The Game of Demon Hunter

Chapter 217 The Current Situation of the Witch Union

"The silver-haired woman looked at us before, and we were locked in place." The ranger cautiously pointed to one direction of the camp and said, "That Mystique wanted to escape, but the silver-haired woman also saw us. I glanced at it, and it’s still there.”

Looking in the direction the ranger pointed, the witcher was speechless and saw Mystique standing at the gate of the castle, maintaining an independent posture of a golden rooster, and beside her stood a long row of grits maintaining the same posture.

Sister Silence kept a straight face, holding her long sword, and stood by to watch over the row of 'statues'. The slightly raised corners of her eyes proved that this woman was in a pretty good mood.

The silver-haired witch came from the direction of the mine, spread her hands, and seemed to say that she had no other good solution. The witcher squinted his eyes and tried to look away. He tried his best to maintain his sanity, but he really couldn't look away.

Until a touch of gold flashed in his eyes, the witcher felt clear in his mind, almost no longer affected by Effilar.

Althea was by the side of the silver-haired witch, and Xu Yichen saw that she wore a unique headband on her head, which faintly radiated light, which seemed to resist Effilar's charm to a certain extent.

During this time, witchers have grown accustomed to the deep pockets of the Witches' Union. Especially this witch who has trouble with her teacher, just like Tinker Bell, all kinds of weird magic props emerge in endlessly, showing the accumulation of an old-school super professional to the players.

In the eyes of demon hunters, witches are actually not combat-type professionals, their abilities are too random, and no one knows what kind of abilities this witch will have until they are completely awakened.

Except for some common psionic skills that they have figured out over the years, they rely entirely on their talents, and there is also the limitation of psionic backlash waiting for them.

It's better to be like Altea. Years of experience and the fighting ability given to her by "Fire Crow" give her a good fighting ability. The most important thing is that her intellectual attributes are not bad. After so many years, she has taken a few steps on the road of being a mage.

The various rune engravings that I saw in the Blind Eye Jewelry House before are a path explored by Althea by combining the mage and his own research on the void as a psyker. Although it is not perfect, it does provide a feasible path for the future of witches as a group.

Within the Federation, most of the high-ranking witches are like this. They have a lot of spellcasting jobs. On the one hand, they are carefully exploring the possibility of using psionic energy safely, and on the other hand, they are summarizing a spellcaster that is more suitable for witches. road.

After all, most of the group of witches have not received higher education, and the possibility of becoming a mage is very slim. Fortunately, the psionic energy in this world is becoming more and more active, and the high-level leaders of the Federation began to try to promote some psionic spells with concern.

Where does the spiritual energy come from? The Witch Union is very clear. The higher the activity of the spiritual energy, the higher the probability of witches being born. No one knows better than the witches what this means.

Therefore, the actions of the federation have become more and more radical in recent years, and they want to find a way of self-salvation. The existence of Effilar was determined by a witch with the ability to foresee the future in the federation twenty years ago. No one except the chief of the federation knew the specific content of the prophecy.

But word keeps circulating about a chosen nun who will bring the future to the witches. So when the special case of Effilar, who turned from a nun into a witch, appeared, the Federation immediately took action!

If the news hadn't come too late, the Witch Union had little time to mobilize its staff, and the witcher and his party would not have had the chance to get involved in this mission.

In less than forty-eight hours, the Witch Union transferred all the personnel who could arrive at Anthony's Grand Port in time. Because of a mistake in the teleportation array, one witch's whereabouts are still unknown.

The two witches who arrived in time were not combat-oriented. As a last resort, the Witch Union allowed Altea to recruit operatives locally. Tang Sanzang, a monk who was active in the far south and north, had cooperated with the Federation before and was also invited here. As for the price the Federation was willing to pay, the witcher didn't know.

These internal information about the federation were told by Alteya to Xu Yichen. After Effilar communicated with the high-level federation through the magic circle, the federation's trust in the witcher skyrocketed.

Not only has the assistance to the witcher's territory been increased, but he has no objection to Effilar staying by the side of the witcher, and even Altea has stayed here permanently. When the battle group's resident is built, it is said that several witches will be stationed here, as if we are a family.

"Mr. Marx said before not to disturb you, I can only use my abilities during this period of time." Effilar faced the witcher very calmly, as if he didn't care about his inability to influence him. Not surprised: "My ability is still useful, I think those little green skins will work obediently in a short time."

Altea nodded involuntarily, as if she had lost her mind, and the few players around the witcher were not much better. Even the militiamen working in the distance were looking here frequently.

The witcher slashed the long sword across his palm forcefully, and he felt that what was cut under the blade was not his own skin, but the bulletproof rubber lined with steel wire!

On the shallow wound, two drops of bright red blood dripped out reluctantly, Xu Yichen heaved a sigh of relief, he thought his blood had turned golden.

The blood left the wound, floated in the air under Effilar's control, and disappeared into the silver-haired witch's mouth. The witch seemed to have drunk strong wine, and two blushes appeared on her white as jade face: "Your blood has become different from before!"

Effilar's complexion was flushed, fine beads of sweat appeared on his round forehead, his hands were clenched into fists, and his eyes were slightly closed. The witcher felt that the other party had never been so real. It was not a fighting nun who made a living from fighting, nor a witch who was struggling with life and death every day, but a living twenty-year-old girl.

"Are you okay?" Xu Yichen asked a little guilty. After all, his blood did change after eating the golden apple, but he didn't tell the other party.

"Huh!" The silver-haired witch let out a long breath, as if she had drunk too much, and said with a blushing face: "It couldn't be better! I have never felt better than today!"

PS: Thanks to the book friend @我本应应该话胖胡的 for the reward, and thanks to the book friend @狼魔猎人白狼 for the reward (I was surprised when I saw this ID... Could it be that Sir Gang Ze didn’t come out for a long time to pass through to reward Remind me?)

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