The First Evolution

Chapter 26 Arrival

After the final countdown, the pilot pressed the eject switch heavily.

There was a soft sound of "Peng" on the back seat, and then Evelina was ejected even with the seat.

Under normal circumstances, because it is necessary to consider that the situation is very dangerous when the pilot is ejecting and parachuting, there is also an automatic parachute opening function, but it was manually turned off at the request of Evelina.

Evelina, who was ejected, only felt a strong wind blowing in her face, and that feeling even tore her skin.

Soon the whole person entered the state of whereabouts. She adjusted in the air and directly switched to the dive state of head down and feet up, so that she could approach the ground more quickly.

Soon, the voice of the high priest came from Evelina's ears:

"You're still 1,000 meters from the ground."

It turns out that this is the reliance of Evelina. The high priest can use his divine power to check her specific position at any time, which is equivalent to someone who can accurately control her position from the perspective of God from the sidelines. Of course, he is not afraid of missing the opportunity to open the umbrella.

Evelina said:


After a few seconds, the high priest said:

"600 meters, you start the countdown."

Soon, an umbrella flower opened in the dark sky. Evelina successfully opened her umbrella when she was 200 meters away from the ground. After landing, she rolled off the force and stood up again.

At this time, she was wearing sportswear. Although she had some scratches on her face when she landed, she couldn't care about these little things at all. She tied her flaxen hair behind her head and didn't look like a priestess. , more similar to the female white-collar workers who get up in the morning to exercise.

After Evelina landed, she flipped her wrist, and she was already holding the black old man machine directly in her palm. A reminder came directly from her mind that the closer she was to Fang Linyan, the more the black old man machine would heat up.

According to this rule, Evelina quickly found the right direction, ran over there quickly, and at the same time released a firework in the air.

Not long after, the believers of the church stationed in Taicheng also rushed over quickly with people on motorcycles.

Connecting Evelina smoothly, this way, once you need help with something, it will be more efficient.

Soon, the group came to the light rail station where the accident happened before.

Fang Linyan was in the game here, fighting back against the decoy tester, and then escaped from the shelter of space.

Evelina continued to move forward, and then took a deep breath. In the eyes of the rest of the ordinary people, this was a small landslide scene, and some traces of the explosion could be found.

But in the eyes of someone like Evelina, who has the power of the gods and can understand the truth of the world, there is a whine in the wind here, and even clearly cut scars can be seen in the air, and the vitality of the surrounding trees and insects is full. In the slow passage, this is because the new space barrier is too weak, so that the breath of the other plane penetrates in.

The previous battles here have even dealt terrifying damage to the nearby planes!

Not only that, but she can even see that a mysterious and irresistible force has left a lot of breath here.

The name of that power is called destiny!

"This... such a terrifying battle, the death battle between the supreme gods is just like this!!"

Evelina couldn't help muttering.

She couldn't help reaching out and gently stroked the scar on the plane with awe.

Then she quickly pulled away from the shock in her heart, and then quickly ran to the cliff in front of her. Here, she captured a trace of the goddess's divine aura. This should be the place where the blessings cast by the goddess Lin Yan took effect. .

With just such a small blessing, the collapse of an ordinary soil slope made the goddess try her best, and even her vitality was greatly damaged!

Then, Evelina pointed to the landslide and said loudly:


The people who accompanied Evelina were all the mad believers in the church. Because they didn't expect to need to dig when they came, many people rushed to dig with their hands, even if the tools were limited. Wearing a suit and leather shoes or an expensive dress, even if the nails are flipped, and even the hands are dripping with blood, there is no slack.

The landslides here are only limited to a small part of the site, and most of them collapsed down from mud, and the largest rock will not exceed the size of a basketball, so the excavation work will soon pay off.

"Here!! Here!"

A person suddenly shouted in surprise.

Because in the place where his hands had just pulled, the corner of a black jacket appeared impressively.

Evelina saw at a glance that this black jacket was chosen by herself for Fang Linyan and sent to his wardrobe.

As we all know, Fang Linyan is not a person who likes to dress up very much, because Uncle Xu instilled in him that the clothes are shabby and nothing, but they must be neat and clean! So he wears almost whatever Evelina prepares for him.

"Finally found?" Evelina took a deep breath.

She didn't feel any sign of a living person under the soil. In fact, even if a normal person had been buried in the soil for so long, there was absolutely no reason for him to survive.

However, the black old man machine made a humming sound, as if the vibration mode was turned on.

With a heavy heart, Evelina squatted down and began to carefully scrape the soil. Then, even though she was mentally prepared, she took a deep breath and covered her mouth:

"My God, this is... what?"


