The Game of Demon Hunter

Chapter 395 Others' Sign Skills

From the moment he saw the opponent for the first time, the witcher knew that the target he had been waiting for had appeared when it should not have appeared.

Faced with enemies, Xu Yichen immediately realized that it was impossible for him to win against two enemies of this level, and running for his life was his only choice.

The mission of Nahru's body does not specify the punishment for mission failure. The biggest possibility is the consequence of system mission failure, and there is no need to punish it separately.

In the history of demon hunters fighting against Chaos, the battles with the followers of Nurgle have always been the most and fiercest, because the followers of Nurgle always spread some small gifts from Nurgle while doing their own business.

A total of 135 demon hunters died in the battle with the Chaos demons, and more than 70 of them died in the battle with the disciples of Nurgle.

Unlike the followers of other Chaos Gods, the followers of Nurgle are responsible for the death of many mortals whether their plans are successful or not.

If they succeeded, the consequences would be dire, and if they failed, the consequences would still be serious, and would grow worse as time dragged on.

Therefore, after the demon hunters discovered Nurgle's believers, most of the time they didn't even have the chance to wait for backup or notify their companions, so they could only bite the bullet.

Even on the battlefield that Xu Yichen has experienced in reality, biochemical weapons are still a big killer.

Influenced by the Umbrella Corporation, the development of biochemical weapons in underdeveloped areas is far more prosperous than in Xu Yichen's previous world.

Except for a few elite troops equipped with fully enclosed armor, the damage caused by next-generation biological and chemical weapons to light vehicles and infantry is increasing geometrically every year.

New China, which has always been an attacker in the world pattern, invests a lot of resources in preventing biochemical attacks every year.

The national-level regional monitoring system, the citizen-level management system that is accurate to the real-time location of individuals, and the anti-biological and chemical weapon attack drills in the reserve system are all not solutions in this environment.

Of course, the more important means of deterrence are those elite squads that specialize in retaliation on the dark side.

The Republic is unwilling to waste time investigating suspects. Once a terrorist attack occurs, all motivated and suspected organizations will be wiped out, one by one, until someone is willing to provide information to calm the anger of the Republic. .

The horrible bundling policy, the Republic regards all unofficial armed organizations except itself as one, no matter who attacked me, you have to give me an explanation, hand over the murderer or be eliminated.

The elite team led by Xu Yichen is one of the executioners under this agreement, so he knows very well what kind of impact a biochemical bomb that is ready to take effect at any time will cause.

And the plague egg hidden deep inside Nahru's body is such a bomb.

"Are you the new apprentice of Gangze Aragon?" The man in black robe with the badge of the Cat School asked happily as he opened his mouth full of triangular teeth like he didn't see the headless giant on the ground.

Xu Yichen stood up from his hiding place. This place could fool the stupid giant, but it was useless to the witcher whose sensory abilities had been enhanced.

Even if the other party has turned to Chaos, he was still a much more experienced hunter than himself before.

The witcher turned his head slightly, avoided a piece of gravel accidentally thrown by the headless giant, and adjusted his equipment: "You just took refuge in Chaos and fled from Kaer Morhen in embarrassment. One of the traitors who were not reused by their new master?"

Xu Yichen didn't even have a draft, so he took the lead in attacking.

The other party's scarlet eyes, alienated teeth, and the strange protrusion on the forehead under the hood all showed that the other party had completely broken away from the identity of a human being and became a member of the chaos demon.

While speaking, the witcher moved his steps and stood behind Nahru's body, blocking the headless giant between himself and the traitor hunter.

Looking at the giant who picked up his own arm from the ground and roughly inserted it back into the broken arm, Xu Yichen felt that he could try to divert the trouble.

In the wound on the severed arm of the headless giant, countless granulation squirmed and hugged each other, and the terrifying looking wound was quickly repaired.

"You are just like your teacher, eloquent and hypocritical." Darth Maul walked towards the witcher step by step, turning a blind eye to the giant in front of him: "My master once said that people of the wolf school A hypocrite."

"Maybe today we have a chance to see if you really have a wolf heart." With a wave of Darth Maul's hand, a huge boulder next to the witcher rose into the air and smashed towards him.

Xu Yichen rolled backwards, dodging the boulder's attack, he didn't even know how the opponent did it.

If it was really Alder's seal, Xu Yichen felt that he would never be able to do this in his life.

However, the attacks from Darth Maul fell on the witcher almost continuously, and stones hit the ground near Xu Yichen with a whistling sound.

When passing by Nahru's body, Darth Maul raised his hand fiercely and slapped the giant somersault: "Go away, dirty feces, stay away from me!"

The headless giant had an arm chopped off in an almost Lingchi way before, and he had nowhere to vent his anger. Now he met the renegade apprentice who took the initiative to provoke it, and finally had a target to vent his anger on.

What's more, when it saw the other party's black robe, it couldn't help but think of the black robe man in its memory!

Cracking the huge mouth of his abdomen to the maximum, Nahru's body rolled towards the black-robed Darth Maul with a stench, shaking the mountains along the way!

However, the moment before the collision, the figure of the traitorous apprentice disappeared in front of the headless giant.


The sound of metal colliding exploded, Xu Yichen shielded his chest with his arms, and the Oriha steel metal on [Embrace of Ashes] formed a layer of gauntlets on his arms, blocking the attack of the enemy's claws.

Darth Maul, who suddenly disappeared and reappeared in front of the witcher, laughed loudly and swiped the sharp nails on his five fingers. A stream of sparks rubbed along the gauntlet: "Good response! Apprentice!"

Darth Maul's body didn't shake at all, and his right foot kicked towards the witcher's chin from bottom to top, and a cold light came first at the toe of the shoe.

"Try this again!" The voice of the renegade apprentice was full of blood.

PS: Thank you book friend @迷前人 for your reward, thank you book friend @知白晓黑 for your reward, thank you book friend @2018041383159473 for your reward

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