The Game of Demon Hunter

Chapter 500 Brother Idea's Counterattack

"Waaaagh!" With the very familiar battle cry of the witcher, groups of greenskins suddenly burst out of the forest!

These green skins are very special. Most of the green skins are wearing auspicious clothes that are almost universal in the retribution battle group. Although the workmanship is rough, the effect of this thing is really outstanding!

As a giant auspicious camouflage cloth was lifted up by the greenskins, a big hole filled with armed greenskins appeared in front of everyone.

A few greenskins with a sharp blade in one hand and a large-caliber gunpowder gun in the other made Xu Yichen instantly realize that these greenskins were the remnants of the Iron Overlord tribe!

This group of green skins has obviously never given up on their homeland occupied by humans, and they may have an extremely smart leader who has been monitoring the movements of the retribution war group.

Otherwise, these upright big green brothers would not have come up with such a way to ambush halfway!

The moment Xu Yichen saw the gunpowder weapon, he jumped off his horse and shouted at the same time: "Be careful of the opponent's long-range attack! Charge! Charge!"

While the witcher was shouting, he pulled Seven off the Celestial Warhorse. Those believers of the Lord of Dawn were too close to the green skins, and there was no other way to survive except to charge.

But Xu Yichen's warning obviously didn't work. Those proud paladins didn't immediately charge and unleash the huge impact of the heavenly horses. Instead, they prayed to the gods on horseback and buffed themselves!

"Hurry up and fire, I want to see whether Brother Pianzi's big gun is WAAAAGH or not!" A tall green-skinned warlord raised his own war hammer: "Hit those glowing little shrimps first. The farts smash rocks together!"

"Waaagh!" The greenskins with big guns, like Uncle Black, casually pointed their powder guns in the direction of the Lathander paladin, and pulled the trigger.





The big gimmick who lost his eyes obviously optimized his big gun. Except for one unlucky greenskin whose arm holding the gun was blown to pieces, the rest of the greenskins completed the firing work.

After losing his eyesight, the green-skinned giant obviously learned the lesson from the last time, reducing the barrel of the gun from the caliber of the green-skinned arm to the caliber of the elf's arm.

Although it looks far less Waaagh than the 'cannon' at that time, this thing is truly lethal.

The first paladins of Lathander paid for their presence on the battlefield, drawing the full force of the greenskins' first attack.

The witcher saw half of a paladin's head shattered by a gunpowder gun. The relatively thin helmet didn't even have the slightest defensive effect, and he lost his life in an instant, extinguished like a blown out candle.

Another paladin who was hit in the chest relied on his heavy armor to withstand the attack of the gunpowder weapon, but the powerful force directly pushed the paladin off the Celestial Warhorse.

The greenskins shot the rest of the bullets into the air. A lead bullet may have broken in the barrel due to poor casting technology, but the strong gunpowder thrust made this bullet have the effect of a shotgun. .

A paladin beside Dale was ready to charge, but he was directly blinded by buckshot fragments in one eye, and the shotguns below him scattered sparks on the armor of others.

The greenskins didn't care about the casualties of their own side due to accidental injury. Every greenskin who had fired a shot was waaagh excited, including the unlucky guy who blew up one of his arms, and howled with excitement. !

"Brother Pip is the most Waaagh!" the tall green warlord yelled, "Smash these little shrimps! Take back our castle and let Pip make more big guns! Waaagh!!"

Nearly fifty armed green belts rushed over with overwhelming momentum. The results of the previous battle made these green skins extremely excited. Although they didn't know why the bang bang gun could kill people, they felt that the thing was Waaagh!

On the other side, the paladins who were relatively far behind also set up their formations. Dale led the three intact paladins and launched a charge with an aura not inferior to that of the green skins.

Four against fifty!

The collision of steel and green muscles instantly cast a bloody curtain on the night, and the strong muscles of the Celestial Warhorse accumulated enough kinetic energy in a short starting distance, making the paladin's lance invincible in an instant!

The giant lance with a hollow structure pierced through the solid muscles of the green skins, and blood and sawdust flew in the air at the same time!

Relying on their excellent riding and spear skills, the two paladins of the Temple of War managed to penetrate through three green skins with great skill to make the spears in their hands shatter!

As a commander, Dale immediately drew out his long sword, and with almost no pause, the golden light shrouded the four of them.

The sudden strong light made the surrounding green skins almost unable to open their eyes. With the speed of the Celestial Warhorse, the long sword in Dale's hand was thrown horizontally by the powerful hands of the paladin, cutting off four or five green skins' heads along the way!

And his lieutenant used the shield to cover Dale's flanks, parrying attack after attack for him.

The paladins of the Temple of War are equipped with heavy weapons such as flails and maces. Under the blessing of Dale's summoning, the power of these two paladins has been greatly enhanced!

Huge power coupled with heavy weapons almost knocked the greenskins away!

The paladin lost the upper hand in the sneak attack, but relying on powerful equipment and rich combat experience, he won a complete victory in the second round!

Four against fifty, the paladins broke through the greenskin formation without any casualties.

If they really have formations.

In short, Dale led his men to crush a bloody path among the greenskins, which bought time for the witcher and Seven to drag the injured people back to a safe place.

The new generation of paladins trained by the Temple of War also have a lot of experience in how to deal with the wounded when they have no magical power. The various emergencies that happened in Antony Dagang recently allowed these young people to quickly transform their theoretical experience into practical experience.

They quickly identified which wounded could be stabilized with first aid, those who had to use divine magic to save their lives, and those who were incurable unless the legendary priest performed a miracle.

Taking advantage of the attention of the green skins being attracted by Dale's charge, Xu Yichen quietly approached behind the green skins. [Elegant Ripper] has unparalleled flexibility in this kind of close combat.

The long sword quietly harvested one soul after another, from the throat to the eyes, the stabbing always seemed so elegant and efficient.

PS: I don’t know how many people still remember this green-skinned giba~

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