The Game of Demon Hunter

Chapter 278 Abnormal History

"Are you happy now?" Yang Yuefan condensed such a sentence on his face.

At the end when he jumped down, although he still had a hole card to guarantee that he would not be killed, it was unknown how long he could survive in the bug swarm.

In this game with serious consequences of death, he didn't dare to bet that he was the kind of chosen one who could resist the slow corrosion of the soul from the unknown plane.

After all, on Earth, research on the existence of the human soul has just begun. If there were not a large number of cases that slapped the scientific community in the face with facts, the subject of soul science might still be debated in various philosophies.

As early as 50 years ago, the major regimes discovered a problem, and the new discoveries in the scientific community suddenly reached a peak, and various new technologies and new theories broke out like a blowout.

In the beginning, he was the leader of a cutting-edge scientific research laboratory. Like a spirit possessed, he advanced by leaps and bounds in various research projects. Experiments that originally took ten or twenty years to produce preliminary results were fully matured in just two or three years.

A large number of new materials and new technologies have directly crossed the small-scale laboratory tests and turned them into mature products that can be put into the civilian market in one step.

The scientific circles of various countries seem to have entered their own carnival era. Papers with various impact factors as high as 20 points and 30 points are published in various authoritative journals as if they do not cost money.

It seems that the level of human science and technology has finally reached its golden age after decades of accumulation. Ordinary people can see that certain technical difficulties have been overcome and some high-tech has been put into use on various media every day.

Over the next few years, things started to go a bit wrong.

Some people may be a cleaner yesterday and become an expert in a certain field the next day; maybe a boy who just celebrated his twelfth birthday last week was beaten by violent parents because he failed an exam His buttocks were red, and before the swelling subsided, he suddenly became a materials scientist.

A problem that has plagued a certain national laboratory for more than ten years was scribbled out in his calculation book.

There are more and more people like this. When one technical problem is raised today, someone will suddenly awaken to the solution to this problem the next day.

The scientific community has collapsed, and countless respected masters are addicted to alcohol and stimulants.

Suicide, depravity, in universities and scientific research centers, there are scholars hanged on trees every day, scientists are covered with white cloth and sent to the morgue.

Society no longer needs scholars. Those who wake up overnight are called listeners.

The turning point of things started with a listener. Before the awakening, the listener was an elementary school teacher and suddenly became a physicist.

It took him three months to design a high-performance battery. Of course, that technology is no longer important. Less than three months after it was put into production, the once high-performance battery has become a backward low-end technology and has been replaced by a product with higher efficiency.

Then the teacher, died.

Brain dead, the autopsy expert wrote in the report that the teacher's brain had been roasted.

It's like being in a microwave oven, starting from a small fire and heating up all the way, and finally turning into a high fire, the brain tissue has completely shrunk and deteriorated.

As if some signal was received, the listeners died on a large scale. In order to delay the deterioration of this situation, all countries used hibernation chambers to freeze all the discovered listeners.

Because every listener represents a technology, or design, or product optimization that has not yet been mastered by humans, these people are precious wealth.

Just like oil back then, once these precious human resources are discovered, they will be registered by the state, frozen according to the knowledge in their heads, and stored in underground bunkers that can withstand nuclear explosions.

When the scientific community encounters a problem that cannot be broken through, a listener loaded with a solution will be unfrozen and solve this problem in the countdown of a limited life.

The scientific community has been revived, but in a different direction.

What the country needs are people with innovative thinking, rich professional knowledge, who can find the best solution in countless development directions, and then establish topics and find corresponding listeners.

Solve the problem, put it into production, upgrade the industry, re-analyze the optimal solution, find new difficulties, and wait for the support of the listeners.

The scientist has disappeared, and the person who stood up on his body is called the science officer.

However, war, war never changed.

When human beings face a profitable resource, the first thing they think of is to occupy more.

What used to be energy is now population.

A larger population base represents more listeners, more new technologies and new equipment.

Population resources have become the most sought-after resources on earth.

The war that changed the entire world pattern broke out, directly leading to the emergence of the five major camps on the earth.

New China, which originally had an advantage in population, has a clear goal in the war, and will never allow another powerful force beyond its grasp to appear around it.

The Tianzhu Federation is the biggest goal of the Republic. Fortunately, New China has laid a solid foundation for this opportunity in the past hundred years.

It was a strange war, because you never knew what secret weapon your opponent might have.

Even within New China, when the Army had just phased out its traditional tanks fueled by bio-fossils and replaced them with tanks powered by pure electric energy, the Navy's first space weapon platform with controllable nuclear fusion energy had already launched into space .

The difference is that the listeners assigned to each department are different.

Yingzhou was the first to fall under the iron heel of the Republic.

In the last refuge of the Yingzhou government, the army of New China found the listeners who had been killed on a large scale. When they could not continue to resist, they killed all the listeners with poison gas.

However, the technology reserve that has been seized is enough for the Republic to digest for a while. The related technology of human body enhancement has been the direction of Yingzhou's conquering, paving the way for the emergence of the New China Political Commissar.

The demon hunter patted Yang Yuefan's face, interrupting his thoughts: "It's just a joke, don't worry about it."

The ten players finally completed the mission safely and survived to the end. At this time, they had separated from the mission space and stood in the castle where the group was first built.

"The battle group 'Retribution' you are in has completed the team building task, and is counting the performance level of the 'Retribution' war group in the mission, please wait."

PS: Finally completed the world view~

PS: Tomorrow, I will accompany my mother to the market to buy new year's goods. I don't know if the update will be available in time. . . If you can’t update it in time, it’s considered a leave of absence. I’m sorry, everyone. I’ll leave early in the morning and have a meal with my relatives. I may come back late.

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