The First Evolution

Chapter 35 Activation! When the moon is dark!

Under such a relatively difficult situation, Keshas actually went against the normal pattern of paddling on the battlefield before, and often stopped and went directly to rescue those trapped compatriots, but Fang Linyan and the three who had been monitoring it. However, it was found that the rescue target chosen by Keshas was also targeted.

For example, if you are in a desperate situation, you will not be saved.

Another example is that people with more females around them will not rescue them.

The young giants of the hills are also ignored.

On the battlefield where the giants of the hills had collapsed at this time, even if the other people noticed Kishas's rescue, they would only give a thumbs up and praise.

However, Fang Linyan and the three are all old fritters roaming in the space, but the purpose of this guy Keishas was clearly discovered by them!

It is understandable not to save one's own people who are in a desperate situation. It is not necessary to accompany oneself to save others, right?

It is a bit sinister to not save with many females. After such a same clan is rescued, more females may develop many offspring. In this way, if the family is united, a blood clan with a big tail may appear in the future. .

The reason for not saving the younger hill giants is because there is still huge potential, and the possibility of becoming competitors in the future cannot be ruled out!

This Keishas is worthy of being a two-headed giant, with such a deep scheming. In human terms, it is a typical traitor who is loyal, a big fake, and it is hidden very deeply.

While Keshas was doing these heartwarming things, Fang Linyan and the others had enough time to set up traps for him.

Of course, this trap must be very simple, but it is enough for Fang Linyan and the other three to get a head start.


After rescuing several of his fellow clans in a row, Keishas felt a little tired.

More importantly, he also behaved very brutally during the rescue, killing several centaurs with brutal methods one after another, which undoubtedly attracted the attention of the high-level warriors among the centaurs.

But this is also something that can't be helped. "Ferocious" is a label that Keshas has set for himself. Only people with such a label can gain awe among the ethnic group.

Looking at another surrounded compatriot in the distance,

Jishas was about to make a move, but suddenly, for some reason, an ominous premonition flashed in his heart.

This guy is still a little capable, otherwise he would not be valued by the leaders of the hill giant clan. The "Obsidian Rosary" given to him in front of the clan was equivalent to recognizing him in advance as an elite member of the hill giant clan.

Otherwise, given the current strength of Jishas, ​​he will need at least five years to obtain such an honor. After all, this guy's second head has not yet matured, and he can only cast a few spells.

The previous shot of the thunderball was entirely because of the incidental power of the obsidian rosary bestowed by the boss, and Keshas just played a role in igniting the fuse.

After this ominous premonition emerged, the first thing that appeared in Keshas's brain was that the centaur chief Brand Harden was staring at him, that terrifying thrashing spear that could even hurt to the soul!

Therefore, Jishas decisively gave up all rescue plans, and immediately dodged into the darkness. What kind of people and what kind of image, let's throw them aside first.

No matter how good the character is, you must save your own life first!

Keishas has always been a person who makes plans and then moves. When he started to retreat, he pre-looked at the retreat, which was a stream located in a mountain stream.

Hongyun Terrace is not as arid as the rest of the place, so streams are not that rare.

In the dark, if the centaurs want to track the enemy, they rely more on their sense of smell, and the clear stream can cover up its smell to the greatest extent. Tracking causes trouble.

However, Keishas didn't know that it wasn't just these centaurs who were trying to be detrimental to him.

Trekking in the dark is inherently difficult, not to mention that it is not a flat road, but a slippery stream? What's more, Keshas has experienced a series of hard battles before?

Around Keishas was a tyrannical body with a hilly giant, and after running for a kilometer or two, he couldn't hold it any longer.

So Keshas stopped, glanced at the darkness behind him, and made sure that no enemy was chasing after him, so he buried his head in the clear stream, and gulped heavily.

After drinking enough water, Keishas sat on the rock next to him, stuffed a few pieces of dark roast meat into his stomach, chewed it hastily, and then swallowed it.

Just as Keshas was about to get up and prepare to run again, he suddenly turned his head and immediately saw a Warg appearing beside him!

That's right, it looks like a wolf that was tamed by a centaur. This guy doesn't know when it came, and he doesn't seem to have any psychological expectations to meet Keishas. After being stunned, he immediately issued a message. A howl, then turned and fled with his tail tucked.

When Keshaston felt irritated, how could this beast discover his whereabouts?

Obviously, killing this guy as soon as possible is king!

Otherwise, turn around and leave now, and this guy will be pushed up and hang behind him, and at the same time keep tipping off, that would be disgusting. This is also the most common hunting mode of a wolf, which is to spend with you all the time.

Therefore, without saying a word, Keshas directly aimed at the wolf and chased after him. Then he was overjoyed. After the wolf ran a few more steps, he actually limped. This is obviously It's because of the leg injury.

