The First Evolution

Chapter 8 Serial killing settings!

This time, the machete man suddenly lost his skills, so he could only grit his teeth and barely avoid the key point, and then the simple-looking iron fork was directly stabbed straight.

At the moment of the fork, the machete man's body shook violently, and the whole person stayed in place, looking like he was stabbed into a dizzy state...

Then the hunters threw another fork and a poison dart over and hit them all!

The machete man was only dizzy for a second or so before he woke up.

Then he looked at the fork on his chest with an unbelievable expression, the whole person staggered back two steps very slowly as if playing back in slow motion...

Then, this guy decisively used a bottle of comprehensive recovery potion,

Yes, the one that requires merit points to buy, and it is still a full recovery potion (large) that requires five merit points to buy!

In fact, the machete man was full of bitterness at this time, and it took five minutes to officially enter the gold mainline world? He actually handed over a hole card! This is a real hit.

However, this bottle of comprehensive recovery potion has to be handed in!

Because at the moment of the middle fork, the number of "274 crit points" exploded directly on the head of the machete man, and the health value seemed to be vaporized, and it was suddenly reduced by more than half!

Not only that, but he was desperate to find that there was an obvious prompt in front of him:

"Warning! You have been affected by grass black toxin, and your movement speed/reaction speed will be reduced by 50% for 60 minutes. This effect has priority."

And the next fork and a poison dart directly reduced his health to only a quarter of the remaining, and there were several negative states!

Under such circumstances, the machete man woke up from the pleasure of "cutting the grass" before, and realized that he was entering the world of the main line of gold at this time! This is a nightmare world, and a world that eats people without spitting out bones! !

Although Fang Linyan didn't know what happened to the machete man, the special purple light shining on his body when he used the full recovery potion could not be hidden!

So after seeing this scene, Fang Linyan's heart suddenly jumped:


After consuming the full recovery potion, the machete man no longer dared to fight, so he turned around and ran away.

This ghost place is really too evil. Let's meet with the friendly army first. It's a bit ugly, at least there is someone around who can sell it.

Obviously, seeing the machete man who fled back in a hurry, the necromancer's heart also "suddenly" jumped, and roared:

"Bout, you idiot, what are you doing?"

Bout gritted his teeth and said:

"Shut up, before our team entered, the boss repeatedly emphasized to us that everything you do must conform to the tone of the world! I'm doing this! Didn't your boss say anything?"

Hearing Bute's words, Fang Linyan's heart suddenly moved, as if he had caught something.

After hearing Boot's reply, the necromancer stopped talking. This guy's vigilance was much higher. He immediately ordered the skeleton soldiers to return to defense, and then shot the chasing hunter with a bone spear. past!

The back of this bone spear dragged a spiral of light, causing amazing damage, and it actually pierced through the chests of two hunters to kill them!

Such a "mowing" general experience,

There are also rich rewards, which also refresh the spirit of the necromancer! Especially after the reward prompt of "two consecutive cuts" clearly appeared.

So the Necromancer hesitated for a moment, and immediately succeeded in dealing with Zhuang Ding who came to reinforce him.

Taking advantage of the skeleton soldier's figure, the machete man took advantage of the skeleton soldier's body and began to use his agile fighter's advantage to steal chickens and dogs next to him.

So the two guys immediately cracked into a lively fight, and a stalemate immediately formed on the battlefield.

Seeing this situation, Fang Linyan had the intention to plot a wave in the past, but considering that these two guys attracted firepower, his next actions would definitely be a lot easier, so he wrote down the debt and waited until he had a chance to talk about it later.

At this time, Fang Linyan has confirmed that he and the goat are in the same village, so he will meet with this guy first. After all, the crispy skin needs to be protected.

Even if the goat is now "father and son are more valuable", there is an extra centaur guard that can be summoned, but it can't be taken lightly.

After tiptoeing out, Fang Linyan looked around and began to look for the place where the goat was being held.

According to the goats themselves, the place where they were kept was not a special cell, but a place that was originally used as a warehouse, because there were many tattered sacks stacked next to it.

