to become stronger, and eventually return to the peak state in Xiangu years.

Qin Yili was there. From the beginning to the end, there was a wave of magical energy. He was indifferent to the dozens of dead bodies on the ground.

Now his body is completely controlled by the killing thoughts of the Desolate Heavenly Demon. His original will has been suppressed by death. He no longer has the slightest sense of reason, even the Yan Mei Niang who is accompanied by the morning and evening. There is only killing thoughts in my heart, and I want to reveal to the crazy killing, accumulate killing thoughts, and sacrifice the kyushu magic sword.

The complete sacrifice of the Kyushu magic knife may be the real meaning of life of the three ancient demon, the ancient king of Kyushu, and the Hongmeng Qinyi.

Do n’t forget, they are the soul of the sword of Kyushu.

Looking at the sky above his head, the killing intent was obviously stronger than before, and Qin Yi's face was full of fanaticism.


As his thoughts moved, the dark magic knife phantom suddenly rushed down from the sky and suddenly fell into Qin Yi's body.

Then, Qin Yi slowly turned her face, the pair of missing eyes, the whole dark magic pupil, looked at Yan Mei Niang: "Who are you?"

His pair of eternal magic pupils still radiated a stream of devil qi, directly connected with the monstrous devil qi in the sky, looking strange and terrifying, as long as he glanced at it, it seemed that the soul was sucked up.

His voice was indifferent to the extreme, with no emotion at all, and Yan Mei Niang was almost desperate.

Yan Meiniang's delicate body shook, staring at the young man who was with him, his heart had already broken into pieces. Now, he was still standing in front of his eyes, close, but between himself and him, but It seems that there is a gap in the sky.

The farthest distance in this world is not that I stand in front of you, but you do not know that I love you, but that I stand in front of you, but you cannot see my heartbreak.

"I am Yan Meiniang ..."

In an instant, two lines of tears fell silently from the crystal jade cheeks.


Seeing Yan Mei-niang suddenly weeping, Qin Yi was confused and whispered softly: "Why are you crying?"

"Because my heart hurts ..."

Yan Meiniang touched her heart subconsciously.

"Heart hurts?"

Qin Yi's face clearly flicked a bit of confusion: "Why does my heart hurt so much? Was it hurt just now?"

Looking at Qin Yi who had forgotten everything, Yan Mei Niang was almost sorrowful. She let tears flow on her jaws and shook her head blankly: "No, I just lost something, the most precious thing. thing……"

"Lost one of the most precious things? This is indeed a sad thing."

Qin Yi shook his head, a sympathy appeared on his face miraculously, and then said again: "Then you go find it, what do you want to stay here? I'm an eternal devil, my means of murder, you just saw Come here, you are not afraid that I will kill you with the same cruel means? "

"Not afraid."

Yan Mei-niang shook her head, her beautiful corners of her mouth raised slightly, and outlined a light smile, but her jade cheeks still shed tears silently, staring at Qin Yi without blinking.

"You, aren't you afraid of an ancient devil?"

Qin Yi was slightly startled: "It's incredible."

"But, instead of looking for the most precious thing you lost, I'm leaving."

Qin Yi no longer delayed, turned and left, indifferently desperate voice, drifted over: "I will not kill you, because you make me feel a bit of heartache."

Hearing the words, Yan Meiniang in the back was suddenly struck by lightning, her body fluttered violently, stunned, and muttered: "I made him feel a bit of heartache, so he didn't completely forget me. "

"Hehehe ..."

Yan Mei-niang gave out a string of happy laughter like a silver bell, which was like a child, so excited to dance there: "Great, he didn't forget me completely, ha ha ha ..."

"It's a crazy woman."

Hearing the movements behind him, Qin Yi paused in his footsteps, turned around, and saw Yan Meiniang dancing there excitedly, with a smile on her face, but she still hung two lines of tears, slightly Shaking his head helplessly.

After that, he no longer made the slightest delay, and strode the meteor away, screaming a magical energy on his body.

"Qin Yi!"

Yan Mei Niang stopped to dance, shouting at Qin Yi's back.

"Qin Yi?"

Qin Yi's figure suddenly stood there again, staring blankly, without a look on his face, a look of confusion emerged: "Who is Qin Yi? This name is so familiar ..."

He stood there motionless, as if he had caught a thread, but he was still unclear. This feeling made him feel crazy.


Qin Yi suddenly had a magical hair, and he was completely mad. He shouted in the sky: "Who is Qin Yi? Qin Yi, who are you? Get me out!"

