The Game of Demon Hunter

Chapter 243 Our group style is freedom and democracy

When the witcher brought a group of players from Moon Shadow Village back to the camp overnight, the militiamen guarding the castle thought it was the greenskins who came back in the dark. Fortunately, Li Yanlong, who got the news in advance, arrived in time.

"So, we're ready to start building a team now?" Li Yanlong and the others looked at a group of players in the loess area and greeted them one by one.

I don't know the reason, but in this immigrant fleet, the two hundred New China crew members are almost scattered in different positions, and they hardly know each other.

When these players introduced each other, Xu Yichen glanced at Yang Yuefan who was smiling and silent. He felt that there must be some conspiracy behind this.

After so many years, he has gotten used to the style of the New China military. It is not enough to describe his wit and calculations. He is really using the people of the world as pawns.

"That's right, although it's very hasty, but in order to avoid long nights and dreams, the sooner the better." The witcher simply explained: "The main reason why we were able to obtain the fief so early is because of the organization my teacher belongs to, but this organization There have been some big changes recently."

"Before my identity changes from a background to an obstacle, I need to establish the foundation first." Xu Yichen looked around, ten players stood beside him.

The female warrior Vittoria who has always stood by his side, and the African player Angus Carpenter who was abducted by the female warrior.

Li Yanlong, a lost young man rescued from pirates by a witcher, and Ji Wanbing, a half-hearted ranger, have been employed by Marx's EU players Zog Mancini.

Coming from Moon Shadow Village, Wang Yue, a warrior with dual weapons, Feng Wuyi, a monk who studied under Tang Sanzang, Li Bingheng, a retired medical officer who was re-conscripted into the army, and Yang Yuefan, the most mysterious observer of relevant departments.

Judging from the actual size of the Far South Continent as far as the demon hunters know it, the entire colonial fleet is more than 20,000 people, scattered on this continent is like pouring a bottle of water into the sea.

But considering the sparse human gathering places, the density of players has been greatly increased. Currently, the players he has come into contact with are either players from New China, or players from EU and Africa, and they are all volunteers in the fleet.

The crew from Wuchang are basically carefully selected. If you don’t particularly want to experience the type of life, you will definitely choose to scan your body and files to get high rewards.

Based on his own experience and all the players he has encountered, whether they are friends or enemies, the witcher suspects that the system may have selectively assigned players with stronger initial combat effectiveness to Anthony Dagang.

Maybe it's because he doesn't want ordinary players to be exposed to chaos too early, maybe it's because Anthony Dagang is where the storm is about to start, so Xu Yichen has seen very few players since he entered the game.

In short, the number of players is scarce, and with Conrad as a crap stick, the minimum requirement of ten players to establish a battle group has always been an impossible task.

"I agree." The female samurai was the first to express her opinion. At the beginning, she advocated the establishment of a battle group. Vittoria's purpose is very simple. In order to improve her combat effectiveness, players will get an additional bonus Talents provided by Warband.

Needless to say, the players of New China, the direct result of the system of universal military service is a high degree of organization and improvement of obedience. When commanded by someone with a higher rank, they will quickly enter the state and obey the unified order. command.

Even in the game, New China players will spontaneously establish paramilitary organizations ranked by military rank or military training results.

The African player Carpenter, who has been in the city since his career advancement mission failed, also raised his dark palm: "I have no objection, I'll join!"

This black friend was busy with the dwarf Groin in the temporary blacksmith shop every day, trying to improve the properties of metal, and helped the militiamen repair a lot of weapons and armor by the way, almost becoming a player in life.

Ever since Xu Yichen confirmed the secret behind this game from Yang Yuefan, he was faintly worried about whether there would be a difference between being killed by an aborigine and being killed by chaos for this player who had died once.

Judging from his performance alone, it seems that there is not much danger. The witcher made a deep note in his heart and planned to observe Angus for a long time.

When the witcher was silent, everyone turned their attention to the last player, Zog Mancini, a taciturn but very reliable man.

Although the other party did not explicitly express their willingness to join the battle group established by the witcher, other people have talked about this matter many times, and everyone has always tacitly agreed that the people who stay here are their own people who are willing to join the battle group.

Zog Mancini was silent for a long time, and he said with care: "I agree."

When other people smiled excitedly, did they not know that Mancini had gathered countless flowers in his heart, and when each petal fell, he was asking himself: "Join? Or not? To survive? Or to perish?"

"Very good, everyone. I'm glad that we have reached an agreement. From now on, we will be comrades on the same front." A smile appeared on the face of the witcher.

The female warrior took out her magic jug and took a big sip, and passed it to Li Yanlong next to her: "Long live, Davarish! Cheers!"

"I remember you told me that this woman is Germanic?" Yang Yuefan asked standing beside the witcher. He felt that there might be a strange species among the Hans.

"When she was drinking, she might be a Slav." Xu Yichen replied with a serious face.

The jug was passed to Zog Mancini. Holding the heavy jug, he took a big gulp and felt a sense of security that he hadn't felt in many years surrounded him, and whispered: "Long live, Davari Hee, from now on I'm gay too!"

When the flagon was passed to the hands of the witcher, he picked up the flagon and took a big gulp: "In order to demonstrate the equality, freedom, and democratic style in our warband, the name of the warband will be decided by all of us! Names can be spoken, and we have a democratic vote!"

The female warrior took back her flagon, drank it all in one gulp, and said proudly: "I'll come first, I think the Hall of Valor is good! Great warriors enjoy endless wine and endless wars in the Hall of Valor!" "

After taking a sip of the wine, Carpenter, who was rosy in black, also said, "I think the name Black Panther is good. In Africa, it symbolizes victory!"

PS: Thank you book friend @越人语天 for your reward, thank you book friend @迷前人 for your reward, thank you book friend @知白晓黑 for your reward

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