The Game of Demon Hunter

Chapter 250 Arrangement before the battle

"That's right." The armored man said hoarsely: "I thought I would have a chance to survive here for half a year, and then be transferred back to the rear to become a real master Templar. It seems that I have no chance."

The team that tried to return the same way returned without success. Although the slave soldiers had no intention of stopping them, it was clear that the gate of the steel fortress could not be opened by manpower.

"Don't try, only I have the authority to open the door." The armored man looked at the group of people expressionlessly. Li Bingheng was using a bandage to bandage the wound on his hand, while the witcher was waiting for the group of mercenaries with an ax clam down.

"Open the gate! Let's go back!" A warrior holding a large shield said in a deep voice: "We give up this commission!"

"Don't be kidding, buddy, where do you think this is?" The armored man mocked: "This is the territory of the Witch King, where the mages have the final say. If you take the mage's money, don't even think about going anywhere until the task is completed." ! You all have the imprint of the secret method on your body, as long as you walk out of the battle zone, you will be killed by the mages."

"What he said makes sense, think about the magic cart we made when we came here." The witcher said to the large shield warrior: "In this kind of desert, we were discovered before we even walked back to the starting point. "

"As I said just now." The armored man picked up his two severed fingers from the ground and put them into his arms: "Since the Master Mage arrived at 3:15 in the afternoon, the bugs are probably already on the way. I'm afraid it will be able to greet us before it rises."

The man in the armor stared at the witcher and said, "I am the person in charge here, if you kill me, the mind control effect on these slave soldiers will disappear, and then you will be facing a group of cowardly mice with no sense of control." Fighting peasants, who can do nothing but scream and panic."

"Maybe my way of greeting is a little different." The witcher said without shame, as if he was just dusting off the other party's body just now: "It's just to let you quickly regain your composure."

"For the sake of the fact that we might die on the same day, I won't pursue it any further." After the armored man calmed down, he showed why he was able to climb from a slave to his current position: "It doesn't hurt to break a few fingers here." It's not a serious injury, and if I survive this time, I can be promoted to a higher position."

"So there is no grievance between us, don't worry, if you don't die this time, you will never see me again." The smile of the witcher was amiable.

"The only way to survive is to defend here, leaving enough safe space for the mage to cause damage!" The armored man pointed to the tower-like building in the middle of the fortress: "If the bugs break through the fortress, the mage feels that the place If it is not safe, he will evacuate here, and even if we are still alive, we will be buried here by bugs sooner or later."

"Believe me, in this battle, mages are the main force!" the man in armor said sternly.

The female warrior curled her lips. Having seen the fighting methods of those witches, she felt that the same thing happened to spellcasters.

Seeing the attitude of the female warrior and the lack of reaction from other people, the armored man emphasized: "If there are enough bugs here and the mage evacuates again, it is very likely that a meteor will fall from the sky and wipe out everything here. ! Only when the mage is here can we guarantee our safety!"

"Okay, we already know the importance of mages, let's go on to talk about other things we should know." Xu Yichen interrupted the man in armor, thinking in his mind whether he would find a chance to kill the mage named Werther. Kidnapped.

"The walls here are strong and 4.2 meters high, so all we need to worry about are the swifts and squirrels that can jump over the wall, that's our job! The other species are still very easy to kill when they climb the wall. It's easy." The man in armor pointed to the steel city wall and the slave soldiers and said, "Until they die, the city wall is safe."

An assassin-type lone wolf mercenary who had been watching coldly cleared his throat, and brushed a lock of hair in front of him. He was a very thin man, looking a little nervous: "Our enemy is bugs, right?"

Seeing that everyone's attention was attracted, he said nervously, "I mean, among the bugs, there are always flying ones, will we meet them?"

"It's better not to have that type of bugs." The armored man swallowed, "Otherwise, you are like your gods praying that the mage can kill them all before they come in."

"Very well, you just need to do your job well and command those mortal soldiers." The witcher said, "The rest is our job, right guys?"

Xu Yichen glanced around the mercenary circle, and all the mercenaries he saw lowered their heads subconsciously.

Excluding those warriors with special bloodlines, the witcher can be considered a tall person.

Not only that, his cold black vertical pupils and his own strong personal will make him look at least twice as tall as anyone around him.

Of course, no one would call this feeling "personal charm", because the witcher who has entered the role of political commissar does not seem to be an easy person to get along with. Just standing there, he has that oppressive presence.

"Of course, we're not here for tourism." The archer's team took the lead and stood by the witcher, expressing their willingness to obey his command, and the largest mercenary group was finally willing to cooperate. .

Xu Yichen had already observed the mercenaries carefully when he was on the magic vehicle: "We have twelve archers, and there are four arrow towers in this fortress. I want eight of you to station in the arrow towers. , the remaining four will keep maneuvering together, and if any side needs support, go to that side."

The archers nodded, expressing their understanding.

"Anything that wants to fly to the wall will be hit by our long-range firepower." The witcher pointed at the mercenaries with heavy weapons: "You guys will serve as mobile backup under the wall."

"If any bug breaks through the wall or the gate, or if any unexpected airborne guests fall into the camp, they will take care of it." The witcher threw out the ax and nailed it heavily on the ground beside the mad cow.

The female warrior patted her breastplate, and there was a sound of metal collision between the iron gauntlet and the metal plate armor, indicating that she understood, and the mad cow also drew out her weapon: "The mad cow will chop down all the moving insects. Turn it into meat sauce!"

PS: Well, I don’t have much to PS today, I’m used to it, so I have to say something~~~ In advance, I wish you all an early holiday and go home for the New Year. There will be more year-end bonuses at the end of the year, and those who go to school don’t fail their courses~ Wahaha, I’m on vacation! !

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