The First Strong

Chapter 381: Fair

Came to a hall where there are already many such black cloaks.

Tang Yuan also prepared some pastry drinks, but wearing masks, basically no one to eat and drink.

Everyone is basically quiet, and at most they only communicate with people around them.

By hiding your identity, you have abandoned social attributes.

In fact, when you go to find someone to talk, others will think that you have ulterior motives, but they are all quiet.

Because they are almost exactly the same shape, separated from their peers, it is easy to confuse, so everyone is also getting a "small difference" under "Datong."

Some are wearing the same color of clothes under the cloak, some wearing the same color shoes, and some wearing the same hat.

The most common is to have the same brooch on the chest.

Clothes, shoes and hats may also be eye-catching, and the brooch can be removed at any time.

Wu Bowen is also prepared, he is letting all three people wear a gold watch!

The gold watch does not say that it is a circle of self-cultivation. It is now that the rich are not disfigured, and it is often the standard of the big money nouveau riche.

But just because others don't wear it, you can become a mark. Once you are gone, first recognize your body shape, and then look at your wrists.

In fact, the two of them are familiar, they can be recognized without the need for signs, but they are not familiar with Shen Lang.

For Shen Lang, it is just to match them. Because he wants to remember, unfamiliar people can immediately remember the figure and even the smell.

Near 8 o'clock in the evening, the reception staff of Tangyuan read out the process and precautions of the fair.

Basically, everyone's civilized transactions, to prevent the act of stealing and robbery, otherwise they will commit public anger, and will be blocked all trade fairs in the future.

The second is that no matter whether it is a money transaction or a barter, everything is decided by the guests themselves, and everything has nothing to do with the Tangyuan.

Tangyuan is just a platform, and their income comes from the seller.

If you want to trade items for sale, you can contact the report in advance and deliver a certain fee to get a booth.

If there are not many things, then the trade will be sold in private at the trade fair. There are booths that generally seem to be reliable, and everyone is happy to trade.

The other piece is from the sale of the invitation!

If you have some qualifications, you can get an invitation letter. If you have an identity, you can ask for an invitation letter.

If you are not qualified, you can get this ticket by purchasing.

It is a formal invitation letter to Su Datong who can carry one or two people, and some single invitation letters that cannot be brought are often admission tickets.

After the reading was completed, it was opened for everyone to go to the second floor, and the trading floor was on the second floor.

Shen Lang and Wu Bowen Su Meizhen walked together, as everyone went up to the second floor.

The lobby on the second floor is larger than the hall below. At this point, many booths have been placed, and the stall owners have the same black cloak mask.

Everyone who was up, everyone was very excited, hurriedly strolled around and looked for what they wanted to buy.

"Shen, my brother, in fact, I have limited understanding of these resources. Xiaosu is also coming to see the world, so you don't care about us!"

Wu Bowen said seriously, this time he will promise the younger brother, on the one hand, to look after Su Meizhen, on the other hand, to help Shen Lang.

Today, Shen Lang sold so many precious and rare herbs to them all at once, making him feel that all this is worth it.

"it is good."

Shen Lang did not polite with them, and then they strolled around.

Wu Bowen and Su Meizhen followed him behind him, just like a follower.

The two of them, one is not understanding, will not be shot; the other has no financial power, can not just shoot.

Shen Lang first strolled through the rough, and understood the situation of the entire hall.

Tang Yuan is a planned one. The items of the same nature are in an area as much as possible. For example, the sale of medicinal herbs is linked together. The weapons are also sold with weapons.

It’s bigger now, it’s a trading floor, not a market.

And all come from the identity, the east is also uncomfortable, the trading time is limited, and the goods are shorter than the three.

"What are you going to buy? Up!"

"You see so many people, you are stunned by the installation of Sven."

Su Mei saw that Shen Lang was moving very fast. Looking at the West to see it, he couldn’t help but whisper.

Shen Lang did not respond to her, but to the area where there were few people.

The more popular stalls here are finished medicinal herbs and rare raw materials. Everyone buys them to enhance their strength and help them cultivate.

Wu Bowen looked at the heart, so he had to open his eyes, and he greeted him.

Su Meizhen is the home of refining medicine. She should have followed it, but she did not want to squeeze and follow Shen Lang.

"You want to buy these?"

"Follow me, I will be quiet." Shen Lang looked at her.

Su Mei snorted and did not speak, but also looked up.

Shen Lang is a stall selling weapons!

There are not only fewer people but also fewer weapons.

It is not difficult to understand that now, in ancient times, the chances of fighting are greatly reduced. Everyone's goal is to improve their strength, and there are few opportunities for the use of weapons.

Besides, if it is a magic weapon, it will be the treasure of all the factions. How can it be traded?

The general weapon has no value and naturally nobody cares.

Shen Lang looked at the first booth and took the weapons they had put them one by one.

"Brothers and Taiwan have a good eye, this knife is incredible..."

"This is the sword created by the North Sea Xuan Tie. It can be ironed and muddy."

"This is a master who contributed..."

The eloquence of the stall owner is very good. Every weapon that Shen Lang looks at, he said that the head is the road, as if the world is rare.

Su Meizhen is really not seen, listening to eyes wide, if you really give her flowers, it is estimated to buy and buy.

Shen Lang has only a few words - broken copper and iron!

But it is not easy, he will not say it out, but just did not speak, no nod to buy.

"I don't brag about this, it's not too magical, but it has a very good effect. You see it is usually a hairpin, and you can turn it into a short sword!"

The stall owner will do business and see that Shen Lang is not interested. Su Mei, who is next to him, is interested, so she is specifically introduced to her.

Now recommended, it is Su Meizhen staring at a hairpin that has been watched several times.

Su Meizhen looked at the hairpin and turned into a short sword. It was also very exciting.

However, after looking at the price, it was marked by trading three Lingshi, and she shook her head and dismissed the thought.

joke! Three Lingshi is also the value of millions!

Buy a toy? Even if Dad doesn't hit she feels too embarrassed.

"This... all of them didn't bargain, I see that you have a vision, and you just opened the first pen, and the two Lingshi take it!"

The stall owner saw that the price was unsatisfactory, hesitated a bit, and lowered the price.

Su Meizhen shook her head again, let alone two, that is, she also felt that she could not draw.

"I really can't drop..." The booth is also a bit disappointing. He just wants to trade Lingshi.

At this time, Shen Lang directly threw two elementary Lingshi past.

"Get it. Send it to you."

"Thank you for the old version!"

When Su Meizhen looked at the past, she heard the sound of Shen Lang in her ear. At this point, the stall owner has quickly put away and thanked him, and did not give her a chance to veto.

(End of this chapter)

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