The Game of Demon Hunter

Chapter 462 The End of the Parallel Importer

When Bendinik confirmed the identity of the other party, he felt that the opportunity he had been waiting for had come.

As a spellcaster, Bendinik always has his own news channel. He is not a small farmer in the countryside. He can always get some interesting news from his former classmates and teachers.

On the one hand is the candidate for the priest of Shangjin who is expected to become the owner of the holy coin, and on the other is the apprentice of the demon hunter organization who has just suffered a serious injury and was abandoned by the owner of the gold.

Coupled with the recent incidents in Godrim City, Bendinik felt that the goddess Wojin must be guiding him to a broad road!

It's just that there are some small problems right now, the apprentice witcher outside is much more powerful than he imagined!

Hell, Bendynic almost forgot when was the last time he did fireball himself. He didn't want to fight like a warrior with a staff.

Do you want to call Alves and his men over for support?

Bendynic weighed the pros and cons in his mind.

The witcher hadn't hurt anyone so far. If he stopped now, he would end up with a misunderstanding. In such a tense situation, such a misunderstanding is inevitable.

No one could fault him.

But if Alves was called, he would have no way out.

Alves is a professional with good strength. In fact, he is the strongest among all the professionals that Bendinik has seen, except of course his teacher.

Maybe I have to add the mysterious professional who cut off the arm of the lord and can still walk away.

Although Alves is very strong, Bendinik has always felt that his brain is sick.

Alves, who was adopted by Algernon since he was a child, was trained as a tool from the very beginning, especially after he showed his amazing talent and became a real professional.

The loyalty to Algernon was almost engraved in Alves' mind. This time the old lord was cut off with an arm. If the pastor hadn't acted in time, Algernon might have returned to the embrace of God.

So Alves has been in a state of madness for the past few days. Once he reports this witcher as a suspect, this matter will be considered a dead end.

Bendinik hesitated for a few seconds, and finally sent someone to inform Alves for a better future.

Seeking wealth and wealth, Bandinick firmly grasped the staff in his hand and decided to give it a go.

Before the decline of Bandinic's family, he was also qualified to know some information about the profession of witcher. In his impression, Kaer Morhen would take a large amount of sponsorship fees from the noble council every year.

The twelve years as an apprentice in the mage's tower allowed him to develop the mage's contempt for other professionals.

It's not his fault, most professionals need innate aptitude or bloodlines to formally advance. Even the profession of witcher needs to fight for the qualification of passing the grass trial.

And mages, pure mages, really don't have high requirements for talents and blood. As long as you can understand those complicated spell models and dazzling magic patterns, you have a chance to climb up.

Simply put, as long as you are smart enough, there is no threshold or level for you on the path of the mage.

Of course, from a certain point of view, intelligence is the talent that really makes people unique.

In short, the arrogance of the mage himself made Benedict feel that he had the ability to play with the witcher and the professionals of Godrim City.

This matter will not only bring him great gains materially, but also make him feel extremely satisfied in his heart.

Seeing that the soldiers were helpless against the witcher under the city wall, Bandinic took out the spell scroll he had stored earlier.

This is the [Malicious Transfiguration] scroll that he bought from his teacher when he was a rich young master. It can transform the victim, no, the subject into a small animal with a random image. It can vary from a second to half a minute, depending on the opponent's willpower and magic resistance.

Bandinic didn't believe that the opponent would have a super-high magic resistance attribute on the basis of such an outrageous physical defense. If an apprentice was so inhuman, Kaer Morhen would never be in the current predicament.

He glanced at the scroll in his hand with some reluctance, and swore that every penny invested now would be returned a hundred times stronger in the future.

Bendinik intends to release a [Human Immobilization] first, and then use the teacher's scroll to ensure nothing goes wrong.

He was afraid that he would miss it, because there was only one scroll for [Malicious Transformation].

It's just that although Xu Yichen rarely has the chance to fight spellcasters, but as the strongest BUG profession in the hearts of professionals from all walks of life, his teacher Gang Ze once taught some small skills against spellcasters.

For example, if you find that the other party is chanting some incomprehensible spells, then act first and don't give the other party a chance to cast spells.

For example, if the other party emits a strange light, then act first and don't give the other party a chance to play tricks.

For example, if the other party pulls out a scroll from his arms, then you must act first, because your enemy is likely to release spells that far exceed his own strength.

For example, if the other party takes out a stack of scrolls from his arms, then... leave! The rich Fa Ye is almost invincible, and the right choice is to run away first.

Therefore, from the moment Bendynik took out a scroll, Xu Yichen focused all his attention on him, and the guards in front of him could not harm him.

Even in the distance, Wari who was thrown out was held up by several guards, but he didn't care at all.

Launching an attack while the opponent is casting a spell is the best time to attack. If you are lucky, even if the attack does not work, it will cause the opponent to fail to cast a spell and cause backlash.

In principle, when facing a mage, your first attack will almost certainly fail.

Unless, if you perform miracles vigorously, your output ability has completely exceeded the ability of the opponent.

Xu Yichen planned to gamble. The moment the caster's lips opened on the city wall, two broken spears were thrown by the witcher.

When the first spear was half a meter away from the mage, it was blocked by an energy shield that appeared out of thin air, and the robe on the mage's body flickered for a moment, and became much darker.

Before the mage was interrupted from casting spells because of surprise, the second spear directly pierced the mage's thin body and knocked him to the ground.

Not only the surrounding guards were in an uproar, but even Xu Yichen was taken aback.

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