The Game of Demon Hunter

Chapter 553 Hey, Yaoyaoling, there is someone drunk driving!

At night, as the bonfire was extinguished, the sound of the rain outside the cave gradually weakened.

Xu Yichen leaned against the wall and entered the [Meditation] state. As time went by, he became more and more proficient in [Meditation]. Correspondingly, in the [Meditation] state, the witcher's perception of the outside world became more and more more obvious.

In twenty-five minutes, it was time for him to replace Nangong Yujun. Xu Yichen's breathing was long and slow.

In his mind, he kept repeating the battle with Chaos, paladins and mages in the castle of the retribution warband.

Soon, Xu Yichen deleted Chaos from his mind. So far, it seems that his [Pure Fire] is almost invincible in fighting against Chaos.

Simply relying on the number, the chaotic creatures can no longer pose a great threat to him, and those truly powerful chaotic demons cannot easily pass through the crystal wall system.

As for the paladin, Xu Yichen dodged the mage's magic in his mind, and swung [Gnar's Great Flaming Sword] into bloody spirals.

In his own memory, Xu Yichen would subconsciously replace [Elegant Ripper] with [Gnar's Flaming Sword] to deal with the same situation.

This relatively large weapon is more convenient for the witcher, and it is more suitable for his Pirouette sword skills.

He doesn't know what high-level paladins will do to deal with the enemy. He has never had a conflict with such an opponent. At present, the paladins in the paladin expedition army seem to be of low average level, unless there are more than twenty people, otherwise Not much of a threat to him.

Speed, equipment, stamina, and a demon hunter who has an overall advantage can say with confidence, I can fight ten of such enemies!

But Xu Yichen, who came back to face the black-robed wizard again, found that he still couldn't gain the upper hand.

He didn't know what level this spellcaster of unknown origin was, but relying on the spells he had released to simulate, the witcher couldn't win no matter what.

Every time, after the opponent released the lightning spell, Xu Yichen would lose his ability to fight and lie dead on the ground.

If it weren't for this time, with Chaos and [Mechanical Heart] attracting the attention of the black-robed wizard, I'm afraid he can only step through the door of death and wait for the next return to this world.

Moreover, according to the observation and analysis of the demon hunter, the black-robed wizard may not have rich combat experience, and he did not fully display his due combat effectiveness.

High-level spellcasters are so powerful, so what kind of fighting power will those witch kings have?

No wonder, the church forces representing the gods are unwilling to conflict with the Witch Kings. These old monsters who have lived for hundreds of years do not know how many cards they hold in their hands.

As the witcher withdrew his thoughts and returned to reality, he felt a tremor.

It was a vibration transmitted from the ground. If he was not still in the [Meditation] state, the perception attribute was not only increased, but also extended to the maximum, I am afraid he would not have noticed such a slight vibration.

The vibrations vibrated rhythmically, and a huge beast approaching the cave was instantly outlined in his mind.

"Boom! Boom!"

Each vibration is a group of two with a clear rhythm. What kind of beast walks on the ground with two legs?

Could it be that the real owner of this cave has returned?

Xu Yichen lightly woke up the three people who were resting, then walked to the entrance of the cave, and told the black-armored warrior what he had found.

In less than two minutes, the footsteps of the giant beast became clear.

At this time, the storm has weakened a lot, and the accumulated water on the ground is shaking rhythmically with the sound of footsteps.

The demon hunter and Nangong Yujun looked at each other, and walked back into the cave. They had two choices.

Before the giant beast returns to its lair, leave the cave and hide; or rely on the cave as a cover and use spear weapons to cause maximum damage.

When the militiamen were equipped with spears last time, the dwarf Groin made a lot of spare ones, which were still stored in the space equipment of the witcher.

Thinking of that dwarf, Xu Yichen shook his head.

Groin had a sensitive sense of politics, and before the conflict broke out between the Retribution War Group and the Paladin Expeditionary Army, he quietly slipped away with his wealth, and just in time escaped the catastrophe.

The five professionals discussed briefly, walked out of the cave, and hid themselves in the tree trunks around the cave entrance in the heavy rain.

The rain-soaked tree trunks were a bit slippery, but not a problem for several people.

As the footsteps got closer, the rough panting of the giant beast in the darkness also came through.

The condition of the giant beast seemed to be bad. The originally rhythmic footsteps gradually became scattered, and the sound of trees being hit could be heard from time to time in the distance.

It seemed that the giant beast was unable to dodge and hit the tree trunk.

Xu Yichen looked at the direction of the sound with some doubts, and felt that something was wrong with the development of the matter. If it was an injury, why didn't it happen before?

The witcher's eyes widened as the beast drew nearer.

A bolt of lightning struck across the sky, briefly illuminating everything around.

A huge head disappeared in a flash, but under Xu Yichen's [Low Light Vision], he could see it clearly


To be exact, it was a Tyrannosaurus rex!

Seeing that Fan Li in the nearby tree didn't seem to see clearly, the witcher rubbed his eyes and tried his best to look into the darkness, looking dumbfounded.

With a body nearly ten meters long, he looked a little embarrassed in the forest. His strong muscles seemed unable to support the king's body, and he leaned on the nearby trees to breathe from time to time.

Xu Yichen swallowed, he has never killed such a big thing so far, even the juvenile body of the worldly python is only half the size of this giant beast.

During the gray knight's trial, he and the gray knight recalled the scene of killing the adult worldly python, but that thing was too huge, and from the beginning to the end, the witcher had never seen its true face.

If he had to say what it felt like, Xu Yichen could only say that he felt like he killed a highway, or killed the Yangtze River and the Yellow River.

But the thing in front of him was real in front of him, and his enhanced sense of smell could smell the stench of Tyrannosaurus rex.

In fact, it was more than that. When passing by the witcher's tree, the beast was exhausted. It let out a painful howl, and then bowed its head and vomited on the ground.

The yellow juice and stomach acid were mixed with some fragments of corpses. Before Xu Yichen could tell what the victim was, he was blinded by the smell.

Let me tell you, did this dinosaur drink too much?

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