The Game of Demon Hunter

Chapter 399 Terrifying News

The witcher jumped up high, and the long sword in his hand ruthlessly pierced the traitor's neck upwards and deeply into the back of his head.

Fourth hit!


Half of the back of Darth Moore's head was blown out by this sword, and Xu Yichen was splashed with most of his brain tissue.

Flesh explosion!

The origin of the name of [Elegant Ripper] is because of this characteristic, and its power really lives up to its reputation!

The renegade apprentice who had completely surrendered to Khorne only felt his eyes go dark, and then completely lost consciousness.

Darth Maul, who was constantly eroded physically and mentally by the will of Khorne, couldn't even find too many memories about his weapons in his dilapidated brain.

He was completely defenseless against the coming of the fatal blow.

Darth Maul with his independent personality may have been erased long ago, leaving only a puppet with his flesh.

Xu Yichen didn't know why he kept carrying a weapon that he couldn't use, but he was willing to believe that this was the last resistance of this cat school apprentice against chaos.

Died by your own sword, maybe you can rest in peace, right?

The witcher looked at the renegade apprentice who was standing still in the previous position. No one could survive this kind of injury.

Half of the opponent's skull was blown away, and in the four wide open wounds, the remaining brain tissue had become almost the same as Douhua.

However, the cat's head badge belonging to the former apprentice was still vibrating on the witcher's chest.

Being on guard against the various tricks of the Chaos Demon, Xu Yichen cautiously took two steps back, allowing the 'corpse' of the traitorous apprentice to block between himself and Nahru's body.

The headless giant is limping towards here. Its body is like plasticine. No matter how badly it is injured, it can be used after pinching and inserting it back into its original position.

Under the shocked eyes of the witcher, the renegade apprentice slowly exhaled and turned around.

In the previous explosion, the huge intracranial pressure 'squirted' Darth Maul's two eyes out of their sockets, and flew to nowhere. At this time, there were two holes left in the eyes of the traitorous apprentice.

Xu Yichen could even see Nahru's body approaching behind the opponent through the dilapidated flesh and blood tissue.

But this didn't affect the fact that there was an empty smile on Darth Maul's face, a truly 'empty' smile.

When he grinned, an unknown piece of meat fell directly to the ground from the huge wound on the back of his head along his mouth.

The witcher thought it might be his tongue.

"Meet you again, witcher, I knew you would not die so easily." A completely different voice came from the mouth of 'Darth Maul': "The blood god is very satisfied with your offering, if you My Lord and I will be very disappointed to die like this."

Ever since he came into contact with chaos, Xu Yichen felt that his three views had been impacted. He was originally superstitious in science, but this world seemed to be running further and further on the road of metaphysics.

"Mannoroth?" The witcher asked tentatively, this was the only guy he had come into contact with before, who could represent the will of Khorne.

His own weapon was cut off by him.

"That's right, it's me." Darth Maul reached out and touched the spiral horns on the top of his head: "Although this body doesn't satisfy me very much, it's better to have than to have nothing, isn't it?"

Xu Yichen raised the long sword in his hand with one hand, and the blazing silver flame made Mannoroth take a step back subconsciously: "I thought I had completely killed you last time, it seems that you broke the hatred of my weapon, I can Report it again!"

Mannoroth waved his hand, and an ax of scarlet energy took shape in his palm.

Unlike the giant sword with only one general shape in the hands of the renegade apprentice before, the broad ax surface is painted with exquisite patterns, and along the arc of the ax blade, two strangely shaped sharp corners are highlighted.

Although it is very ferocious, it has to be said that this murder weapon can be recognized as a high-end product at a glance.

"Don't rush to fight, witcher." Mannoroth swung the ax in his hand a few times, as if adapting to his new weapon: "The will of the blood god cannot be violated. The original owner of this body is an idiot. As a demon hunter or a fighter who believes in the blood god, he has no idea what kind of power he holds."

"You are different. You are a real fighter. We can always find our own sense of existence in the killing." Mannoroth, who looked at the giant axe, dodged the headless giant's attack nonchalantly, and chopped off the opponent with one axe. half of the foot.

"Different from these dirty, rotten flesh made of rotting corpses and plagues, what we pursue is to sublimate ourselves in battle." Mannoroth didn't care about exposing his back to the witcher: "The Lord of Plague The plan does not fit the aesthetics of the great blood god."

Taking advantage of the headless giant's attack, Mannoroth turned his head and blinked at the witcher. God knows how he did this: "So, I will help you complete this task quietly, and then we will be here on this land." How about a good fight?"

When he heard the other party say the word mission, Xu Yichen's heart turned cold.

"This is a little secret between us. No one will know if you don't tell it." Mannoroth chopped off an arm of Nahru's body with another axe: "You don't need to bear the infamy of a traitor. What I should do, be a hero, kill the Chaos Demon, and I got what I wanted."

"Blood, killing, more corpses, more battles." Mannoroth tore the headless giant apart.

Now it really lives up to its name, only the body of Nahru remains.

"More importantly, maybe you still have a chance to win!" Mannoroth seemed to feel that the position of the back of his head was a bit uncomfortable, and he reached out to clean out the remaining brain tissue inside: "Win-win!"

"How did you know about my mission?" the witcher asked calmly, suppressing the turmoil in his heart.

"Come on, it's not like we haven't been to your world." Mannoroth threw away his giant axe, and the ax made of pure energy disappeared without a trace like fine sand after landing: "Okay, I It's true that I haven't been to your world, but other people have been, and the entrance there is a bit narrow for me."

Magnus's arm muscles swelled, and he forcibly opened the huge mouth of Nahru's body: "Actually, our existence is very similar. Your souls are stored in your 'servers', while ours are stored in our servers." in the hands of the master."

"To this world, we are no different." Mannoroth's words made Xu Yichen's heart almost stop beating.

PS: Thanks to the book friend @知白晓黑 for the reward, thanks to the book friend @迷前人 for the reward, and thanks to the book friend @HISSHE for the reward

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