The Game of Demon Hunter

Chapter 257: Fast Worm

Before the worm tried to pierce itself with its sharp mouthparts, the witcher knocked him down first.

The sharp long sword almost chopped the huge worm in half. The opponent's upper body was still trying to bite his enemy, and finally the witcher crushed the worm's head with his foot.

The bugs were frantically biting and grabbing any objects that stood in their way. If it weren't for their coordinated attacks, the witcher would have sworn that these things were completely heartless.

As their existence filled all directions around him, Xu Yichen felt as if he had returned to the planet that was destroyed by the famine alien species.

A bug broke through the demon hunter's defense, biting his shoulder with its sharp mouthparts, but it couldn't break through the tough skin.

The sharp claws tore at the demon hunter's body in vain, and Xu Yichen waved the long sword with the other hand indifferently, blocking enemies from other directions.

Soon, these overly clever bugs began to drag the witcher outward forcefully, maybe the slave soldiers and professionals guarding here before were wiped out in this way.

A large number of bugs rushed over from all directions, trying to use their bodies to limit the combat space of the witcher.

Fortunately, before Xu Yichen was dragged out of the city wall, a mercenary with a warhammer arrived, he was from the team of Sword and Shield Warriors, and his warhammer smashed the bug's body flat.

Before the witcher had time to thank him, the mercenary who came to fill his place was already thrown to the ground, half of his face was cut off with a sharp claw.

The worm passed him, huddling its body, ready to leap again, and then turned its red eyes this way.

The witcher kicked off the joints of its lower limbs, and then cut open its unprotected soft abdomen with a long sword, and all kinds of debris flowed out from inside.

The mercenary who lost almost half of his head was wailing on the ground, but Xu Yichen didn't have time to let him rest in peace, and more bugs were swarming towards this breakthrough.

Then the female warrior arrived with a group of slave soldiers, stabilized the line of defense, and fought bloody inch by inch, forcing back the bugs that rushed up the city wall, and rushed to the edge of the high wall.

Xu Yichen saw Vittoria lift a worm whole and throw it over the wall, its claws and tail were still writhing as it fell.

Then, Xu Yichen also saw how it stood up again.

Outside the wall was a hillside piled with their corpses. One after another, the corpses piled up to two-thirds of the high wall, more than three meters high, and became a siege ladder for those insects.

"Abraham! Fireball these corpses from under the wall!" roared the witcher, dodging a spiked tail drawn toward his throat.

Xu Yichen saw the female warrior standing on the top of the wall, holding her flail, covered with the light green blood of the bugs, waving the flail left and right, smashing the rushing bugs down the high wall one by one.

In the direction of the Templars, a flame suddenly appeared, roaring and flying towards the pile of corpses outside the city wall.

Then, something crashed.

The pile of corpses flew out of the wall, scattered on the ground, leaving only puddles of blood at the bottom of the wall.

"Nice job!" The witcher gave a thumbs up in the direction of the Templar, and looked down at the mercenary who had lost his breath.

Sorry buddy, I can't take care of you now, you have to lie here for a while.

The bugs retreated briefly, they left the wall.

But the matter didn't end there, and another group of bugs rushed towards the city wall at a very fast speed.

Those insects with flea-like hind legs began to speed up, almost flying over the corpses left by other insects before, approaching the city wall.

Mage Werther and the archers on the arrow tower tried their best to shoot and kill them before they rushed, but it was only a drop in the bucket. In the end, two or three hundred bugs came to the wall.

"Be careful, these are swift worms! They can jump right in!" the Templar shouted without losing time.

The swift bugs stopped there for about half a heartbeat, tightened the powerful muscles on their hind limbs, and then bounced away, leaping over the city wall at a height of more than two or three feet, like the four deadly knives. His front paws stretched out ferociously in front of him!

These swift insects are small in size, similar to the size of a large dog, but their speed is very fast! Their claws are very sharp!

Almost in an instant, those slave soldiers who reacted a beat slower than normal people suffered heavy losses, and many loopholes appeared in the defense line in an instant.

A swift worm passed its claws through the shoulder of a mercenary, and the sharp claws easily pierced through the armor of the mercenary. Behind him was a hot female warrior, holding two The scimitar was quite eye-catching in the previous battle!

When Xun Chong launched a surprise attack, the mercenary in front of her blocked the first wave of attacks for her, and at the same time lost the time to counterattack, the mercenary who knew he was about to die yelled: "Don't forget me!"

Before the female mercenary could react, he hugged the creature's forelegs with one hand, grabbed it in front of his chest, and then used the other arm to tightly strangle the other swift insect that was about to rush over. throat, and then rushed down the wall, bringing the two bugs down together.

Amidst the mournful roar of the female mercenary, a jagged sharp claw swung towards the thigh of the witcher, but the long sword of the witcher was one step ahead of it, sawing off that foreleg severely, Then he blew out one of its red glass eyes with his own fist.

"Go down the city wall and go to the second line of defense!" The witcher dragged a mercenary who had half of his arm bitten off and jumped off the city wall.

Xu Yichen shouted to the archers who had no time to retreat on the arrow tower: "Organize defenses on the spot, form crossfire against the bugs that rush in, and cover each other! Don't worry about the outside!"

"Abraham! Get your men down!" the witcher yelled at the Templars, "Let those orcs roam freely in the square and kill all the bugs that jump in!"

"Mage! We need time to recapture the city wall!" The witcher yelled in the direction of the tower: "Before we finish dealing with these fleas, you must buy us five minutes, or say goodbye to your mission Bar!"

Although the mage Werther didn't answer, the spells shot from the high tower suddenly strengthened a lot, and for a while, the follow-up reinforcements of the bugs were beaten and couldn't keep up in time!

PS: I haven't asked for a ticket for a long time, how about asking for a ticket?

PS: Thanks to the book friend @迷前人 for the reward

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