While the excavation work here is going on,

The abyss lord has returned to his palace. It can be seen that he is in a very good mood. He is holding a golden cup to drink, and the cup is red wine like blood!

The astrologer Deng sat next to him with a bit of restraint, and it could be seen that his relationship with the abyss lord was closer.

"I solved the wrench guy, and I had a good feeling at that time!"

The abyss lord said simply:

"It's hard to describe that feeling. It's like a person climbing a mountain with a heavy load and sweating, suddenly jumped into the clear spring next to him to take a bath, and then fell asleep!"

Astrologer Deng nodded and said:

"You are right, my master, it seems that this person does have a lot of fetters with you in the fate, and he should have secretly stolen some of your luck."

"That's why you've been so restless after hearing his name, you even had to kill him at all costs."

Abyss Lord said:

"Yes, you are right."

He narrowed his eyes and recalled carefully, and suddenly said:

"One more thing, please help me to take a closer look. The wrench guy's head had been smashed by the other-dimensional rift at that time, and it was directly blasted by me with a floating cannon in the next second. However, I looked at his innocent Head corpse, I always feel something is wrong."

"The next collapse was also a coincidence, it seemed that the headless body of the wrench was deliberately buried! Just then I received a prompt from the space, saying that he had been beheaded, and even the bloody key was condensed. Came out. Plus I stayed there too long, so I just let it go.”

"Looking back now, I should still dig through the soil of the landslide to see and leave."

Astrologer Deng pondered for a while and said:

"If the space clearly indicates that the other party is dead, then it can be determined that he must be dead. If you feel a little confused, master, I can extract some of your relevant memory fragments to view and analyze, but you need your authorization to open some memories. ."

After listening to the words of the astrologer Deng, the abyss lord pondered for a while and said:

"it is good."

After finishing speaking, the abyss lord closed his eyes, and after a while, he said slowly:

"Okay! That's it."

At this time, the astrologer Deng tapped with his finger, and then spread his palm up, and suddenly saw a silver-gray helmet slowly appearing in his palm. The shape of this helmet looked very sci-fi. It is actually made of several hoses interlaced.

These hoses are made of silver-gray metal and look similar to the tactile sensations of ants, bees, etc., which are magnified ten times.

This is a very famous golden plot equipment in the mutant world: brain wave amplifier!

However, the way the astrologer Deng got it was not by following the normal route, from the big boss professor, but by finding a way to find the engineer who assisted the professor in making this thing, and coerced and lured the fake product.

The effect is only half of the genuine product, and it has only been used five times.

After wearing this thing, the astrologer Deng pressed the index finger and middle finger of his left hand to his temple and closed his eyes!

It can be felt that there is a strange feeling in the scene immediately, and the brainwaves of astrologer Deng began to try to synchronize with the brainwaves of the abyss lord.

Soon, the third eye in the center of Deng's eyebrows opened, and then five or six meters in front of Deng, as if casting a movie, a series of pictures quickly appeared, but these pictures were static. , just like a photo, and some of the pictures are still very blurry......

Soon, the astrologer Deng finished the brain wave synchronization. It could be seen that his consumption was very high. In just a few seconds, his face turned red.

Not only that, the one eye on his forehead looks very large, the eyes are congested and bright red, and the one eye extends a large number of veins around, and these veins are highlighted with blood, and it looks like it is stretched out. It came out like tentacles.

After taking several medicines in succession, the astrologer Deng Cai took a weary breath and said:

"Master, your memory contains the power of destiny and the power of time, although it is only a little bit mixed in, it makes me almost unbearable."

"I analyzed it carefully, but I don't think there is anything suspicious about what you said before, but there are some problems here."

After hearing the words of the astrologer Deng, the abyss lord suddenly said:

"Where is the problem, you say!"

The astrologer Deng closed his eyes again, and his third eye projected the images that had been shining before him. Now these memories have been thoroughly read by the astrologer Deng, and can naturally be used at will.

Soon, three pictures appeared on the screen in front of him. The screenshots were of the scene where Fang Linyan had just escaped from the light rail station and fell to the ground.

Astrologer Deng explained:

"I played against the wrench. His melee strength is quite strong, at least LV10 or above, and his skills are far superior to ordinary people. Therefore, it seems that he tripped over a stone at this time, but he actually fell on purpose."

"Look, when he fell, he grabbed the stone next to him, flipped it over, and glanced down. I doubt that this is his real purpose!"

The abyss lord carefully looked at the three projected pictures with the golden wine glass, and said after a long while:

"This... Your analysis may be reasonable, but what does this guy want to turn over the stone? Did he come here long ago, and there is something hidden under this stone that can be turned over?"

