The Game of Demon Hunter

Chapter 696 Run, I'm going to let the dogs go!

Xu Yichen retreated step by step, almost reaching the peak of the collapsed city wall, while the grievances inside the city wall were still surging up endlessly.

The witcher didn't know if the black fine sand dropped by the ghost had other uses, but he knew he couldn't drag it on any longer.

A squad of paladins has already killed all the green-skinned peons on the outside of the city wall. As long as they climb the city wall, they will immediately see the romance of the sea of ​​people.

Xu Yichen didn't dare to bet on whether these priests who believed in the Lord of Dawn could harm him in this state, but seeing that the artificial light source they summoned could reveal himself and the innocent soul, there was a great possibility.

However, he left just like that, somewhat unwillingly, being chased so embarrassingly, he looked at the two groups of enemies in a mess under the city wall, and planned to give them a surprise.

Facing the direction of the wronged soul, the witcher slammed his big sword round, and the whole person rushed down the slope like a whirlwind!

He broke out a gap in the dense phalanx of innocent souls by himself, and then took advantage of this opportunity to activate [Red Time], and ran back to the city wall in a few strides.

"Dale Seaworth!" On the empty city wall, the witcher shouted the name of the paladin commander: "Aren't you looking for me! I'm right here!"

The paladin immediately noticed the movement on the city wall. The sudden attack on the city wall made Dale keep guarding against that direction.

The green skins were rough and fleshy, and they might be saved after a few shots, but Dale Seaworth was a purebred human being, and it would be ugly if he was shot black by the people on the city wall.

So not only did he use the holy shield technique on himself, he also kept pointing the shield sideways in the direction of the city wall, and most of the surrounding paladins also maintained the same posture.

Xu Yichen immediately became the most eye-catching one on the battlefield. He not only shouted loudly, but also waved his arms vigorously, as if the people below were singers who came to the concert.

"Dale Seaworth!" Xu Yichen saw the other party focus his eyes, and said to him with a smile: "Look at my mouth shape, run!"

The paladin couldn't see the situation on the other side of the city wall, but he had been fighting on the battlefield all year round, and his perception of danger kept beating his heart, and his blood flow speeded up instantly!

At that moment, as if time stood still, Dale saw a strange-looking shadow-like monster emerge from the place where the city wall collapsed.

The moment Dale watched it step out of the city wall, a trace of excitement even appeared on his distorted face, but before it could fully unfold, he was pushed down by his companions behind him!

More of these grotesque monsters leaked out of that gap, Dale couldn't even count how many arms were waving, and there was a silence in his ears, as if the whole world had lost its sound.

The wronged souls in the front didn't even have a chance to take a breath of free air, so they were thrown to the ground, trampled on by countless feet, and the wronged souls just stepped on the corpses of their companions before they disappeared in time to spew out!

The wronged soul at the front was tanned and dissipated like smoke under the artificial sunlight, but before it completely dissipated, the wronged soul at the back climbed over his arm and neck!

The city wall, which was originally four meters high, was stacked to a height of five or six meters in an instant by the innocent soul at that gap!

"Stay away!" Dale felt that his body had finally come back, almost screaming: "Stay away! Avoid that!"

In this case, the divine spells mastered by the paladins are powerless, and the priests behind them don't even have time to release the divine spells.

The city wall in front of Dale is like a dam, and on the other side of the dam is an extremely powerful flood.

Now the dam has a hole, and the plug on the hole has been pulled out.

Wronged souls are like a real flood, pouring out along the gap!

The paladin squad who cleaned up the green skins under the gap disappeared into the crowd without even a bubble.

A small number of holy warriors use the defensive magic that comes with their equipment, centered on themselves, and sheltered their comrades around them. Xu Yichen looked over from the city wall, like small islands in the flood, disappearing under the constant washing of the flood One, one will disappear.

The strength of innocent souls is very weak, only a little stronger than ordinary people, a little more flexible, and a little stronger, but they are not afraid of death, and they have no fear.

If it wasn't for the convenience of occupying the terrain before, Xu Yichen wouldn't bother them.

Some innocent souls were squeezed onto the city wall, like ants in a hot pot, the part that touched the city wall continued to evaporate.

The more unlucky one fell on the city wall, and before he could stand up, he was crushed by the unlucky guy behind him, and his whole body stuck to the city wall in all directions, waiting to be evaporated, and then the friend on his back repeated. this process.

The vast number of unjust souls rushed up the slope continuously, and they didn't even respond to the witcher who was close at hand.

Xu Yichen was right next to him, one sword at a time, specifically to deal with the unjust souls who were thrown out. Although the income was much lower than before, the experience points given for nothing were not for nothing.

The army of innocent souls who landed safely quickly numbered in the thousands, and the surviving paladins were basically well protected, relying on solid armor and magic to protect themselves tightly.

At this time, the effect of the halo skills of the paladins can be seen. Many souls were burned all over after running out a few steps, and fell to the ground crying and rolling.

Perhaps remembering the ending of being burned to death by the sky fire, most of the innocent souls began to take the initiative to stay away from the group of paladins, and rushed towards the green leather camp further away.

The big green-skinned guys who were already a little dissatisfied with Ming Jin's withdrawal of troops didn't care what the target or tactics were, they were here to kill or be killed!

Some people interact with each other and send it to your door to cut each other. It's like free food delivered to your door. How can you refuse!

Waaagh! It's time to fight hard!

A large number of greenskins grabbed their weapons and rushed towards those weird-looking little shrimps. Although they looked strange, little shrimps were little shrimps!

And these small shrimps are so big and full, this is the best small shrimps!

I don't know whether it is the blessing of the paladins who artificially made the sun, or the green skins; the idea of ​​"I think this thing can be hacked to death, so it can be hacked to death" has taken effect.

In short, after these unjust souls stepped out of the city wall, they no longer existed as incorporeal bodies. The tall green skins held heavy weapons, and they were a large area with one sweep!

Xu Yichen looked at a few extraordinarily tall green skins on the city wall, as if they were unparalleled among the ghosts. A two-meter-long mace swept over with a single stick, and a dozen ghosts flew into the sky and turned into ashes on the ground.

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