The Game of Demon Hunter

Chapter 283 Battlegroup Banner

At the highest point of the castle, the witcher entered the [meditation] state, waiting for the sun to rise the next day. Maybe the road ahead is still difficult, but human beings are creatures with strong adaptability after all.

Xu Yichen believes that under the proper guidance of the government, they will eventually accept this grotesque truth and successfully complete Nirvana.

In the state of [Meditation], the witcher sorted out the recent events, reproduced the details that were forgotten or not noticed at the time, and reviewed the enemies he had encountered before.

Whether it was a chaotic pilgrim or a real chaotic creature who had sneaked in, he would re-contest with them in his mind, making sure that the next time he encountered these enemies, he would use more efficient fighting methods to deal with them.

He thought of the nuns of the Sisters of the Heart of the Sincere, those fanatical women who chanted the slogan of the Witch King, and chopped those women to the ground again in his mind. This time, even the Silent Sisters did not escape him. killer.

Xu Yichen also put the Tyranid Zerg in his memory, and imitated the fighting style of the gray knight Kaldor Drago, fighting in the sea of ​​insects. When he chopped down the 666th insect to the ground, He was thrown down from behind by the fast worms and submerged in the sea of ​​worms.

The witcher once again fought with the mage Werther. On the airship, this time he used the spell skill immediately. The huge impact forcefully pushed the mage back a short distance, successfully Interrupted the opponent's attempt to cast a spell.

In this case, the mage Werther has no power to resist.

However, when the battlefield moved to the No. 370 barracks, the mage Werther stood in that high tower, blocking the demon hunters with the spell of bombing the swarm.

Xu Yichen tried eight times, and without exception, he fell on the way to charge.

The witcher firmly remembers in his heart that when facing mage-type enemies, he must kill them with one blow, don't leave the opponent a chance, and don't try to challenge the mage in the magic tower.

In the state of [Meditation], time passed quickly, and Xu Yichen analyzed his enemies and teammates in turn, as well as the strength currently available in his hands.

He opened his eyes as the sun jumped out of the sky and the first rays of light fell on the witcher's face.

"After a whole night of meditation, your mental exhaustion caused by continuous fighting has finally been relieved, and you have gained 500 life experience points!"

"In the [Meditation] state, you have optimized your combat skills, [Two-Handed Epee] weapon proficiency +2."

Below, the smoke from the kitchen rises, and the women in the refugee camp have already started a busy day. In order to ensure that the middle-aged labor force has sufficient physical labor, the camp adopts three meals a day.

This is unimaginable for ordinary people who are used to two meals a day, but relying on the materials supported by the church and the guarantee of follow-up assistance from the Witch Union, this system has been popularized under the forced promotion of Marx.

The nobles in this world have already adapted to the life of three meals a day, so their physical fitness and brain development are much better than these commoners.

Many urban residents with relatively well-off families also eat three meals a day, hoping that the next generation can grow up healthily and have the opportunity to become a glorious professional.

The militiamen organized by Marx had fetched water from the creek to wash their hands one after another, and the men brought buckets of spring water to the camp and boiled them on the bonfire.

The simple truth of not drinking unboiled water has long been known to residents living by the sea, but many people still ignore it because of laziness or ignorance.

But it is different now. Under the leadership of Marx, once such behavior is found, they will be educated forcibly until the person can recite the personal hygiene management regulations backwards.

Most of the people here can't even write their own names. For this kind of punishment, they would rather choose to work for nothing on the construction site for a day.

Looking at the thriving camp, the witcher felt that there should be a banner worth fighting for, an emblem representing the glory of the warband.

Immediately, Xu Yichen found the package used to hold Slaanesh's nun. This thing was originally a piece of magic equipment [Shadow of Silence], but it was almost destroyed by the witcher.

The current state of [Shadow of Silence] is [Damaged], but since he acquired the talent of [Bath of Divine Blood], his demand for equipment other than weapons has dropped a lot.

After opening [Shadow of Silence], Sister Slaanesh, who was still in a meaty state inside, was slowly surging in a disgusting way.

After eating [Dragon Brother's Golden Apple], the witcher has obtained the special skill [Pure Fire], which allows him not only to rely on blood to harm Chaos creatures.

Facing the wreckage of Sister Shalene at this time, [Pure Fire] spontaneously burned all over his body, and the blazing flame suddenly intensified the surging frequency of the pile of minced meat.

This also attracted the attention of others. The female warrior was drinking her first drink in the morning, and she took her magic flagon to the rooftop at the top of the castle: "Are you going to burn it now?"

Yang Yuefan silently appeared beside the female warrior, as if he was very curious about this mutant creature worshiping chaos.

A few other players also arrived here scattered, intending to watch the excitement. Not only the players, but all the professionals in the camp saw the flames still dazzling on the top of the castle in the sun, and gathered here one after another.

Except for the witches, the flames made the witches faintly feel a pressure, making them stay away from there subconsciously.

The last one to come up was Feng Wuyi, a monk, and he brought his teacher Tang Sanzang. The two of them seemed to be washing up, and there were still drops of water on their shiny bald heads.

"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, things that shouldn't come into this world, it's better to burn them." Master Sanzang clasped his hands together, looking solemn, but this sentence made other players feel a little out of place up.

"I am a demon hunter, and fighting against chaos is my job, and I have done a good job so far." Xu Yichen said to the crowd: "I plan to reflect our warband's banner on the banner of my battle group. characteristics."

[Gnar's Flaming Great Sword] is still extremely sharp, and [Shadow of Silence] is easily cut into a rectangular banner, and the part stained with the blood of the chaotic creature begins to burn under the action of [Pure Fire].

The reason why this strange flame is fueled by chaos will not damage mortal objects. The witcher uses the long sword as the paintbrush and the Slaanesh nun as the fuel to start painting the logo of his battle group.

PS: I wish you all a happy Valentine’s Day, but considering that tomorrow is Chinese New Year’s Eve, those who can celebrate Valentine’s Day together at this time must have met their parents~ I wish you a happy new marriage 2333

PS: Thank you book friend @迷前人 for your reward, thank you book friend @知白晓黑 for your reward, thank you book friend @Fategod for your reward

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