It must be unfortunate to encounter such a Warg when escaping for his life, but now it seems that it is not a kind of misfortune that this Warg with injured legs and feet encounters him.

After three strikes and five divisions, Keishas drove the wolf into a narrow valley. At this time, he was already a little anxious. The wolf was surprisingly cunning. The position is very snake skin, which makes people very angry.

Keshas is also a very decisive person, and only wants to make a quick decision, so the bald head who was sleeping with his eyes closed suddenly opened his eyes, recited a spell in his mouth, and suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed forward!

A yellow light immediately shrouded the wolf, and the coquettish snakeskin of this guy suddenly turned into a pitiful earthworm squirming.

This is the deceleration technique that Keshas mastered!

With a sense of revenge, Keishas strode forward, aimed at the Warg and stepped on it, but when he was still two meters away from the Warg, he suddenly heard the footsteps of his feet. There was a crisp sound of "click"!

Immediately afterwards, there was a sharp pain on the sole of the foot! !

Jishaston roared in pain, looked down, and realized that he had stepped into a very rough trap.

This trap has a typical centaur style. First of all, a big clip is stuck on its ankle, and there are sharp spikes at the bottom of the trap! Deeply penetrated into the soles of Keishas's feet.

The soles of the stabbed feet were sore and itchy, blood was flowing, and then the whole foot began to go numb.

This trap was previously traded by goats in the Magram tribe. The main body of the trade was the wolf king's teeth and claws. Of course, a lot of herbs, adventurer's relics and the like were also exchanged. Now it actually comes in handy.

Next, when Keshas was frightened, he bent down naturally and wanted to untie the clips on his feet, so of course his posture at this time was very unsightly, because this is a typical pick-up Soap pose.

The point is that Keshas, ​​or all the giants of the hills, have no habit of wearing underwear or trousers, and can wear an animal skin or a grass skirt around his waist.

At this time, the hidden goats and vultures began to aim at the big butt of Keishas at the same time!

So in just two seconds, Keshas's eyes widened, and as a male hill giant, he felt the pain when a female creature was forcibly bred.

First of all, the vulture's sinister "upper arm drive shaft" penetrated deeply!

Immediately afterwards, the goat's renju fireball exploded on it! Keishas let out a shrill scream, straightened up immediately, covered his back with his right hand, and immediately turned around to fight back.

As a result, the goat must be the one that cannot stop when it erupts. The place where the goat’s fireballs were originally locked was the chrysanthemum of Kishas, ​​but after it suddenly turned around, it was obvious that the fireball that flew out next hit the spot. Its....... crotch! !

In this encounter, Fang Linyan and the three brought indelible painful memories to Keshas.

The Warg was no longer crippled at this time, and his spirits were good. He grinned and pounced on Kishas's clamped ankle, and then ran away with his tail tucked away. How obscene.

This guy was summoned by the vulture, using the horn dropped by the wolf king Guihao after his death. Sure enough, this thing played a miraculous effect in the vulture.

The two vital parts at the front and back were severely damaged, and Keishas was already mad with pain. The head of the legal system originally looked like it was sleeping but not sleeping. At this time, it also made a grinning expression, and it looked like a child. , and immediately burst into tears.


Under the pain, Keishas picked up a stone next to him and smashed it at the position of the goat. This guy also seemed to be very good at throwing this trick, and the target head of the stone flying over was very precise.

However, the goat had been paying close attention to his movements for a long time. After seeing his movements, he stopped casting the spell without saying a word, shrank his head and hid in the corner he had chosen a long time ago.

But after the basketball-sized stone hit the stone wall next to it, it exploded like a cannonball. The gravel exploded violently, and the goat couldn't escape. The eyebrow was wiped with a small hole by a piece of gravel. It's just blood.

At this time, a strange illusion submerged into Keshas's body again, and it could be vaguely seen that it was an illusion of a puffer fish. It was the shadow clone hiding behind that performed a blowfish poison attack.

At this time, Keshas was already in the two negative states of bleeding and poisoning, and his right foot was still pierced. Now he is in a state of rapid secretion of adrenaline. to a crucial role.

At this time, Keshas's right legal head also began to speak, and Fang Linyan also stepped out from the darkness next to him and raised his hand! The sound of "slap" was a flash of a dragon's cough, and the whole person was stunned. Obviously, the dizzy state took effect.

However, Fang Linyan soon realized that it was the head representing the Physics Department who was dizzy. He looked like he was out of control with his eyes rolled and the corners of his mouth cocked.

But Keshas is an uncompromising two-headed giant. The legal head on its right was safe and sound at this time. The singing was not interrupted, but successfully completed, and a vicious sound came from its throat. growl:

"My ancestors are watching you!"

Fang Linyan's head suddenly appeared an incomparably vicious eye illusion, staring straight down.

