The Game of Demon Hunter

Chapter 492: Paladin

Just as the dark wizard Victor was gathering his strength to retrieve his treasure, representatives of the first wave of paladin expeditions also ushered in the territory of the witcher.

Although he had received news from Pastor Li Cha a long time ago, Xu Yichen still frightened the fifty paladins in front of him.

Inside the church, paladins and priests are divided into old and new forces.

The people Xu Yichen directly came into contact with in Antony Dagang were basically the new generation of paladins and priests. Most of them were selected since childhood and received strict military training in the training bases of their respective sects.

These people are collectively called paladins, but not all of them will be promoted to professionals, there will be a full two-thirds of them, and in the end they can only accept the result of serving their gods with mortal bodies.

This is also the reason why the older generation of paladins who grew up from actual combat have always treated the new generation with cold eyes. They don't believe that such paladins can also have firm beliefs.

However, it cannot be denied that the number of new generation paladins and professional priests has brought a wave of explosive growth to the overall strength of the church.

The paladin expedition led by Stannis is the last bastion of the traditional paladins and one of the most powerful groups in the church.

The reason why it is called the Paladin Expeditionary Army is because this armed force with paladins as the main body, under the leadership of Stannis, has gone deep into the Chaos-occupied area many times, and has also fought against the legions of the ancient Roman Empire on the front line many times. .

Compared with the Gregorian choir, which is dominated by spellcasters, the Paladin Expeditionary Army is more like a heavy hammer in the hands of the church. Wherever there is a problem, it will be sent there.

Standing on the city wall, the witcher watched fifty paladins galloping from afar on their respective celestial horses.

Although the knights didn't show their weapons to show their friendship, the aura of invincibility has already rushed towards us!

Gathering professionals together and using them as an army is also considered the church's first initiative. In the era when the number of professionals was still very small more than 50 years ago, it was really invincible.

However, in recent decades, as the energy level of the whole world has risen, the bugs in the New World have not been mentioned. There, mages are almost popularized by the whole people, and many rich duchies in the Old World have also established their own pure professionals. army.

However, the background of the Paladin Expeditionary Army is indeed not comparable to those rising stars.

These paladins, who wear heavy armor and are strictly cavalry infantry, and noble knights have learned how to use the power of the heavenly horses to charge a wave of cavalry.

They are generally equipped with disposable wooden lances and hollow wooden gun bodies, allowing the paladins to flexibly switch their main weapons after a charge and engage in melee combat.

The wealthy church is almost armed to the teeth with its cutting-edge armed forces.

Not to mention a full set of armor, each paladin is equipped with small space equipment specially used to store weapons, and the ample space inside also carries enough supplies for a paladin for a week.

Of course, most high-ranking officers will provide their own weapons and equipment.

The paladins under different gods also have slightly different equipment. For example, the brothers of the Temple of War are more practical in style according to Campas' preferences.

Lathander's servants prefer shining armor, although this makes them easier targets for the enemy on the battlefield, but the huge power of the Lord of Dawn makes their number always account for one-third of the entire legion one.

In fact, entire paladin crusades are seldom used together, though they are considered a unit and are often thrown together on the battlefield.

But most of the time, Stannis will use paladins of different faiths separately. Some gods' paladins are more suitable as healers or blacksmiths than confronting them head-on.

The paladins who appeared in front of Xu Yichen at this time were the paladins of the Church of Dawn and the paladins of the Temple of War.

This is also the main combat force in the Paladin Expeditionary Army, the servants of the God of War who are good at fighting, and the followers of Lathander who are good at fighting evil.

They are all proficient in slaying evil, dispelling undead, and possessing the aura of courage.

These talents are surprisingly effective against Chaos.

The paladins, who are already strong and strong, can learn the two extremely practical magic spells [Protection from Chaos] and [Environment Endurance] when they come into contact with the first ring of magic spells, so that they can better fight against chaos.

Fifty Celestial Warhorses stopped neatly at a distance of 100 meters from the wall. Refugees living outside the city wall were already standing on both sides of the road, waiting to watch. No, welcome these holy warriors.

"Warmly welcome the Paladin Expeditionary Army to come to guide our department!" There was a banner written by someone in advance on the city wall, which made the witcher feel that his face was dull.

Before Xu Yichen returned, Yang Yuefan had already formulated the relevant policies for the harmonious coexistence with the Paladin Expeditionary Army, and he had no way to object.

Of course, as the mastermind behind the welcome ceremony, Yang Yuefan himself disappeared before the paladins arrived, along with Carpenter, whose arm and finger were severed.

Only Xu Yichen himself, and Ji Wanbing and Li Yanlong, who couldn't get away because they had recruits to lead, were left in Nuo Da's retribution battle group.

Even Alix was taken away by his half-elf teacher to find the way in the black forest.

Paladin Dale heard a lot of news about the "Retribution Battle Group" in Port Anthony. Whether it was their mysterious leader of the witcher or the members of the group with their own characteristics, they all had their own stories.

These stories are not rumors on the streets, but are well-documented facts within the church.

For example, two fledgling professionals rushed into the chaotic rift single-handedly, not only killed those cultists, but also chopped a Nurgle vanguard into meat paste.

For example, while solving the problem of the coming of chaos for the second time within a month, they also taught a whole ship of battle nuns a lesson.

If every document hadn't been signed by the local church, Dale would not have believed it.

What's more, this young apprentice not only has an extraordinary speed of progress, but also has superhuman wisdom. It seems that even the local lord has a handle on him.

Dell came this time with the purpose of observing the other party. This kind of growth rate is different from ordinary people's goal, which made some people in the church suspicious.

If Mr. Richard hadn't fully guaranteed the purity of the other party, and the blood of this Serisian indeed contained a trace of power that was diametrically opposed to Chaos, it would not have been Dale who had done this this time.

PS: The god system in this book is a bit confusing. In fact, although the Goddess Wojin and the Lord of Dawn Losander are both gods in the DND background, they are not gods in the same world. You all know the god of war Campas. . . So don’t take the same number, if there are any similarities, it’s purely fooling~~~

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