The First Evolution

Chapter 61 The Overlord's Hard Bow/Hidden Occupation/Athena's Amazement!

The most peculiar thing is that the face and the long sword of the enemy who fought against the red-armored man are blurred, as if it is impossible to look at.

Suddenly, the red-armored man was inattentive, but he revealed a flaw and was beheaded by the enemy with a sword!

But the most bizarre thing happened. After being beheaded, the cross-section of the red-armored man's neck was actually smooth, without any blood spurting out.

The head that flew out was rolling on the ground, and there was a big mountain above it, which fell from top to bottom and sealed it at the bottom of the mountain.

However, the headless body of the red-armored man still wielded his shield and big axe and continued to fight endlessly. Such terrifying vitality can only be described as terrifying.

However, the man in the ochre-yellow robe seemed to have completely lost interest in fighting after beheading and suppressing the opponent's head. With a wave of his hand, the surrounding soldiers rushed up and took the headless body. Surrounded by wanton hacking!

The man in the ochre-yellow robe walked away, looking a little melancholy, as if killing the enemy was not happy, but after he left, the headless soldier actually broke out. The terrifying combat power broke through the enemy's siege and fled.


At this time, the picture changes again,

The headless soldier was covered in bruises and wounds, and he was at the end of the road. He fled directly in the jungle. The red armor on his body was completely damaged and he was naked.

The battle axe and giant shield he held in his hand were also broken and scattered, and they looked almost completely damaged.

A Qiongqi was peeping in the distance, with a cold and vicious light shining in his eyes. The back of its butt was bare and its tail had been chopped off. It was the Qiongqi before!

Suddenly, the headless warrior was half-kneeling on the ground, his whole body trembling violently, a large amount of blood spurted from the wound on the body surface, and it seemed that he could no longer support it.

The Qiongqi was overjoyed when he saw this, thinking that the chance for revenge had finally come, so he jumped on it! However, the headless warrior suddenly turned around, took a hard blow to Qiongqi's chest, and slammed the broken giant shield and battle axe on its body!

At this time, it can be clearly seen that the illusion of the word "Qi" first appeared on the giant shield that smashed Feiqiongqi, and then when the heavy axe fell, the illusion of the word "Qi" appeared behind!

Once he succeeded, the headless warrior couldn't support it either. He knelt on the ground halfway, supported his body with a broken shield, and died suddenly, and even after he died, he insisted on not falling down. The degree of his stubbornness is evident!

And as soon as the word "Qianqi" appeared, Fang Linyan immediately took a breath.

A poem suddenly appeared in his mind, and he immediately locked the identity of the headless warrior.

"Xing Tianwu is a relative! Mengzhi is always there!"

"Yes, this headless warrior is Xingtian! Even after being beheaded, Xingtian can still fight against Xuanyuan Huangdi!!"

"God of War... Xingtian!!"

At this time, Fang Linyan's thoughts were flying, but the illusion in front of him continued.

Probably because of the excessive force, the crack-covered heavy axe smashed into pieces after smashing into the head of Qiongqi, and one of the sharp axe blades remained in the corner of Qiongqi. in the brain.

If human beings were hit hard by this, I'm afraid they would have died on the spot!

But Qiongqi's skull is very thick, almost three fingers wide.

Therefore, the broken axe blade seems to be deeply embedded in the brain, but in fact, it is only less than half an inch in the brain, and it will not lead to its death.

Relying on his tenacious vitality, this Qiongqi was able to survive such a heavy blow, but he was a little crooked when he walked, and then lived for several years before dying.

Because after three full years, the trauma on Qiongqi's head has also healed, and the regrown flesh and bone have re-wrapped the sharp axe blade.

During this period of time, the name of "God of War" Xingtian also began to spread on the earth.

All kinds of Xingtian Temples, large and small, and Xingtian shrines appeared like bamboo shoots after the rain, and because the Yellow Emperor had done special treatment to Xingtian's body and head.

So the willpower and faith that appeared on the earth actually began to gather towards the axe blade in the head of Qiongqi.

When Qiongqi died, his skull began to shatter under the sun and wind. The one with the axe blade was obviously much harder, so it was slowly preserved, and finally Fang Linyan's familiar "Qianqi bone" was formed. .


After seeing this, Fang Linyan immediately understood, no wonder Athena was determined to win this thing!

What she wanted was the axe blade that Xingtian had entrusted with fragments of Godhead!

Athena has the god of war in the priesthood, but it represents the aspect of strategy in war,

Xingtian is also known as the God of War in Eastern mythology, but it represents tenacity and courage in war, as well as tyrannical vitality and amazing resilience!

The priesthood of the two is the god of war, so there is overlap, so Athena wants to absorb Xingtian's godhead fragments with half the effort.

Not only that, the tyrannical vitality and amazing resilience contained in Xingtian's war priesthood are Athena's natural shortcomings, something she dreamed of even in her heyday!

To make an inappropriate analogy, Athena at this time is like a huge mouth of the abyss with full output equipment, which usually looks very powerful.

