The Game Touches Reality

Chapter 382: Deep sea counterattack

Gumu Reef, a spectacular natural scene near Lanfrac City. A reef the size of a small town. Because of the special texture, only dependent shellfish and seagrass can exist on the reef.

Today, this reef has become an important resource storage point for Lanfrak City to attack the deep sea. Natural groove shape, just need to build camp tents, you can build a perfect food storage point.

Moreover, there are a large number of hidden reefs around the reefs, even if the sea beasts want to attack, they cannot approach the reef silently.

Two squadron-level troops and one hundred and five hundred players stayed around. A full two thousand people guard this important resource supply point.

Of course, there are reasons for such a large investment in personnel. Now, most of the battle between Lanfrak City and the deep sea is carried out on the island. Relying on the short-range teleportation of the magic array, avoiding the dangerous sea area, directly reach the land. The price of this is that most of the cargo warehouses of ships are loaded with mana stones.

Correspondingly, food reserves are not so abundant. There must be a near-point resource supplement point to ensure that food can be delivered to the front line in time.

There are also seven resource supply points like Gumu Reef. But none of them can compare to the area of ​​Gumu Reef. At the same time, Gumu Reef is also the closest to the frontline.

If there is a problem with the Gumu Reef, nearly one-third of the current front will collapse due to lack of food. Then it will spread to other locations like dominoes.

In any case, fighting the sea beasts on the sea is still too reluctant after all. In order to ensure the outcome of the battle, Lanfrak's side has already begun to prepare to withdraw. Occupying the ocean does not bring them substantial benefits, and will be remembered by sea beasts. The so-called revenge was an excuse from the beginning. The real purpose is to take advantage of the severe injury of the Sea Beast God to plunder the sea resources and weaken the power of the deep sea. You know, the white wall has not been completely repaired yet.

There are a total of 20 teams patrolling the edge of the Gumu Reef, each consisting of three teams. To ensure professional balance, you can deal with various emergencies, and the most important thing is to be able to send out an alarm in the event of an attack.

Of course, he refused to be all NPCs. Of the twenty teams, only five are NPC teams, and the others are players. The main force of the NPC is at sea and is the main defensive force.

A team of patrolling players has reached the edge of the reef. According to the process, the next step is to patrol around the solid curtain reef along the edge of the reef to ensure that there are no enemies. Then you can go back to the camp and change shifts.

A priest who looked like a middle school student leaned on his staff and looked at the sea in front of him and complained: "It's so annoying. I walk around every day. There are no monsters and no special tasks. How can there be enemies here so far behind? Those NPCs are playing us."

The Sword Demon as the captain said solemnly: "Don't relax, our mission is very important. This resource point determines the direction of the war. If something goes wrong, the points we have accumulated in front of us will definitely be greatly devalued. Let's talk about it. Now, you can get rewards by walking two laps honestly. Why do you want to go to the front line to fight at the risk of losing your grade? No brains."

The young man complained: "Uncle Gum, don't show off your analysis. I can hear it. I don't know it's easier, but don't you find it strange. In the past, although there were not many monsters. , But there is always, it is normal to encounter three or four sea monsters a day. But now. How long have we not encountered a monster. If it weren't for activities, I guess I would have forgotten how to fight."

Captain Gemm laughed and scolded: "Look at you like this, a priest is still looking forward to killing monsters. If you encounter a monster next, let you come first, OK?"

"Cut, I can't do what I said. Next time, let you see how good I am. The pastor can do harm too."

Gemm laughed, and the rest of the team laughed. The atmosphere of the team cheered up. But at this time, there will always be some accidents that destroy this beauty.

The originally calm sea suddenly fluctuated. It's like a sign before something comes out of the water. The two warships in the distance swayed slightly in the waves.

The sudden change caused the NPC officer on the ship to frown. Intuition tells him that something is going to happen. Being able to hold such an important position in charge, this captain has keen intuition and vigilance. After feeling something was wrong, he immediately let his hand pull down the alarm.

The alarm sounded and was quickly passed to the reef. The members who were patrolling and the members of the camp subconsciously looked at the warship on the sea. This is the first time the alarm has sounded in this period of time. Although the NPC troops were a bit hesitant, they quickly entered a state of combat readiness. The player has no such awareness.

The young man looked at the warship a few hundred meters away and curiously said: "Why do you need to set the alarm? Is there an enemy?"

Grim frowned and said, "It should be. But the enemy is there."

The voice did not fall. Suddenly there was a splash of water on the sea. Two sturdy, purple tentacles with a length of 100 meters rushed out from under the sea. And where it appeared was the center of the two warships. The two warships broke into two without any resistance. The members of the ship screamed and fell into the boiling sea.

No, it's not that the sea is boiling, it's the changes caused by a large number of sea animal activities.

Another series of explosions came from the direction of the ship port. The only seven remaining warships stayed there. The same tentacles destroyed the entire harbor, and there were countless sea beasts who appeared together.

"Enemy attack! Sea beast tide!"

A large number of sea beasts emerged from the sea and washed up on the reef from all directions. Just like the sea beast attack a month ago, the patrol team was directly submerged by the sea beast torrent. In the face of this huge number, without a solid wall, everything is useless.

This attack is obviously an attack that has been brewing for a long time. A large number of sea beasts quietly concealed the frontline troops, gathered under the solid curtain reef, waiting for the opportunity to launch the deadliest blow.

In the face of absolute numbers, the simple camp is just a few more seconds of effort.

Especially when a giant with dark blue skin rose from the sea, the last insistence of the guards was also destroyed.

Asmodan, the sea beast god, joined the battlefield again after a month. Although there are still a lot of wounds on his body, it no longer affects normal combat.

The deep sea is already ready to show his fangs.

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