The Game of Demon Hunter

Chapter 521 The Forgotten Shadow Organization

In the room at the top of the castle, Xu Yichen spread the map that had been trimmed many times on the table.

This map was originally obtained by the female warrior Vittoria from nowhere. Only some areas around Antony's Port were marked. Apart from marking a few commonly used trade routes and rivers, the size and accuracy were not satisfactory.

After multiple expansions and re-mapping by the members of the Retribution War Group, this map has nearly doubled in size from the initial one. Both the coverage area and the accuracy are drawn according to the standards of the New China military map.

Although not as user-friendly as a three-dimensional projection, the aborigines have probably never seen such a complex map.

At this time, the witcher who communicated with Yang Yuefan drew a few strokes on the map, marking the caster's camp and the location of the witches.

According to Yang Yuefan's speed, if nothing else happens, the paladin and the spellcasters will come into contact in thirteen minutes.

On the other hand, it is unknown whether the witches can leave the coastline before Dale Seaworth arrives, and the time cannot be determined.

After preliminary guesses, the sudden appearance of the caster's power may target the [Mechanical Heart] hidden deep under the castle.

Whether it is the clues left by the previous adventurers, or the metal box that draws the magic circle and is used to house the [Mechanical Heart], they all point to the mage.

Apparently, daring adventurers stole the [Mechanical Heart] from an unfathomable mage, and even pried open the placement that sealed it.

The last time Angus Carpenter had an accident, which caused the power of [Mechanical Heart] to leak out, it was probably the reason that attracted spellcasters to come here.

As for the sudden appearance of chaos on the witch's side, Xu Yichen was no stranger to it. Even if he went to the toilet one day and found that the evil god of chaos had occupied his toilet, he would not be surprised.

In this world, chaos really is everywhere.

Since the last time the Corruption Tree was destroyed with the power of the Aenel clan, the witcher hadn't heard any news about Chaos for almost a week.

The militiamen of the Retribution Corps, after simple training by the knight Bart, may not be called qualified soldiers and fighters, but they have initially acquired some discipline.

After wearing the armor made by the dwarf Groin, the militiamen, who were in their early 100s, lined up neatly in a square formation, and they seemed to have some momentum!

Influenced by the Witch King, before these militiamen really learned how to use weapons, each of them was issued a 2.5-meter-long spear, and another 20 outstanding performers were issued shields and short swords as the team's leader. ringleader.

At this time, the militiamen had one post at three steps, and one sentry at five steps, and the inside and outside of the castle were completely blocked. Of course, they were limited to the side of the Retribution War Group.

On the other side of the castle, the paladins were fully empowered to use it. Although the high-level executives of the two sides had some disagreements, for ordinary paladins, they still followed the wind speed of whatever they wanted.

Although the militiamen were suddenly fully armed and stood guard everywhere, the paladins only maintained their due vigilance and did not react excessively.

The demon hunter mobilized his own militia, and naturally he didn't attack the Paladin Expeditionary Army with the intention of suddenly attacking them. That would be like hitting a stone with a pebble.

This move is mainly to guard against potential assassins and invisible spellcasters.

After all, last time in the hotel in Antony Grand Port, there was an assassin from the Shadow Organization who escaped successfully. If the assassin didn't come to meddle at this time, the Shadow Organization would almost become an underground organization.

"Don't let your guard down, be careful of the enemies in the shadows, some of our enemies can move through the shadows." The witcher lightly reminded the guards who were still hiding in the underground chamber.

In the dark, Nangong Yujun did not activate his magic power armor, and relied entirely on his own tyrannical power to support the armor.

The black armor could hardly be found in the same dark underground chamber.

At the same time, in the completely dark underground chamber, there were no shadows at all.

"Received, I'm ready for battle. In case of accident, I will escape directly through the secret path and go to Moon Shadow Village." Nangong Yujun's voice echoed faintly in the darkness, like the sound of metal rubbing against each other.

Nangong Yujun, who had stayed in the underground chamber for more than fifty hours, moved his muscles and bones lightly, and made a series of sounds of bones stretching.

Ever since the Paladin Expeditionary Army was stationed, this tall black-armored warrior has been staying in the underground secret room, with [Mechanical Heart], as the last insurance.

And the guests of the Shadow Organization, whom the witcher has always been on guard against, have quietly lurked near the castle of the Retribution Wargroup, as he thought.

It's just that, facing the paladins and guards full of pits, this new assassin is also cautious, no matter how cautious he is, he doesn't want to make fun of his own life.

This time, the shadow organization dispatched two sharp blades to deal with the defected assassin Colin, but only a few days after the first tentative action, one person was killed by the enemy.

The remaining assassins hid for a week before reappearing to make contact with Antoine, only to find in a daze that they had lost contact with the Shadow Organization.

The various contact methods previously scheduled have not received a response, and the entire shadow organization seems to have disappeared, leaving comrade assassins a little helpless.

And the only benefactor, Antoine, has completely lost his ambition to check and balance the demon hunters after experiencing several times of chaos. After the paladins landed, he wanted to be a good person wholeheartedly.

The only task he is willing to pay for is to find his missing daughter.

What kind of shit mission is this!

The professional killer of the shadow organization felt that his personality had been insulted, but on the eve of the paladin's landing, he didn't dare to do anything, and took the task with his nose twisted in order to make ends meet.

Finding someone is easy for the Shadow Assassin, and within a few days, he found the castle of the Retribution Warband and found Miss Juliet, who was inseparable from Marx.

Then the man with eight-pack abs gave him a vague look from a distance of hundreds of meters, which surprised the shadow assassin, and immediately turned and left.

As a result, the man sent Antoine's daughter back to Anthony's Grand Port City the next day, without giving the Shadow Assassin a chance to complete his mission.

However, the Shadow Assassin has gained something. Relying on his familiarity with the power of shadows, he discovered a secret room hidden deep in the castle.

PS: I plan to bet on Germany to win. If I can't even win against South Korea this time, I will understand my way!

PS: Thank you book friend @知白晓黑 for your reward

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