But in fact, if you encounter a poodle/Qinggangying/Raven/Wolfman/Blind, or even a big bug, who will give you a mouthful from time to time, you can only be honest.

However, once she absorbs Xingtian's godhead shard at this time, it is equivalent to equipping the abyss mouth with a barbarian big move-----Five Seconds Real Man, and TM is passively triggered, and it will be instantly Its shortcomings make up for it.

Probably because Fang Linyan gave a connection fee of 5,000 general-purpose points, Athena's divine power poured in very smoothly, and this piece of Xingtian's divine spark was quickly completely absorbed.

At this time, the goat and others were also shocked, because they saw the illusion of a girl behind Fang Linyan!

Looking at the eyebrows, this illusion is somewhat similar to the High Priest Tritogonia. There is a smile in his eyebrows, and then he aimed at Fang Linyan's forehead and kissed it, and then gradually disappeared.

This is the will of Athena that came to this side in person, and directly bestowed the divine grace on Fang Linyan!

The moment he was kissed by Athena, Fang Linyan felt as if his mind had exploded, and a lot of information poured in instantly! For a while, my head was a little dizzy, and it took a while to be able to barely wake up.

Then, Fang Linyan felt that he was quite weak, so weak that he could barely stand still, he fell to the ground with one buttocks, and at the same time realized that he was almost in a dying state!

At this time, the goat and others also felt that something was wrong, and hurried over to check the incidental protection. As a result, it took a while for Fang Linyan to recover with the help of food and medicine.

At this time, Fang Linyan looked at his attributes again, and suddenly found that the blessing of Athena, and the previous spiritual skills were gone! But in Fang Linyan's mind, a large piece of information suddenly jumped out:

"Contractor ZB419, you have successfully transferred to a hidden and rare occupation: Templar."

"This is a powerful profession that can draw on the power of the gods. The stronger the gods enshrined, the stronger the knight's combat effectiveness!"

"Passive ability: Under the Holy See, this profession has been favored by the gods, and all basic attributes have been improved to a certain extent! The effect of this passive ability will increase with the strength of the gods."

"At present, the gods that affect this passive ability are: Athena. At this time, Athena's strength is a new god (weak), and the bonus under the Holy See is: all basic attributes +8 points, this effect will be included in the effect of naked equipment. ."

"Passive ability: The evil gods, when you face the attack of evil gods/believers, Athena's power will automatically protect you, and you will suffer less damage."

"Active ability: Spiritual Words (advanced), so that the effect of the Spiritual Words you display is stronger, the range is brighter, and the number of times you can use it is greater.

"Active ability: Aegis Ayqus (in seal), this skill is an advanced version of Athena's Blessing, which will turn Athena's Blessing into a passive effect, and removing the activation of Athena's Blessing will deduct the negative effects of life. state!"

"At the same time, get the enhanced attribute: the power of Aegis Ayqus, so that any damage done to you by the enemy has a 15% chance to be completely absorbed by Aegis Ayqus, and bounces back to an enemy randomly! When the dodge effect is triggered At the same time, there is also a certain chance to activate the rebound effect of Aegis Aegis."

"Activate the power of Aegis Aegis: You will get the blessing of its power in an instant and enter an invincible state for three seconds. Not only that, after entering the invincible state, all negative effects on you will be forcibly removed, even including Dying in a weak state."

"However, activating the power of Aegis Ayques also requires a huge price. In addition to consuming 5,000 general points, it also requires a golden apple." (The way to obtain the golden apple can be known from the gods in Greek mythology. .)

"If you want to activate Aegis Aegis, you must first help the goddess to obtain her own artifact: Aegis Aegis, otherwise it will be in a sealed state. Before that, Athena's Blessing can continue to be used."

"Forbidden skill (in seal): (A.E for short), also known as Athena's Astonishment! It is an ultimate fighting skill derived from ancient Greek mythology."

"In the beginning, A.E required the cooperation of three powerful warriors under Athena to use it. The principle was to concentrate its ultimate power to one point to attack, but it was later improved and can also be used by one person."

"The releaser will use the divine power of Athena to summon the shadow of his past, the shadow of the future, and then, together with the present id, to successfully achieve the requirements of the Trinity! Instantly rush to the enemy, and gather the power of the past, present, and future in A single explosion can directly achieve terrifying destructive power!"

"The release distance of AE is: 100 meters. If A.E fails to kill the enemy, it will also severely damage the enemy's soul and force it into a weak state, which will recover after five seconds. In a weak state, the enemy will not be able to do anything. I can only helplessly wait for the help of my companions.”

"A.00 points + the highest basic attribute value of the releaser (02 points), it has the four attributes of inevitable hit, holy damage, extra damage bonus, and the trinity!"

"Warning: Athena's astonishment is a taboo trick, which is explicitly forbidden by the gods, so every time you release it, you must face a divine favor check. If you get insufficient divine favor, then the highest foundation is the one. The attribute value will be permanently deducted by five points.”

