No one knows what Cheng Chumo and Qin Huaiyu said that night.

All I know is that they spoke very late.

It wasn't until heavy snow started falling outside the house and the branches of the big trees were crushed that the candles in the house were extinguished.

The next day, Qin Huaiyu walked out of his room expressionlessly as if nothing had happened.

"Good morning!" Cheng Chumo greeted Qin Huaiyu with a smile.

"The sun is shining on your butt, it's still early." Qin Huaiyu said with a smile, and turned around to inspect the tower.

"Wait for me." Cheng Chumo shouted from behind.

The two of them walked side by side, talking about their next plans as they walked, but a new city general hurried over from the front.

In the snowy place, I fell heavily, and then got up quickly, not even caring about the snow on my body.

"General Cheng, something big has happened!" The running general looked panicked, but he kept covering his leg that had just fallen.

But there was no pain on his face, but deep fear.

Apparently something serious was going on that worried him more than his legs.

"Say." Cheng Chumo clenched his fists and secretly held his breath.

Qin Huaiyu on the side had no smile at all. He had already guessed what news the general in front of him would bring.

"General Cheng, last night, the brothers of the Third Infantry Battalion of the Forward Battalion, led by their captain, came out of the city and surrendered!"

"No one is left in the Third Infantry Battalion of the Forward Battalion."

"Collective defection!" Xincheng generals said the news in fear.

When Cheng Chumo heard that the entire third infantry battalion of the Forward Battalion had defected, his already clenched fingers suddenly tightened.

"Okay, I understand. You go back and stabilize the others first. I'll be right over." Cheng Chumo said expressionlessly.

"General Cheng, what should we do now?" General Xincheng was obviously frightened and did not hear what Cheng Chumo just said to him.

"You go back first." Cheng Chumo said loudly, "I have my own way."

"Oh, okay, okay."

"General Cheng, hurry up." General Xincheng finally reacted, but still said one more thing before turning and leaving.

"Ouch -" Cheng Chumo didn't let go of his little finger until the Xincheng general left.

Just now, because he learned that an entire battalion of soldiers had defected, he couldn't hold back and pinched off his little finger.

This time it hurt so much that he broke into cold sweat.

Qin Huaiyu stepped forward to take Cheng Chumo back, and Cheng Chumo slowly calmed down.

But what was before them now was something even more uncomfortable than breaking their little finger.

Soldiers have begun to defect, including the entire Third Infantry Battalion of the Forward Battalion.

An infantry battalion consists of five hundred men.

Five hundred people defected in one night, and it was the school captain who took the lead.

If this continues, within three days, all the defenders of the new city will be gone.

"Yesterday's events made the Xincheng soldiers feel hopeless and it is understandable to escape." Qin Huaiyu sighed, with a trace of uneasiness on his face.

I wonder if I had won yesterday, something like this wouldn't have happened.

"What did you say!"

"They themselves have no backbone and are greedy for life and afraid of death. How can they blame the generals who work hard in battle?"

"If they have the ability, they can shoot the camel themselves!" Cheng Chumo cursed, but he was actually trying to comfort Qin Huaiyu.

But after last night's conversation, Qin Huaiyu no longer knows how to get into trouble.

Instead, he smiled and said: "Hurry up and take a look, I don't know what the mess is like!"

"What can we do? Some people have surrendered!"

"It's shameless. It's an insult to our ancestors. When did such a waste appear in our Silla? Surrender, something even a dog can't do."

"What can we do if we don't surrender? Who can beat that camel shot? Our strength is no match for the Goguryeo army. What can we do?"

"what to do?"

"You have no choice but to surrender?" ??

"Loyalty to the Emperor and Patriotism, have you forgotten these four words?"

"We haven't forgotten, but we know it's death, why do we still want to die?"

"It's not like you haven't seen it. If Tuo She hadn't let him go yesterday, Qin Huaiyu would have been dead."

"Even Qin Huaiyu is no match for Tuo She. Can you bear hearing them insult you like this every day?"

"It's better to surrender. You will lose sooner or later anyway."

"Mad, you bastard, if you know how to surrender, I will kill you."

"You try to kill me, you old thing, I'm afraid of you!"

On the city tower, a group of new city generals, big and small, were noisy and blushing.

Some people even took action.

When Cheng Chumo and Qin Huaiyu arrived, the two generals, an old man and a young man, were fighting together.

"Let go!" Cheng Chumo shouted coldly with a sullen face.

The young general who had gained the advantage was stunned for a moment, and reluctantly let go of the old general who was pinned to the ground by him.

"General Cheng, tell me, what should we do next?"

"Some people have surrendered now. If this continues, everyone can just wait to die." The young general looked dissatisfied and looked at Cheng Chumo.

"What do you think?" Cheng Chumo said calmly.

"What do I think?" The young general was stunned for a moment, and then said: "I feel that we are not opponents at all now, why don't we just

Forget about surrendering. "

When the word surrender was said, many people's expressions changed.

Some people showed approval, and some people showed disgust.

"As many people as you want to surrender, you can come forward." Cheng Chumo looked at the crowd.

Everyone looked at each other, but no one stood up.

They were also afraid of what Cheng Chumo would do to them.

"It's okay. If you have any ideas, just mention them. I won't hold anyone responsible." Cheng Chumo continued.

Hearing Cheng Chumo's statement, everyone looked at me and then at you, and then someone came out.

"General Cheng, the current situation is very unfavorable to us. In other words, if we continue like this, we will only die. I think we should surrender."

"General Cheng, I still have orphans and widows at home. I can't just die inexplicably, so we'd better surrender."

"General Cheng..."

Soon, almost half of the people wanted to take the road of surrender.

For the other half, some were hesitant and some were angry.

"Is there any more?" Cheng Chumo asked again.

Everyone frowned, but they were not worried. It was impossible for Cheng Chumo to deal with all of them.

After a few breaths, three more people stood up.

Cheng Chumo glanced at the generals who were about to surrender before him, nodded and said, "I can understand your thoughts. If you want to surrender, I won't stop you."

"You can even go back and ask your soldiers if they are willing to surrender with you..."

"General Cheng!"

"What are you going to do!" the old general who had been beaten before shouted anxiously.

Cheng Chumo ignored him and continued: "You can surrender, but weapons and supplies are not allowed to be taken away. Only people can leave the new city."

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