Obviously, in such a village, the poor might have two or three generations of their families crammed into one house, and there would definitely be no spare space to use as a warehouse, and there would not be a lot of sacks that were tattered due to loading. .

Therefore, Fang Linyan directly excluded most of the houses in the village. He climbed to the roof next to him and looked at it, and found that there were three large families, scattered in the west and north of the village.

At this time, the goat told Fang Linyan that he could see a lookout tower next to him from the window of the warehouse, and there was a uniquely dressed archer on the lookout tower.

This archer has a red turban wrapped around his head, and he looks different from the Han Chinese.

Such a landmark building suddenly made Fang Linyan lock the big mansion on the west side, and then he rushed directly into the private house next to him, and found that it was already a mess, and it was almost completely emptied.

Fortunately, after looking for two houses in a row, I finally found a scorpion in the third place. I put it on my body, and then I stained the clothes. In this way, Cao Jun's dress will not be too conspicuous. At least they won't be seen as "Cao Thieves" at first glance.

As a result, as soon as Fang Linyan went out, he ran into three strong men with simple spears and hurrying on their way!

At this time, the two sides can be regarded as meeting on a narrow road, and both sides are dumbfounded at the same time!

Fortunately, Fang Linyan's scorpion covered Cao Jun's armor, so the three Zhuang Ding didn't make the first move.

With the lessons learned from the previous scimitar man, Fang Linyan was ruthless when he attacked, and directly punched the head Zhuang Ding on the neck!

After this punch, the negative special effects of Dongzhang's hand-wraps immediately occurred, along with the crushing and feedback effects. The unlucky bastard immediately opened his eyes, covered his throat and collapsed directly, his face Rong Du was directly distorted, and he couldn't even make a sound.

The remaining two were shocked and angry, and were about to fight back when Fang Linyan smashed the head of the person next to him with a flash, and then kicked him in the crotch!

When he felt the sudden burst of the ball on the instep, the man immediately covered his crotch with an exaggerated expression and bent down.

Fang Linyan took advantage of the situation and hit his face with a knee, and directly knocked him out.

At this time, when Fang Linyan was dealing with this guy who was blasted, another Zhuang Ding had a lot of chances to stab Fang Linyan a few times with a gun.

However, before going back five seconds, Fang Linyan was actually hesitating for a fraction of a second when he split the dragon's flash, because he had to choose between the two.

Then, Fang Linyan chose this unfortunate guy who was far away from him——he is now on the verge of dying after being blasted first and then severely injured.

The reason why Fang Lin Yanshe is far away is that this unfortunate guy looks more than 30 years old and is relatively mature, while this Zhuang Ding, who is closer to him, looks only fifteen or sixteen years old. When faced with an emergency situation, it is definitely easy to get out of the situation.

Sure enough, it turned out that Fang Linyan's choice was correct.

After he showed his ability to easily kill two Zhuang Dings, the mentality of the remaining recruits collapsed!

He found that the two eldest brothers were directly beaten into dogs by the vicious enemy in front of him, so they collapsed directly, turned around and ran, and failed to seize the opportunity to give Fang Linyan a slap...

On the contrary, if Fang Linyan chose to kill the recruits first, the middle-aged man in his thirties who was blasted was already an old fritter, so he would not have made the basic mistake of turning his head to the enemy. One shot.

There is no need to say more about the next result. Fang Linyan pushed him up, hit the back of the recruit's head with a flying knee, and then made up for it, and he was immediately charged on the spot.

Then Fang Linyan didn't stop here. After realizing that a white key had fallen on the ground, he dodged into the unmanned house next to him, and then he began to check the battle records. As a result, after looking at it, he immediately understood why the machete man was before. Happy face.

It turned out that every time Fang Linyan killed a Zhuang Ding, he could actually get 30 points of Cao Jun's reputation, and at the same time, he also won 3 points of military merit.

Not only that, but at the end of the battle record, there is a reward:

"You have caused a continuous killing X3 to the enemy, and you have received an additional 100 reputation points and 2 points of military merit!"

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