"Even if you pass the divine favor check, then the lowest basic attribute value will be permanently deducted by 2-4 points."

"In order to lift the seal of A.E, Athena's divine power must be promoted to the first rank on the basis of the current situation."

"In order to increase the power of A.E, the owner must perform a second rank and become the Templar Commander! (Not appointed by Athena, but approved by Space.)"

"Explanation: Hidden and rare occupation Templars must be favored and favored by the gods before they can be transferred. The difficulty is very huge, and the owner will not be able to take up other occupations that require faith."

"However, if the owner plans to practice dual occupation, the negative effects of dual occupation punishment brought by the hidden rare occupation Templar are minimal."


After receiving this series of information, Fang Linyan was stunned, and he was actually beaten by the overlord! He didn't even ask a question, he just turned himself into a rare hidden profession!

However, Fang Linyan thought about it carefully, and if he really had to make a choice, I'm afraid he could only nod his head and choose yes.

It's nothing to talk about, but the promotion of Athena's Blessing is an irresistible temptation! Not only that, the eight-point bonus of all basic attributes under the Holy Throne also allows people to obtain a qualitative improvement.

What's more, there are forbidden tricks like Athena's exclamation that are fishing for themselves?

As soon as he thought of this, Fang Linyan thought about it, and realized that there were still a few things he didn't understand, so he immediately made an inquiry:

"Among the four attributes of A.E, there is no need to say more about the hit, but what is the situation of the Holy Damage, the extra damage bonus, and the Trinity?"

Soon, the relevant specific instructions appeared on his retina.

Holy damage: This is a very rare type of damage. Only holy resistance can reduce holy damage, and any other defenses will be nullified in the face of holy damage, which is highly authoritative.

Additional damage bonus: When the user uses A.E to attack the plot characters, it will inevitably cause double damage.

Trinity: When the user uses A.E to launch an attack, it will use the power of the shadow of the past and the future, so there is a high (80%) chance to cause triple damage, and a certain chance (50%) to cause quadruple damage, There is a small probability (15%) to cause five times the damage!

"Hi..." Fang Linyan took a deep breath as if he had a toothache!

"This... This forbidden move is a heavy punishment, but it's really powerful!"

At the beginning, Fang Linyan felt that the damage of A.E was a little low, although from the description, the divine damage was almost equal to the real damage. After all, he had never seen a piece of equipment that increased divine resistance.

However, after seeing the description of the Trinity, I realized that the explosive power of this thing can be said to be super terrifying!

Whether it is used to kill people or to fight BOSS, it is extremely powerful! Because theoretically, this blow has a 15% probability of hitting 1010 points of damage/plot characters are 2020 points!

What's more terrible is that even the 80% chance of the triggered crit is calculated according to triple damage! !

Not only that, A.E's casting distance is as long as 100 meters, and the caster will use the divine power of Athena to teleport to the opponent to launch an attack. Even if the enemy is not killed, it will make him fall into a state of spiritual weakness.

In this case, a forbidden move like A.E can really be described as impeccable, even if it is a harsh display condition, it makes people feel that it is really worth the money!

At this moment, Fang Linyan suddenly felt a heat flow on his forehead, pouring into his body, and recalling it carefully, it was exactly where Athena's phantom kissed before.

Then he found that the three words (in the seal) behind the exclamation of Athena disappeared and became the words (for trial).

Then a stream of information poured into my mind, and then I realized that Athena only absorbed Xingtian's godhead fragments this time, but incidentally, she also absorbed the poor and strange bones that wrapped the fragments.

Qiongqi's energy is completely useless to Athena.

This is similar to the fact that electric energy is also energy, but it is a fact that fuel vehicles cannot effectively use this energy. Therefore, Athena spent a little effort to transform the decomposed Qiongqi energy as the power for Fang Linyan to drive A.E. .

As for the Yushen Talisman, Fang Linyan tried it and found that the attributes of the equipment he wanted to strengthen were not within the scope of his enhancement, but the attributes of the equipment that could be strengthened were of no value, so he simply put them on hold.

At this point, the benefits brought by the Azure Sword and the Mermaid Pearl have been completely digested by the legendary team.

It was getting late, and the sun set in the west, dyeing the surface of the river golden. There were still birds flying in the sky, and among the slightly gray-yellow reeds, several black wild ducks were swimming and foraging.

During this rare rest time, a group of people got into the "Umonic" RV, racing against time to rest. Even if they couldn't fall asleep, it was a good thing to use the massage equipment that came with the car to relax their muscles.

Fang Linyan brought out a table and began to summon the embers of Ao, and repaired it carefully. If it hadn't appeared in time and blocked Zhao Yun's killing shot, Fang Linyan's wishful thinking would have been impossible.

However, that was Zhao Yun's full-strength shot! And it's still Zhao Yun's shot in a super god state!

In order to block this blow, Ao's Embers also paid a great price. Fang Linyan's repair at this time is a big project. It is estimated that it is not bad to be able to restore the reconnaissance ability, but it is difficult to display the combination skills.

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