The Game of Demon Hunter

Chapter 205 Desperate Battle

The first wave of aberrations appeared like flies smelling meat, crawling out of cracks in the ground in all directions, behind and in front of the witcher.

Then they all died, or were shattered. On this empty plain, relying on their abundant physical strength, the dance of Pirouette was exerted by the witcher to its fullest power! Like a dancing elf, the long sword left one wave after another in the air with flames. Fortunately, in this mission scenario, the famine alien species has not yet fully grown, and the atmosphere is still protecting the lifeless planet, but there is still air that supports biological activities.

Unfortunately, on the other side of the horizon, the light of the stars shone weakly there, with a dark yellow symbolizing the doomsday, and a new wave of offensive by the aberrations was ready to go. The next moment, monsters like a tide flooded over, and the bottomless cracks on the ground were filled with corpses from mutants. Anyway, they were all protein, and famine aliens were not picky eaters, whether they were dead or alive, they would eventually disappear in the In the belly of that huge creature.

The entire plain vibrated slightly under the feet of those monsters, and the vibration became more and more obvious. The witcher could see the small stones under his feet bouncing rhythmically. At this moment, even the political commissar's steel-like will feels that he may be doomed. When the opponent crushes you by orders of magnitude, you'd better find a smooth posture and lie down.

But no matter whether the scene is affected or not, this is still the task of assessing the supernatural characteristics of the demon hunters. The system should not arrange a meaningless test to waste each other's time. So Xu Yichen squinted his eyes and watched the wave of aberrations approaching, waiting for that glimmer of life to come.

A shooting star appeared in the sky, and quickly turned into a fist-sized fireball in the eyes of the witcher. In the blink of an eye, it became more dazzling than the sun in the sky, and even bigger! After quickly calculating the angle at which the meteor hit the ground, Xu Yichen ran towards the east without looking back. This route was almost 60 degrees away from the wave formed by the aberrations.

The aberrations began to turn and chase the fast-moving witcher, forming a tilted triangle from the air. In the next second, the 'Meteor' smashed into the wave of monsters with huge kinetic energy. Relying on inertia, it crushed a deep gully along the longest sideline of the triangle, a gully on the flesh and blood.

After hitting the ground, the effect was like a magnitude 7 earthquake, causing the witcher who was hundreds of meters away to fall far away. The 'meteor' blasted these aberrations to pieces. That scene was truly terrifying. Countless pieces of charred meat mixed with blood poured over the demon hunter, like a disgusting hailstorm. Moreover, Xu Yichen, who was soaked, didn't have time to clean himself up, because more living monsters had already arrived.

The witcher watched as an aberrant monster he had never seen before aimed the weird organ growing on its forelimbs at him, and luckily he was able to knock it down before it had time to spew something out. A moment later, they rushed forward together. He swung his long sword, and there were so many monsters that the witcher almost lost the room to move.

Along the way, the aberrations frantically bit and grabbed any object in front of them, whether it was a companion in front of them or a dead body that could not fall to the ground after death. As their existence filled Xu Yichen's front, back, left, and right directions, he felt as if he was about to be swept away by the wave of attacks, surrounded by nightmare faces full of fangs.

A bug jumped towards the witcher, its two pairs of upper limbs tensed back, ready to strike at the moment, but the long sword in Xu Yichen's hand slashed like an axe, splitting its carapace , pale green blood smeared the witcher's face.

The smell of the liquid stimulated the witcher's heightened sense of smell almost as a form of torture. In an instant, the witcher turned on [Red Time], and he could feel the claws of another monster tearing at his armor. He heard the sound of the cloth being torn off, and the other party's hot and humid breath spit on the demon hunter's chest. On the back of the neck, a long, pointed tongue kept sliding on the neck.

But Xu Yichen calmly swung his long sword away from the other enemies in front of him. Before his brain was pierced by the monster behind him, he had to give himself priority to clearing a space where he could stand. He felt like he had returned to the morning rush hour subway in his previous life, and he didn't even have a place to stay.

Stepping on a somewhat greasy corpse, the witcher, who had the space to swing his sword, didn't even turn his head. He held the long sword upside down from his armpit and disemboweled the deformed body whose distance from him was somewhat ambiguous. The sharp long sword left a wound nearly half a meter long on the opponent's defenseless soft abdomen, and all kinds of debris fell out of it.

With the blessing of the [Bath of Divine Blood] attribute, the witcher still maintains peak combat power despite being scarred. Although he just started to get used to the benefits brought by this feature, Xu Yichen almost instinctively distinguished which attacks could be ignored, which ones could be endured, and which ones were fatal enough. In many cases, this advantage represented the difference between minor injuries and death, allowing him to survive this kind of human sea-style war.

[Red Time] is turned off, and the battle continues. Soon, with the witcher as the center, there was a small hillside piled up with corpses of deformed bodies under their feet, one after another, piled up layer by layer for a full three meters. Relying on his rich experience, Xu Yichen struggled to maintain his balance. He needed a wider field of vision and space. He wanted to see if the 'shooting star' would bring a turning point to the mission as he thought.

However, his height is not enough, except for the sea of ​​monsters in front of him, he can't see the distance, and he still needs to work hard.

A serrated sharp claw swung towards the witcher's thigh from below, but the witcher's long sword was one step ahead of it, severed the foreleg, and stabbed accurately in the pile of corpses. through one of its red glass eyes. The constant battle is like a nightmare, full of constant cutting, slashing and stabbing.

Constant kicking, non-stop killing, non-stop wailing, beast-like face and scorching breath, slashing claws, biting fangs! Blood, viscera, stumps and broken arms were everywhere, and they kept fighting until Xu Yichen's arms became extremely heavy due to fatigue, until the witcher's brain could no longer process any signals, and he only relied on instinct to fight. other.

PS: Lao Mo is here to wish you all the best in 2018, a successful career and a happy family!

PS: Thanks for the reward from book friend @朋友一点点

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