The Game of Demon Hunter

Chapter 485 The Abnormality of the Church

Fan Li has always been curious about what the intern political commissar who recruited him has done in just a few months.

The other party seemed to have a high status, and the relationship with these arrogant aboriginal nobles was very complicated. Those nobles were both afraid of him and also vaguely revealed a trace of respect.

When spending money, it can be said that it is a waste of money, and its strength is even more unfathomable.

Although I didn't see how the opponent killed the plate archer, but just when I was fighting with myself, I could see that the opponent didn't even move his muscles and bones.

Moreover, the opponent also established a battle group.

Fan Li still remembered the last time during the training, the system broadcast suddenly appeared, and the name Retribution Battle Group could be said like thunder.

When most players don't even know what a warband is, someone has already established a warband.

This made Fan Li always feel as if he had joined a remarkable organization.

And where the witcher can't see it, the Retribution Warband is indeed already an amazing organization.

For example, among the underground forces in Port Anthony, the retribution group established by the mysterious witcher is simply a legend in the underworld.

Especially the eldest sister among them, Vittoria's name is almost known to everyone. It is said that the other party is three meters tall and three meters wide. Every meal eats five men and drinks five barrels of wine!

In the city guards, there are even more legends about the retribution battle group and the witcher. A certain officer, who did not want to be named, was drunk and deprived him and a whole team of city guards of being waved by the opponent. With his will, the story of running from the port area to the downtown area was spread with embellishment.

The professionals in Antony's Grand Port have always had many rumors about the battle group established by this witcher. Many people swear that the official members of the battle group are all professionals, and there are no mortals.

In the hearts of those young clergymen, the retribution war group, or several core members of the war group, had even higher prestige. Whether they were fighting against chaos or beating up the battle nuns, they were all talking in private.

Especially about the way the witcher apprentices deal with chaos, which made many young people's blood boil.

"It sounds like the battle group we are about to contact is an organization with a solid record." Paladin Dale stuffed a piece of rough bread into his mouth and swallowed it with water.

Unlike Pastor Richard, who is full of fish and meat, Dale Seaworth is a very devout believer first, and a paladin second.

He is as strict with himself as his commander Stannis. He does not drink alcohol or eat spicy and spicy food. He eats coarse bread as his staple food, and meat is only stewed in water and served with fine grains of salt.

This eating habit brought him better physical strength and will, and Dale forbade himself to have more greed, whether it was in terms of appetite or other material aspects.

"Beware of the temptation from Chaos." This is the first sentence that Paladin Dale said to himself after waking up every morning.

Whenever he felt an extra desire arise in him, he would squander his energy on the training ground until he was too exhausted to generate any extra thoughts.

This kind of life is very boring, even depressing, but this kind of life has sharpened the paladin Dale like a rock, constantly breaking through his own limits.

This kind of life finally made the paladin Dale, who was just over thirty-five years old, the most trusted deputy of the legendary paladin commander. When Stannis had no energy to command the sharpest weapon of the church, he handed it over to Dell's hands.

"You should meet that young apprentice. He has a completely different aura from the others." Pastor Richard looked at the steak on the plate, and he had no appetite to make a knife.

In just one meal, he had a thorough understanding of the young commander in front of him.

The other party is almost the younger version of Stannis, both in personality and thinking mode are almost completely the same, this once made the old and unrefined Reverend Richard secretly speculate whether the other party is Stannis' illegitimate child.

This evil thought almost dimmed the holy flame of the Temple of War.

"What else did that old fellow Stannis say to you?" Pastor Richard rinsed his mouth with water, not showing any interest in drinking.

He knows his old enemy very well, and although the two sides have some differences in their beliefs, they are moving in the same direction.

But now, that old guy stuffed the entire paladin army into this stupid place. If he didn't get some oracle, he felt that a huge disaster was about to happen in the Far South Colony, or he felt that there was something wrong with the church.

Or maybe both.

"Master Stannis said that you are a trustworthy person and a true warrior, let us obey your command." The paladin Dale finished his dinner in two, wiped his mouth with a napkin, and said to Pastor Richard .

"There's nothing else?" Pastor Richard's brows never moved, he didn't know what tricks Stannis was playing.

"No more." Dale answered Pastor Richard's question with certainty.

"Okay, I understand, you haven't had a good rest on the boat for a long time, right?" Pastor Richard tapped the metal cup: "Severn, take your senior to his room to rest, tomorrow you Go to the castle and tell those boys to prepare enough rooms."

"Master Richard, just ask them to leave us a large enough space. The climate here is warm, so we can camp and live in tents." Paladin Dale nodded gently following Seven who came in: "We I'm used to life in wartime."

"It doesn't matter, the crisis in Antony Grand Port has been lifted for the time being, and you have plenty of time to rest for a while." Pastor Richard said with a smile on his face: "They have a lot of vacant rooms, you will know when you arrive."

Paladin Dale did not continue to shirk, and gave a military salute to Pastor Richard, and followed Seven out of the hall neatly.

"What exactly is it that makes you wary of the church?" Pastor Richard sat on his chair and looked at the statue of the God of War: "Who dares to put pressure on a legendary paladin? It seems I'm a little rusty from staying on this remote island."

Just as Pastor Richard was having dinner with the commander of the Paladin Expeditionary Army, the witcher and his newly recruited younger brother quietly entered the port of Anthony's Grand Port.

Breathing the familiar smell of the port area, Xu Yichen couldn't help but feel a sense of returning to his former residence, but the port area today is particularly quiet and deserted.

PS: I wish you all success in the college entrance examination, and a wonderful university life is waiting for you

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