The Game of Demon Hunter

Chapter 537 Action is worse than heartbeat

As I said before, the longer Xu Yichen has been in contact with the Chaos Demon, the more Xu Yichen feels that Khorne is a good comrade.

I don't play magic, I don't play conspiracy estimates, I don't deliberately disgust you, my biggest hobby is to make movies with people, no matter whose blood it is, it will make the Lord of Skull feel excited.

The witcher didn't know whether Tzeentch really pulled his will out of this sealed space, and he didn't know whether Pastor Ford was really a fanatic of the Lord of Dawn, or whether he was tempted by Tzeentch.

In short, Pastor Ford is determined to seize the [Mechanical Heart] from the demon hunter, and he has never considered negotiating, paying some benefits in exchange for it, or conducting joint development with the Retribution Wargroup.

It seems that Pastor Ford has confirmed that the Retribution War Group will not cooperate with the church, and intends to rely on the power of the church to force Xu Yichen.

This is what Xu Yichen has been worried about, the worst situation.

Before the strong emergence of the loess area, another force that relied on personal force and was almost irresistible first appeared.

Ever since Xu Yichen discovered the existence of [Mechanical Heart] but failed to trigger related tasks, he and Yang Yuefan began to think about this issue.

Two people once guessed that the [Mechanical Heart] is not a creation of the system itself, which may cause the system to be unable to issue tasks through the [Mechanical Heart].

The ground under their feet was like a red-hot iron plate, and under the effect of the [flame halo] of the paladins, it was constantly scorching the shoes of the witcher and the black armored warrior.

Nangong Yujun's iron shoes are part of the magic pattern armor. Under the heat conduction effect of high-quality alloy, the whole is in a balanced state.

And Xu Yichen's pair of high-waisted leather boots bought from Antony Dagang had long been overwhelmed, so the witcher had to fight barefoot at this time.

But this kind of battle made Xu Yichen discover the undetectable vibration coming from the ground.

Centipede with a human face!

As expected, Tzeentch's minions were not completely destroyed by [Mechanical Heart]!

The demon hunter overturned a five-member paladin squad with the Alder seal, took the opportunity to knock on Nangong Yujun's armor, pointed to the ground with his finger indistinctly, and notified the other party that the enemy was below with sign language.

The red light on the helmet of the black armored warrior who knew tactical sign language very well flashed twice, and responded to the witcher with another military signal.

When facing Tzeentch, Xu Yichen didn't completely trust the player's SMS system.

He raised his head and glanced at the black-robed wizard who was watching a show in the sky, and the other party unhurriedly manipulated the dark clouds that almost covered the entire castle.

As the dark cloud was obstructed at the edge of the energy barrier, the witcher finally discovered that it was a hemispherical enclosed space.

Coupled with the fact that Nangong Yujun discovered that the escape passage leading to the underground river was also blocked, Xu Yichen can be sure that the entire castle of the Retribution War Group is imprisoned in a closed spherical space.

Judging from the performance of this mage, it seems that the duration of this spell is also very sufficient.

The strength of the high-level spellcasters in this world is really unfathomable, Xu Yichen is the first time to face up to the high-level power in this world.

The demon hunter leaned against the black-armored warrior, and the [Elegant Ripper] in his hand pierced the paladin in front of him mercilessly.

Although the opponent is still in a state of semi-mechanized mind at this time, and it was still a friendly army five minutes ago.

In all fairness, this kind of thing hardly has any psychological burden on the witcher, especially when his mission goal is already clear.

Throats, eyes, chinks in armor, one blow kills.

The best result is that Xu Yichen can kill everyone in this closed space within a limited time, and then he will have enough time to escape.

After all, the large army of paladins is still outside.

But this is almost impossible. If the nearly a hundred paladins in front of him were not more or less affected by [Mechanical Heart] and reacted more than a beat slower like a puppet, it would be enough for him to drink a pot that's it.

In heaven and earth, two more dangerous enemies await their chance.

Victor and his apprentices who have taken refuge with Tzeentch are at a stalemate with each other, and both sides are waiting for an opportunity.

Worst of all were the followers of the witcher and the militia.

The long-term education made them dare not offend the paladins who represented the power of the gods, and the lord who was fighting with the paladins in front of them had always treated others generously.

"This matter has nothing to do with you." Xu Yichen single-handedly killed seven paladins in thirteen moves, answered Pastor Ford's question with practical actions, and incidentally ordered Bart's knights and militiamen not to participate in this matter.

Neither the mage in the sky nor Pastor Ford himself expected that the Sirisian would be so ruthless in his actions.

The Faraday cage cuts off the communication between paladins, priests and gods, but inside this space, there is still a consciousness comparable to gods.

"Get it, at any cost!" When Pastor Ford prayed subconsciously, a majestic voice appeared directly in his mind, constantly echoing: "Even if there are rivers of blood here, and corpses all over the road, you must get it!"

"Yes, Great Lord of Dawn, your will is the direction of my destiny!" Pastor Ford replied reverently, "The great creation will definitely belong to you!"

Pastor Ford believed the voice in his head almost unreservedly for an instant, and determined that He was the voice of the Lord of Dawn.

Professionals are inherently resistant to Chaos, both physically and mentally, except for priests, who rely entirely on their fanatical belief in the gods to gain superior power.

That is the gift and feedback from the gods. Relatively speaking, only the battle priests of the Temple of War are better, because they are basically transferred from warriors.

Paladins are the sharp swords of the gods, and the gods need them to keep sharp, and like other melee professionals, they will abide by their own exemplary path.

Only the priest, in this closed space that cannot communicate with the gods, has become the object of Tzeentch's unscrupulous confusion.

"Stupid beliefs. After so many years, these people still don't realize the fact that the gods they believe in are far less powerful than the evil gods of chaos?" The black-robed wizard looked at the farce below and smiled happily under the mask.

Wait, wait, he can directly turn the thieves here, Chaos, and the lackeys of the church into dregs!

Victor, who completely relied on his self-made energy core to charge his spells, looked at his chest with some distress, and it almost turned into a transparent gem. This thing was a ruby ​​containing elemental power three minutes ago!

PS: It's hot and stuffy, and I feel a little confused

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