Suddenly and completely mad, he rushed into the sky and stormed forward, and suddenly disappeared into the sky, leaving only the monstrous magical energy.

"Who is Qin Yi?"

A huge magic roar came from Skyrim.

"Qin Yi ..."

Yan Mei Niang looked up, staring blankly at the sky, the demon qi constantly rolling, lost her soul, her mouth murmured, her heart sinking endlessly.

Suddenly she recovered and screamed, "Qin Yi, wait for me!"

She turned the profound energy in her body crazy, and the whole person turned into a slender white shadow, soaring into the sky, following the footsteps of Qin Yi, looting away.

It was just that she had just started, and suddenly thought of something, her body stopped, and then her palms turned, and the beast soul map was taken out and displayed.

Poof! Poof! Poof! ...

Seven Lingwu, rushed out from the picture of the beast soul, hovering above Yan Mei Niang's head, circling continuously.

"Lock Qin Yi's whereabouts!"

Yan Mei Niang Jiao shouted.


Under the instruction of Yan Meiniang, the seven Lingwu rushed to the sky at the same time, and the body burned with the sound of "Teng" into seven giant firebirds.


The seven firebirds flicked that wide flying wing, leaving six shadows of fire in the air, looting away in the direction of Qin Yi disappearing, and suddenly disappeared in the sky.


Yan Meiniang then bulged the pink cheeks on both sides and let out a long breath. There are now seven Lingwu tracking Qin Yi, even if Qin Yi has the ability to fly, it is impossible to lose it.

She has lost Qin Yi's heart, and does not want to lose Qin Yi's person. Even if he has become a bloodthirsty, he only has the evil devil in his heart, Yan Mei Niang also decided to follow him to At the end of the world, even if one day Qin Yi's demon will reach her and crush her head into pieces, she will never regret it!

Lifting the slender hand and wiping off the two lines of tears on the jade cheeks, the pair of beautiful and suffocating eyes radiated two firm eyes.

Then she turned into a slim white shadow and rushed towards the sky.

She knew very well that although Ling Yu'er was not around them during this time, she had already gone out to inquire about the news of Yongye Shengdi, but Qin Yi couldn't lose her.

She is a jade spirit beast of Qin Yi, has an incredible center for Qin Yi, and there is a strong telepathy between the two people. No matter where Qin Yi goes, Ling Yu'er can perceive it, and then easily find him .


This is an ancient city, with houses built from stone, giving a feeling of simplicity and solidity.

The street is quite spacious. There are various shops on both sides of the street. The streets are bustling with people, and there is a steady stream of shouts. The whole city is in a peaceful state.


"Gosh, look at it, what is that?"

On the street, a cry of exclamation suddenly sounded.

Hearing this exclamation, all the people on the street could not help but stand, looking towards the sky, suddenly stunned, opened his mouth in amazement, his chin shattered.

I saw that in the sky, the dark magic qi continuously rolled up and floated towards here, extremely fast.

"This is demon qi, eternal devil qi!"

"Gosh, is this an immortal demon head coming?"

"I think of it. Recently, there are rumors. In this great world of Xuanhuang, there is a seal of the endless years of the ancient devil. The seal was broken and rushed to the outside world. It turns out that the rumor is true!"

"God, why do you choose our Tianshui town to start this devil?"


The whole street exclaimed.

People were completely frightened, running on the street, crying, the whole ancient city was completely chaotic, and the residents of the city were facing enemy.

The rolling magic cloud came very fast, and in the blink of an eye, it floated from the sky to the ancient city.

"Who is Qin Yi?"

A vast magical voice full of confusion, from the rolling magic cloud, tumbling down.

In the ancient city, I heard this huge magic sound, and many people who were originally running in a panic couldn't help but stop and look up.

"What is he saying?"

The sound of the magic sound that was tumbling down in the magic cloud was huge and heavy, and many people did not hear it clearly.

Above the sky, the surging magic clouds slowly gathered together, and quickly formed a huge demon head, standing tall in the sky, overlooking the ancient city residents below, and the vast magic sound was again from The high sky came down: "Who is Qin Yi?"


Looking at the huge demon above the sky, many people exclaimed, fell to the ground, their legs trembled, their faces pale to the extreme, and even the soul was scared.

This is the eternal devil, so terrible!

Residents of the ancient city are desperate to the extreme.

Above the sky, the huge vanguard demon still floats there motionless, a vanculant pupil that is several times larger than the basket, overlooking the residents of the ancient city: "Qin Yi, who is ... … "

The vast magic sound is full of confusion.


Suddenly, a loud noise came from a distance.

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