The Game of Demon Hunter

Chapter 610 Another Singer's Path

In the human world, there used to be a saying: The sign of an immature man is that he is willing to die heroically for a certain cause, and the sign of a mature man is that he is willing to live humblely for a certain cause.

Abhishek Singh was such a man, the eldest son of a large family of shining high castes.

He had received an aristocratic education since he was a child, and enjoyed the prosperity of the world. A whole team of as many as forty-five people served him exclusively, just to make his life more comfortable.

Abhishek Singh is the kind of child who is truly born with a golden spoon in his mouth.

However, fate made a joke with him. When the monster-like neighbor in the north was crushed like a landslide, his country disappeared from the world map after only a symbolic resistance for three months.

That year, Abhishek Singh was just nine years old, and he witnessed his grandfather, that godlike man, finally end his life with an ivory-decorated shotgun on his favorite sandalwood chair .

After that, his uncles disappeared one by one, along with all kinds of valuable gadgets in Nuoda's castle.

Singer, who has received an elite education, can easily judge the price of every ancient painting on the castle wall and the value of every decorative container on the table. Although this knowledge is meaningless to him, he is still proficient in these things. Knowledge.

Because Abhishek Singh, is a genius.

Abhishek's father finally withstood the pressure and took his family to flee to the countryside, where the invaders would not even look at the dirty corners.

His father took him to various gatherings again and again, and the young Abhishek saw all kinds of people.

Some of them are full of smiles, but underneath the smiles are deep despair, some are expressionless, as if that face has become a mask, and some of them are full of anger, but there is a deep sadness hidden under that face. ridicule.

Although the faces of the people at the party often changed, they were all holding weapons, and they all needed the wealth accumulated by the Singer family for thousands of years.

Abhishek feels that what he has learned is far more than what he learned in school, and it is more practical. He can always distinguish who is really against the invaders and who is just trying to cheat Money runs its own power.

As Abhishek Singh grew up day by day, his father gradually aged, and the people who attended the party became Abhishek alone.

The only thing he has to do is to give away the wealth in his hands, so that these desperate people, those who refuse to give up, those who are ambitious, and those who are greedy have enough bullets and medicines to fight and kill.

No matter how great a patriot is, he also needs to eat and give his family enough bread. This is the only truth in this world.

Abhishek has long seen through the true face of the terrifying shadow in the north. It is like a never-ending machine, continuously producing weapons, ammunition, medicine, and food to capture more energy and resources.

The two sides have opened a distance that cannot be measured by the naked eye. Even if all the men and women of Abhishek's clan take up arms, they can only bring some painless losses to the other party.

On this planet, the bloodline represented by Abhishek has completely lost the opportunity to compete for power and freedom. Abhishek has already seen this clearly.

This deep despair made Abhishek toss and turn sleepless every night, thinking hard every day, but still couldn't find a way.

There are people as smart as Abhishek, but most of them eventually perish in this pain.

They were unwilling to admit what they saw and heard, and finally, with blood and despair, they rushed to the iron wall of the invaders, and wrote a elegy for themselves with the last tragedy.

But Abhishek resisted, he is like the most humble mouse, in the underground, in the gutter, in the dirtiest corner, trying to survive, trying to maintain the faith of his race that he knows he can't do. .

Abhishek Singh wants to wait for an opportunity, an opportunity to avoid direct competition with the terrifying shadow in the north, because he deeply knows that in terms of hard power, they will never have a chance.

Like his ancestor, the great Mahatma, he will lead his suffering nation on a smooth road on the ground full of thorns.

When the colonization plan came out, Abhishek felt he finally saw the opportunity, the one he thought would be decades away.

Abhishek Singh dispersed his family wealth and fed everyone he could touch with the wealth of the Singh family for nearly a thousand years, no matter whether he was a fellow invader or a local official of the invader.

Abhishek bought a one-way ticket to an unknown planet for his nation. Even if the future journey is an unknown star sea, and his nation has suffered many hardships, it will definitely be a pure land of Buddhism, without the new China. beautiful world.

With his expectations, Abhishek set foot on the colonial fleet, entered that magical world, and waited for the arrival of the end of the journey.

Abhishek hopes that his people can unite together, adapt to this new world first, and work hard for a better life in the future.

The three Singers, including himself, are all carefully selected noble bloodlines, and each has his own pride.

He believes that the power of role models will inevitably affect those around him, and that every member of the same family is valuable and the seed of the future.

He entrusted the management of the Kshatriya gang to the youngest Singh, Garamchand Singh, and embarked on a journey to find the blood of the same family with his cousin.

Abhishek Singh's direction is to go all the way north, through the dense black forest, to the northern coastal cities, and bring homeless children home.

Abhishek was accompanied by thirty-six of the most valiant Ganges warriors, who would protect the noble Brahmins and preach all the way until they returned to the starting point.

Abhishek believed that the number of the team would increase along with the journey and become more prosperous. In the end, the descendants of the Ganges would be twisted together and become truly free people under the leadership of the noble blood.

This dream has always supported Abhishek, making him unstoppable.

Until, he encountered a group of greenskins using large-caliber gunpowder weapons.

"Great Brahmin, we have suffered heavy casualties! These greenskins..." were the last words Abhishek heard before being knocked unconscious.

PS: Thanks to the book friend @我要写了这个名称 for the reward, thank the book friend @知白晓黑 for the reward, and thank the book friend @半答者罗文 for the reward

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