The Game of Demon Hunter

Chapter 203 A Belated Extraordinary Mission

After a night of silence, when they woke up the next day, the red-faced Max and the witcher looked at each other and smiled, and the tacit understanding between the men was unspoken.

As usual, it is the daily care of the system: "Although life in the wild is not so comfortable, what else can you ask for as an adventurer? Resting all night will bring you 200 life experience points. I wish players a happy new day Feeling."

The Grimes family, who survived the catastrophe and helped a lot at the critical moment, appeared in front of the witcher. Xu Yichen met Rick's family for the first time. His wife, Lori, hugged their young daughter Judith who was only a few months old, and greeted the witcher graciously. This woman seemed to be accustomed to the dangers she experienced, and she looked not easy to mess with in military uniform. .

"We're planning to leave here." Rick smiled apologetically: "We planned to buy you a drink, but it seems that we will have a chance later. It's an honor to fight demon hunters side by side with you, but for the safety of my family, I Going to take a boat to the Port of Atlanta."

The origin of the Rick family is mysterious. Both father and son are good at skills. Rick himself is a professional, and his son Carl is about to break through that boundary. He also uses crossbows and magic equipment, but lives in seclusion in the lower city of Antony Grand Port. I'm afraid there is something else hidden in it. In the end, the witcher didn't ask to stay. Although he was a bit regretful, Xu Yichen didn't care too much, but kindly expressed that if he encountered any troubles in the future, he could come here to find him.

"See you by fate." Xu Yichen finally waved to Rick's family who were leaving.

With the return of the witch Althea, the five hundred refugees who were selected as construction workers lightly carried five vats taller than a person, walked into the castle with special masks, and started the first step of rebuilding the territory. Step, deodorize.

"You told me yesterday, what is it that can change the mode of ordinary people's war?" Some people fainted and were carried out for fresh air by others. For mortals, the taste of the place where the green skins lived is indeed beyond the limit of what they can bear.

Looking at the busy crowd below with the same face of pain, the witcher will start to feel a little sympathetic to Mrs. Kisley. What kind of war will let a group of ice barbarians climb the chemical technology tree? Under the command of the witch, the ice-blue deodorant, which was like car antifreeze, was poured into the castle by the militiamen with small buckets.

"It's a long-range weapon. It doesn't need a lot of training. As long as you have the courage to stand up, you can cause damage to the enemy." The witcher felt that the smell in the air seemed to be a little less: "The manufacturing cost is not high, These greenskins tried to make all but one sample, although it didn’t work out, it’s very close to the finished product.”

The witcher walked in front, pushed away the green leather laboratory that he had locked yesterday, and introduced to Marx: "Although the things inside are specious, the idea is correct. In my hometown, this kind of weapon has already been It started to rise."

Not knowing how to explain why he was so familiar with this new weapon, the witcher put this big hat on Siris in the loess area, but he didn't expect the hat to be fastened this time. Xu Yichen pointed to the pair of black and green black gunpowder that gave off a foul smell and said, "This is a mixed mineral. Although the way the green skins handle it is rather strange, but..."

"However, the specific ingredients are correct, charcoal, sulfur, and fire nitrate, according to the ratio of 3 to 1 to 2?" Marx took two steps back, away from the pile of black and green: "I guess the green leather here It is configured according to the ratio that makes you happy."

"Did you also see this that day?" Xu Yichen recalled that Marx should have seen all the knowledge that had appeared in this world.

Max nodded his head: "It's all inside, but I'm just a mortal body. If you don't show these things to me, I'm afraid I will never discover this knowledge."

Looking at the polished parts and gun barrels in the green-skinned humble workshop, Marx said with a smile on his face: "Do you know? Manual labor is a great disinfectant against all thought viruses. I think those people will Don't worry about no more physical labor, this labor will create a brand new world!"

When Marx said this, his expression was like that of a political commissar. But Xu Yichen didn't care at all. These refugees lived in the lower city, not entirely because of their physique and bureaucratic corruption. Many people were used to the way of life in the lower city, getting used to the gray deal with those noble dogs.

Maybe what they need is not a nanny leader, but a leader of steel with an iron fist. Now that Marx already knew the secret of gunpowder, with the help of the dwarves Groin and Angus Carpenter, this simple weapon should not be a problem. I have already handed him the key, and the subsequent development is up to him. Bar.

Considering the connection between Marx and the evil god Tseent, who has not shown his feet so far, Xu Yichen intends to tell Carpenter not to come up with any innovative things. He doesn't want to face the threat of appearing with Gatling next time. abuse champion.

Relying on her high strength attribute, the female warrior acted as a siege equipment. Many sentry towers and dilapidated wooden houses temporarily built by the orcs were pushed and dragged away by Vittoria. Li Yanlong checked the possible cracks on the city wall. After all, this place has been abandoned for many years, and all kinds of buildings are in disrepair, especially after being ravaged by green skins. These things must be summarized and reported to Altea. , was repaired at the expense of the Witch Union.

The rest of the people stayed in the refugee camp in the morning, and Effilar was in charge of watching Celestine and Mystique to prevent homicides. Ranger and Mancini, who are relatively familiar, took his mercenaries and let them out from a distance to guard. After all, a large number of greenskins just went to the nearby black forest, and it is very possible that one of them will wake up and forget that his old nest has been taken away, and it is very possible to walk back in a daze.

Li Yanlong saved her life before, and the lucky witch who survived finally woke up under the care of the girl Carlo. The whole camp was thriving in the morning sun, and the witcher felt that he was finally relieved and could spend a period of time. It's time for safe farming.

In the next second, a notification from the system slapped him in the face: "It is detected that the player is in a peaceful state, [Physical] related extraordinary characteristic tasks are ready to be completed and will start soon."

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