The Game of Demon Hunter

Chapter 417: Remember My Name

The messenger of the God of Plague, who had lost his wings, was unable to maintain his composure and fell from the sky like a huge boulder.

The witcher dodged the opponent's huge palm, maintained his balance, and fell to the ground together with the monster.

【Elegant Ripper】Using the falling gravity, it penetrated deeply into the head of the God of Plague Messenger, right in the middle of the two horns.

Xu Yichen pierced the entire blade of the sword into the plague messenger's body, leaving only the hilt exposed.

This is also the fourth sword of the witcher.

"Good luck fat boy!" After saying that, Xu Yichen rolled forward and fell to the ground, leaving only his weapon on top of the monster's head.

"Oh, I don't feel so good." The God of Plague Messenger only had time to roll his eyes——

"Boom!" Flesh exploded!

The head of the God of Plague Messenger, including the part above the collarbone, was blown to pieces.

Exploding from the inside out is comparable to a grenade being stuffed into a person's mouth and then detonated.

The flesh and blood of the Plaguebringer rained down, mingling with the detritus of the battlefield.

With his back to the scene of the explosion, Xu Yichen stretched out his hand and grabbed the flying [Elegant Ripper] in his hand. With a twist of his wrist, the flesh left on it was blown away, and he took it back into the scabbard.

The envoy of the God of Plague, who had lost one-third of his body, fell slowly to the ground, yellow blood and internal organs flowed out along the chest cavity, and the huge sickle was thrown away at hand.

Two fat palms scratched back and forth in the body, as if to determine which part of him was missing.

As a member of Nurgle's army, the messenger of the plague god is really difficult to kill.

However, witchers have always done this kind of work, and they are very experienced.

Seeing their master defeated, the last remaining plague horde began to flee.

Xu Yichen carried the [Elegant Ripper] that he had sheathed, and strode to the place where the messenger of the plague god fell.

The huge monster's remnant body trembled and twitched, and most of its flesh was torn off, exposing the muscles and huge skeleton inside.

Its viscera hung in its loose, wrinkled body cavity, staining the surrounding ground black.

In Xu Yichen's precious memory from the gray knight, Drago had encountered such a difficult to kill monster before he was trapped in the subspace.

That was an enemy far more powerful than the one in front of him. In the gray knight's memory, he was full of hostility, contempt, and unspeakable anger towards him.

The rage was so great that the memory of the enemy was distorted beyond recognition.

The Grand Master of the Gray Knights could not completely destroy each other in his world, but he left a very deep mark on him.

He engraved a sacred name on the decayed heart of the opponent, and even if he was born again, his enemy would feel the wrath of the Gray Knight with every heartbeat with this humiliation.

The witcher thought that was a good idea.

Since you have come to my world, go back with some souvenirs.

Kicking away the arm of the God of Plague Messenger waving wildly in the air, Xu Yichen stood on the other's fat belly.

There was a tactile sensation under the feet, as disgusting as wearing rain boots and stepping on mud.

That's devil's fat.

More pus squeezed out of the wound as the witcher moved.

"Fat boy, you are blessed." Xu Yichen held the long sword upside down with both hands, and the point of the sword stabbed hard at the chest cavity of the God of Plague Messenger.

【Iron and blood, kill it】!

Accompanied by the witcher's own blood, the blade sliced ​​through the skin and muscles of the messenger of the plague god like a layer of decayed leather.

It took the witcher a little time to clean up the poisonous blood and fat, and soon he saw the heart of the God of Plague beating in a terrible rhythm on his severely damaged chest.

"What is he doing?" Alix asked the witch beside him in a low voice, he felt that the player from New China exuded a frightening aura.

He once met a hungry lion in a nature reserve in Africa, which gave him the feeling he has now.

"He is standing up, teaching that fat man a lifelong lesson." The silver-haired witch frowned, pressing her temples with her fingers.

The sequelae of continuous use of psionic spells were squeezing her brain, and the extremely active psionic environment around her further exacerbated this symptom.

Maybe, I need a little witcher's blood to calm down.

The freshest kind.

Xu Yichen inserted the long sword into the body of the God of Plague Messenger casually, freed two hands to hold the opponent's ribs tightly, and the silver flames randomly attached to the evil bones.

Under the joint action of flames and strength, the ribs of the messenger of the God of Plague succumbed. Amidst the tooth-piercing sound of bones breaking, the demon hunter forcibly broke open the ribs that were responsible for protecting his chest.

He pulled the shattered ribs to the sides.

The devil's filthy heart was the size of a basketball, beating tremblingly under the watchful eyes of the witcher.

Xu Yichen grinned grimly.

He had never tried this kind of fancy work before.

None of the enemies he had encountered before had such strong vitality.

The witcher pulled out the 【Elegant Ripper】 that was stuck on the side, and carefully approached the opponent's heart with the tip of the sword.

The huge, fetid heart shrank itself in vain from the irresistible kiss of the Valyrian steel sword.

But the sharp blade still drew the first stroke on it.

Gray Knights believe that there is power in names.

In the memory he had passed down to the witcher, the method had indeed worked.

But that's not in this world.

But for the witcher, even if it doesn't work, it's a very interesting thing.

Full of artistry.

Black blood flowed from the wound on the heart, and Xu Yichen washed the dirty heart with the moon spring water of the elves to prevent the other party from destroying his creation.

The tip of the sword was his stylus, and the second pen fell with it.

Then there is the third pen.

The witcher patiently waited for the special effect time on the weapon called [Flesh Ripper] to end.

He didn't want this heart to be freed in a burst of explosions, just like he never let off every chaotic demon that came to make trouble easily.

He will use practical actions to tell every Chaos demon he meets, what kind of profession is a demon hunter.

He would spend all his time severing every tentacle of Chaos reaching out to his world, and carve his name on it as a memento.

Just like what he is doing.

"My name is Xu Yichen."

"I am a demon hunter."

He intends to engrave this sentence on the heart of the other party in Chinese. Maybe his name doesn't have much power now, but sooner or later, they will be afraid of this name.

PS: About the memory of the Gray Knight, it comes from a 40K radio drama. Brother Drag carved the name of the former supreme mentor on the heart of the Primarch of the Death Guard. That’s right, Brother Drag’s life is like this

PS: Thank you book friend @书友20180428184002425 for your reward, thank you book friend @雪葱恋 for your reward, thank you book friend @南宫嘉朱 for your reward, thank you book friend @知白晓黑 for your reward, thank you book friend @DEATHLIVE’s tip, thanks to book friend @夏虫和冰,晓 for the tip, thanks to book friend @夫官 for the tip, thanks to book friend @默执刀 for the tip, thanks to the book friend @空束 for the tip, Thanks to the book friend @岸花小遥越色洛 for the reward, and thanks to the book friend @我刚刚应该胶胖的把

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