The Game of Demon Hunter

Chapter 437 The Game Routine of Ordinary Players

As the demon hunters released the tiger man-eating shark, a dynamic flashed on Ralph's retinas: "Mission: Expelling the tiger man-eating shark, completed."

"Head! Our mission is complete!" Trista cheered heartlessly, and the girl who was originally dressed in cool clothes on the sea suddenly surged.

Sabra stared secretly for a few times, swallowed, then glanced at his tattooed companion, and looked away again.

From the beginning to the end, he didn't dare to look directly into Xu Yichen's eyes. The yellow skin and black eyes made him subconsciously keep quiet.

"Friend, you look seriously injured, do you need help?" Horst, who is 190 centimeters tall, has a very easy-going personality despite being covered in tattoos all over his body.

Xu Yichen threw [Elegant Ripper] on the deck with a bang, and heaved a sigh of relief: "Do you have anything to eat?"

Ralph glanced at the priceless weapon, then at the mysterious player with a fierce face, and said very cautiously: "There are only some fish and black bread, we... "

"We're not doing well. This place is taken over by those bastards from the Kshatriya gang. We almost have no money to eat, so we can only take some tasks that no one wants to take to earn some commission." Cui Cui Star is very interested in new players, and she has been exploring in the game with the idea of ​​going out and encountering adventures.

Although the mysterious man in front of her was a player, not an NPC, which disappointed the girl, but the other party seemed to be very suitable for the kind of player who encountered an adventure.

This set Trista's gossip heart on fire.

But Xu Yichen didn't pay attention to this overgrown girl, but focused on dealing with the food that Ralph took out from the cabin.

The fish meat is dried fish that has been marinated in advance. It looks fresh, not old dried fish. Apart from some fishy smell, it is moderately salty and does not turn into something like pickles.

The bread is coarse bread that can barely be eaten, the color looks impure black, the taste is rough, and there are no other advantages except for being full.

But these two things just made Xu Yichen feel like a gourmet food, and the other people who watched it all had a big appetite.

Trista took a bite of her black bread with some doubts, curled her lips, the bread was still the same bread, but the person opposite seemed to eat it really delicious.

Ralph handed over a bag of fresh water: "My name is Ralph, you look hungry for a long time, it's better not to eat too much, this game is very realistic, and these two kinds of food are not easy to digest .”

Xu Yichen drank up the water in the bag in one breath, even swallowed all the food that Ralph took out just now, and smiled at Ralph who kindly reminded himself.

To be honest, with his current physique attributes and the energy consumption caused by the recovery speed, these foods are almost completely digested as soon as they enter the stomach, and become energy supplies for the body to recover from its injuries.

Stretching out his hand to splash a few handfuls of water in the sea to wipe off the blood on his face, Xu Yichen said, "Thank you very much for your cooperation. I need to recover from some injuries. Wait a moment."

Then the four of Ralph watched as the bald player grabbed his arm and yanked it hard. With the tooth-piercing sound of bones rubbing against each other, he forcibly restored his somewhat deformed arm to its normal position.

Then there was the neck. They watched the witcher break his tibia again, reset it to its normal position, and then turned his head back and forth, as if to feel whether there was still a flaw.

"Hiss!" Ralph, the oldest, suddenly felt a toothache. Although the opponent's extraordinary armor and weapons knew that he was a player they couldn't afford to mess with, the scene in front of him still made him stare. Big eyes.

He has always thought that this is a very scientific and realistic game, and now he feels that he has to start to accept the setting of this magical game.

"Let me re-introduce, I am Xu Yichen, a player from New China, and my identity here is a demon hunter." Xu Yichen wiped his bald head a little uncomfortable.

However, according to his recovery speed, his hair will return to its previous length in about three days.

"Ralph, uh, I'm a fisherman, and it's the same in the game." Ralph watched the metal part of the opponent's armor move in a very sci-fi way, and after a while, it condensed into an exquisitely shaped half-chest First.

In fact, in reality, Ralph is a small boss with little assets and runs a fishing company by himself. However, as the international situation becomes more and more severe, his business has also been affected a lot.

Ralph, who had no worries about the future, was excited for a moment, and finally chose to sell his property, collected enough money for a boat ticket, and joined the sea of ​​stars.

Compared with the thousands of volunteers selected by the five permanent members, most of these third world countries are kept in the dark, and more of them regard this colonization operation as a new round of space race.

Although many outstanding talents were sent in, some of the tickets were spread among the people, and some adventurous or desperate guys were also mixed in.

For example, Horst, his original job was a police patrol, but when night fell, he would wear self-made bulletproof armor and become a "vigilante", an extrajudicial judge.

The reputation of the latter is very large in the underground world.

But his identity was eventually exposed by a group of drug criminals, and he had a deep foundation in South America. In exchange, Horst was sent to the colonial fleet by a senior government official for refuge.

The price was that he had to protect Trista, the official's daughter, at all costs.

As for Sabra, he is one of the descendants of a South Asian noble with a good education and a good family background.

One-fifteenth, his family was one of the first local aristocratic forces to fall to New China, so the local power is very stable, but the reputation is not good.

Behind their backs, they were always called traitors and traitors.

But Sabra's family is becoming more and more stable as New China becomes stronger and stronger.

Along with this, the rights are getting bigger and bigger, so the brothers and sisters who were originally in harmony are becoming more and more gunpowder as the people in power get older.

Sabra, who has a somewhat cowardly personality, finally chose to give up his inheritance rights, and joined the colonial fleet on a Xinhua Aerospace plane to reclaim the unknown world, to avoid too many things he was unwilling and unable to bear.

But after entering the game, things didn't get better for him.

The Kshatriya gang, which is mainly composed of players from the South Asian continent, soon discovered this 'traitor' who had defected to the enemy.

PS: Thank you book friend @圣蜜白龙王 for your reward, thank you book friend @雪葱恋 for your reward, thank you book friend @知白晓黑 for your reward, thank you book friend @不必复助他起来的结果, thank you for the book Friend @linglingmo for the reward, thank you book friend @阴cenzei for the reward, thank you book friend @056883.qdcn for the reward, thank you book friend @真夫萌大泡 for the reward, thank you book friend @玉水风天tipping

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