"But I can't see him taking anything from under the stone. You see, this angle is very clear. He did glance under the stone, and then let go of his hand and didn't take anything. "

Astrologer Deng shook his head and said:

"This, I don't know."

Then he continued to project a few pictures, all of which were Fang Linyan staggering and falling, rolling and crawling.

But at this time, Fang Linyan was already entangled by the terrifying blood python, and he kept throwing smoke bombs, grenades and the like towards the rear, so the memory that astrologer Deng read was rather vague. , the projected picture is not very clear.

Under such circumstances, it is difficult to infer whether Fang Linyan's fall was intentional or not.

The two studied and judged for a long time, but in the end they still felt confused, and finally Deng made the final decision:

"Maybe the wrench guy struggled before he died, but since the space clearly stated that he was dead, and he also condensed the bloody key, he must be dead. If the wrench has a death tool, amniotic fluid embryo box and other equipment , then the space will definitely give a hint."

"The only hope for him to revive is to rely on his teammates to complete difficult tasks in the adventure world, and then revive him. However, the legendary team that has lost its leader will face our comprehensive challenges in the upcoming adventure world. Suppressed and killed, they are mud bodhisattvas crossing the river and they cannot protect themselves, let alone resurrecting others."

Abyss Lord nodded slightly:

"You are right, only Space can revive the wrench! And Space pays attention to the fact that the effort is proportional to the gain. As long as we kill the legendary team and cut off his foundation, then no matter what he does, he will leave behind. , all in vain!"


After half an hour,

Evelina sat in a Lincoln Navigator SUV, and this car was mixed in a long queue. Evelina looked complicated, but she was hugging a piece of clothing tightly.

This dress is the black jacket they pulled out from the landslide before, and it is the one that Fang Linyan is wearing. Evelina doesn't dislike the dust on it, and hugs it tightly in her arms. , looks like he is holding some peerless treasure!

At this time, it had been seven hours since Fang Linyan was killed.

Under normal circumstances, even a contractor who has a digital body, after his head is chopped off and blown to pieces, can live for a minute and be in the sky!

Next, after the space determines that the headless corpse has lost its vitality, it will format it directly, turning it into a little bit of light and disappearing.

After all, for any space, the corpses of warriors cultivated by hand have a lot of secret data, and they must not be leaked out.

What's more, Fang Linyan was also hit by the special effect of the abyss lord "Cold of Death", the data body was banned, and even any healing effect could not take effect.

Therefore, no matter how the abyss lord and Deng deduced and opened their minds, they could not think of what Fang Linyan had left behind for him. In their opinion, this was a dead end that could not be solved at all! !

Suddenly, Evelina said directly to the front:

"Director Hu."

Director Hu is in his fifties and looks very shrewd and capable. A devout believer in Taicheng,

He has long sleeves and is good at dancing, has a wide range of contacts, and has a very strong execution ability.

When Fang Linyan returned to Badong County before, he had used the name of Zhong Yong, the chairman of the local chamber of commerce. This is what Director Hu got through.

Hearing Evelina's words, Director Hu, who was sitting in the co-pilot, immediately said:

"What's your order?"

Evelina said:

"When we searched and rescued before, there would definitely be a lot of clues left on the cliff that collapsed. If someone with a heart wants to review it, something will definitely be found."

Director Hu said with a smile:

"Got it, I'll fix it."

Evelina said:

"Fast and reasonable."

Director Hu smiled and said:

"Ok, no problem."

Evelina said:

"Well, tell me about your plan."

Director Hu smiled and said:

"It's very simple. Since it can collapse once, it can collapse for the second time. I paid attention to the surrounding terrain when I rescued before. It is not difficult to create another collapse."

Evelina nodded and said:

"Yes, you can find an expert overnight to analyze the geological structure there, and then it is best to use natural means to create landslides, such as splashing water, digging key points, etc. It is best if you can use explosives."

Director Hu nodded and said:

"Okay, received, I'll arrange someone right away."

Evelina quickly issued orders to eliminate the hidden dangers one by one, and then the car she was riding in also slowly stopped.

Because at this time they have entered the center of the city of Taicheng, and their group's destination has also arrived. The light above the building shines, illuminating the big characters at the top:

"Phayathai Medical Center."

This is one of the top medical institutions in Taicheng and even Asia, which integrates research, medical care and education! It is usually not open to the public, and only accepts patients with incurable diseases who are referred from other hospitals, and has to queue up.

Senior officials from countries such as Myanmar and Indonesia will come here for diagnosis and treatment if they feel unwell.

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