Under the strange gaze of this eye, Fang Linyan suddenly felt that his body was completely out of control, the helplessness of knowing that he had cancer, the sadness of watching his relatives swallow their last breath, and other negative emotions were infinitely magnified and occupied. The whole body shuddered as if out of control! !

This move is the ancestral gaze displayed by Keshas. Those who are hit will fall directly into a huge fear and completely lose the authority to dominate their own bodies.

Seeing Fang Linyan completely out of control, he was sluggishly walking in place like a headless fly. Both the vulture and the goat were yelling badly at the same time, but they were about to rescue but realized that it was too late.

Because Keshas couldn't wait to aim at Fang Linyan and dashed up, and then he grabbed Fang Linyan with his hands and slammed it on the rock next to him.

After this fall, Fang Linyan immediately got out of the state of fear under the stimulation of severe pain, but he was already in the state of being caught.

Despite the protection of Athena's Blessing, it was probably because Keshas's throw was a mixed attack, which contained real damage. Fang Linyan immediately felt that there was no part of his body that did not hurt, and his bones It looks like several are broken.

After this smash, Fang Linyan must have struggled and resisted, but Keshas still held him and refused to let go. Then he made a force-charging action of raising his arms and throwing Fang Linyan out.

In the next second, Keishas finished charging up, aiming Fang Linyan at the distant mountain wall and smashing it out.

This move is a grappling technique, called "Big Destruction Throw". It first grabs the enemy's legs and shoves it to the stone next to it, and then throws it out with all its strength, causing huge impact damage.

This move can be activated after getting close, and there is an additional success judgment for small creatures like humans, so even if Fang Linyan is not afraid, as long as he gets close, it is difficult to escape this catch.

Fortunately, when Keshas was accumulating power, the vulture had already determined where Fang Linyan was about to be thrown, and hurriedly controlled the scavenger wolf to make a pre-judgmental interception.

After Fang Linyan was thrown by Keishas, ​​he could only be out of control. Seeing the mountain wall approaching quickly in his eyes, he suddenly took a breath, and he could only grit his teeth and prepare to endure the pain caused by the collision.

But at this moment, the carrion-eating dire wolf had already rushed out, just right behind Fang Linyan, and then heard a shrill scream.

Because this carrion-eating dire wolf has completely turned into a fleshy cushion, the object Fang Linyan collided with changed from a hard rock wall to a carrion-eating dire wolf, which immediately buffered a large amount of power, allowing Fang Linyan himself to be relieved Lots of damage.

Under such circumstances, Fang Linyan still felt blackness in front of him, and his chest was too stuffy. He felt pain everywhere when he moved his body.

At the same time, a terrifying number appeared on Fang Linyan's head:

-1009 points! !

This combo of Keshas actually directly caused four-digit actual damage to the opponent Lin Yan! !

Fortunately, more than half of the four-digit actual damage was absorbed by Athena's Blessing, so Fang Linyan was in danger like a candle in the wind at this time, with only more than 40 health points remaining. and one hundred and thirty magic points.

The terrifying damage dealt by Keishas also made the goat and vulture a little stunned, because if such damage fell on them, they would be killed instantly.

It is no wonder that when the vultures used skills on this Jishas, ​​in addition to the name and race, all popped up were ???, and they were also classified into the category of rare elites.

As soon as his body was able to recover, Fang Linyan immediately used the twigs of the World Tree to quickly increase his health and mana.

At the same time, the goat also aimed directly at the face of this guy Keishas, ​​and "Huhuhu" just shot several fireballs in the past!

Such an attack is not to do damage, but to interfere with where the enemy must be rescued! It would be really embarrassing to avoid Jishas taking advantage of his illness to kill him and rushing up to pay Fang Linyan a blow.

In fact, a cunning guy like Keishas really had this plan, he put his hand in front of him and rushed up directly against the fireball.

Fang Linyan was also aware of the danger of the other party, and after staggering forward a few steps, he realized that Keshas's head was actually looking towards this side, and decisively slammed on the brakes and rushed back towards the way he came.

Sure enough, in the next second, Keishas unexpectedly threw a rock the size of a human head without warning!

The flying speed of this stone was extremely fast. I saw that after he raised his hand, the trajectory of the flying stone could not be seen at all, and it exploded directly on the rock wall next to it.

If Fang Linyan continues to run forward, then he will definitely take this shot head-on! Needless to say, if you suffered this, it is estimated that you will be on the verge of death.

Seizing this opportunity, Fang Linyan hurriedly ran to the back of a rock. At this time, he felt that the inside of his mouth was salty and fishy, ​​and when he spit it out, he found that his mouth was full of blood.

At this time, the goat filled in a smoke bomb in time, which was a little precious time. After being forced into such an embarrassing situation, Fang Linyan didn't dare to take it lightly and retain his strength. He closed his eyes and meditated in his heart:

"Activation Ability: Darkness of the Moon!!"

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