The Game of Demon Hunter

Chapter 480: Ending

Xu Yichen picked up Sir Ham's head, and said coldly in the direction of Alves: "I said, attack the witcher, die!"

"The first time, you didn't know my identity, and I took it as an unintentional mistake, the second time!" The witcher looked around at the professionals around him: "This is what will happen!"

The blade of [Elegant Ripper] pointed straight at the direction of Alves, and the witcher's frost-like eyes abruptly stopped the knight's charge.

The knight who had fought against the opponent knew that even if he rushed over, he would have no choice but to die, but the knight's sense of honor prevented him from just putting down his weapon.

"Sir Ham is first and foremost a professional, but he is also a nobleman!" Xu Yichen put Sir Ham's head back in its original place: "I don't care if he is recognized by the will of the world or not, but he has repeatedly attacked a demon hunter." If the hunter takes action, there is only one way to die!"

"Anyone who is dissatisfied, you are welcome to go to Kaer Morhen to complain." The witcher ended the conflict with a cold voice.

After all, how much honor do these professionals who live in the city have? If they were not stimulated by the emergence of world consciousness, many of them would almost forget that they are professionals.

Putting the banner of Kaer Morhen there, Xu Yichen stared at the professionals in front of him very bluntly, none of them could fight!

"It's all gone. Sir Ham openly trampled on the people in the city and attacked the nobles. He should have ended up like this." Miss Fox took the opportunity to smooth things over: "But he has contributed to his promotion to a new profession. Uncle Alves, give him a lavish burial." Alright."

Now that the heirs of the lord have confessed, the professionals below are naturally willing to take the opportunity to leave.

Cavalier Alves gritted his teeth, finally sighed, and dismounted.

A new profession recognized by the will of the world fell before it blossomed.

No one knew what this profession was called and what special abilities it had, but judging from the power of Sir Ham's few arrows before his death, it must be a profession with extremely strong attack power.

Being able to use supersonic attacks is definitely a rare powerful attacker among ranger-type professionals.

What's more, Sir Ham is still wearing plate armor and riding a war horse. It may be said that this profession also makes up for the weakness of the ranger profession in terms of defense ability.

With the mobility brought by the war horse, although it is not flexible enough, its speed must be extraordinary.

"Do you know what you did?" Alves said to Xu Yichen in a bad tone: "Sir Ham's advanced new profession is likely to have an impact on the war mode of the entire human race."

"Hehe." The witcher sneered, picked up the assassin's handaxe from the ground, and hung that specially shaped longbow on his body.

After all, killing monsters and exploding equipment is common sense.

"You have never been on the battlefield, you don't understand how important such a professional is to the army!" Knight Alves expressed his dissatisfaction with the witcher, but he could only watch the other party take Ham A relic of jazz.

"Come on, look at him." Xu Yichen replied in a disdainful tone: "A horse that can carry heavy cavalry, an expensive bow and arrow, and armor thicker than yours. Even if such a profession is formed, how much material resources are needed? Armed? How long will it take to advance?"

"How much do you know about war?" The bloody taste revealed in the witcher's tone made Alves tremble: "The war you have experienced is nothing more than a small battle between hundreds of professionals. Just play tricks, believe me, the future war will let you know what a real war is."

In the end, Xu Yichen made a final conclusion on Sir Ham: "Such aristocratic profession is meaningless and has no place in the future battlefield. New professions, new weapons, and new tactics will make everything obsolete by history. Garbage is swept into the dump, with no exceptions."

"If you don't keep up with the progress of the times, you will be eliminated by the times. Open your eyes and watch carefully how we have changed the world!" The words of the witcher, with unparalleled confidence and momentum, made Alves plan to Write all this to your Grand Master.

Whenever Alves didn't know what to do, he would think of that lion-like man, the eternal leader of the Lion Knights, the real Lion King, the legendary Lion Knight——Leon Johnson.

At this moment, the Lion King, whom Alves was talking about, was getting upset because of the player's affairs.

"Leon, we caught another fifteen people at the border today, all of them are professionals." A man wearing the standard armor of the Lion Knights stood on the other side of the stone table and reported to the Lion King with a report.

The helplessness in his tone made Leon feel a little annoyed.

"Luther, don't you need to report these trivial matters to me?" The lion king in black plate armor revealed magnetism in his voice. Even sitting on the stone bench, he looked a head taller than ordinary people.

Gundam's robust warrior makes one wonder if it wasn't for the specially-made seat, it would have been crushed to pieces under the pressure of its own weight and armor.

"This month, we have captured no less than a hundred professionals. Although they are all newcomers with little experience, this is definitely not a normal phenomenon!" He has a strong body, but he is still as small as a child in front of the Lion King.

"I have already sensed the changes in the world. A new round of energy tide has already begun to gather momentum. This world will soon become more exciting." When the Lion King was thinking, he gently touched the world with his fingers. Gully was drawn on the surface of the stone table: "The birth of professionals is about to usher in a climax, and our Lion Knights should take advantage of this opportunity to add some fresh blood."

"Among those prisoners?" Luther asked casually.

"No, let those wastes who want to get something for nothing go to dig mines, go to smash stones, and send our people to find the seeds that are really qualified to join the battle group." The Lion King issued the final order.

"Follow your orders, my lord." Luther turned and walked out of the Lion King's lair.

On that day, a large number of Lion Knights scattered from Caliban Castle in light clothes, searching for seeds they thought were good enough among the players.

The witcher ended up taking everything he wanted, including Sir Ham's dragonbone bow, the Siris Assassin of unknown origin, and the Assassin's weapons.

However, this also caused dissatisfaction among the nobles and professionals in the city. Miss Fox promised in front of everyone that she would expel the witcher as quickly as possible.

PS: This lion king is purely fictional, any similarity is purely coincidental

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