The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 705: All fall into its unique and human atmosphere

Although the Yangguan Sandie cuisine is simple to say and it is not troublesome to make, to make this dish perfect, you need not only technology but also patience, because this cuisine is making In the process, there are several steps that need to be very careful and very careful.

Just like Ye Fei now cuts the egg skin into rectangles, and then spreads the meat on the egg skin evenly, and then puts spinach leaves layer by layer, and finally the whole egg skin is folded into a long Bar shape.

The next step is how to make this dish taste better.

Ye Yefei chose the most primitive method, and the most commonly used method is fried.

First raise the pot with oil, and then put the stacked long egg rolls in the pot.

As the long egg rolls were placed in the pot, the waste Wu Tianzhang and the dumbu mountains and rivers heard Dora's bang, followed by a wonderful omelette aroma.

And this is just the beginning. Over time, they smell the aroma of the meat, but this aroma is special, not only the aroma of pork, but also the aroma of chicken and shrimp, and several kinds of meat. Mixed together, instead of conflict, a breath that can't be refused appears.

At this time, Wanli Piaoxiang skills were not online, and the audience in the live broadcast room could not smell the aroma at all, but the two of them were closer to Ye Fei, right next to it, so it was easy to smell.

Just now they have eaten the eggs of the red-tailed chicken. It can be said that the eggs are very fragrant even if they are raw. Now they are slightly fried in the oil pan. The taste is much more tempting.

"This egg is really superb, no matter what you do, it's so tempting." Wu Tianzhang licked his lips and said.

Jairus nodded.

"I really want to take a bite. I can only take one bite. I can imagine. If I can take a bite of this egg roll, there will be pure oil drops on the cross section. Appear. "Waste continued.

Jairus Mountains and Rivers made a gesture.

The silent tutor translated almost simultaneously: "Don't talk first and see what the final result looks like."

They whispered next to each other, Ye Fei was frying the first egg roll.

As soon as the egg rolls were in the pot, they saw that a small amount of the best peanut oil around them started to bubble, and then the bubbles exploded, making a series of crackling sounds.

At this time, Ye Fei's stove fire had been turned into a small fire. In fact, the main heat used to fry the egg rolls came from the iron pan. The temperature of the oil was not very high, which also ensured the egg rolls. Will not be over-exploded.

Ye Yefei's eyes were staring straight at the egg rolls in the pot. His right hand grabbed the handle beyond and gently rocked back and forth, and saw the egg rolls sliding back and forth in the pot.

Three minutes later, I saw Ye Fei's right wrist suddenly turned upside down, the wok turned upside down, and then the fried egg rolls in the pot suddenly rushed towards the front of the pot, and then everyone watched I saw that these two egg rolls flew out from the edge of the wok, and then turned around in the air, and landed in the pan lightly.

"……… .Sink, pan?"

"Emma, ​​it's the first time I've seen Ye Shen play this hand, it's quite sexual."

"The two egg rolls that were thrown up were like two elves, who flew in the air and fell back into the pot."

"I did not expect Ye Shen to do this trick."

"Fuck, how do you say that? Will you speak? What is Ye Shen still doing this trick, as long as it is a similar chef?

"Kidney, are you out again? What is throwing work?"

"... ……. Nima, as you called Shunkou, throwing power is the kind of work that Yeshen does. The main reason is that the dishes can be heated more evenly and at the same time, the gas can be absorbed more thoroughly, so that The fried dishes are even more delicious. "

"Pot gas? The more you say it, the more mysterious it is, this stuff comes out?"

"What's more and more mysterious, the pot gas is something that really exists in reality. Although it can't be seen by the eyes, it just exists. If a food can fully absorb the pot gas, the taste will be better than Those dishes that do n’t absorb the gas are very delicious, which is why many chefs will ignite in the pot when they are cooking, and then the dishes will keep tumbling in the flame. "

"Really fake? What a terrific expression."

"This is great, isn't it? A clever chef, when cooking a dish, he can even make the dish fly in the air for a longer time than frying in the pot."

Ye Yefei just did a simple action of panning the pot and let everyone in the live broadcast talk for a long time.

颠 Turned the pan with his right hand, two egg rolls fell back into the pan, and continued to fry lightly.

After three minutes, Ye Fei saw that both sides of the egg roll were fried golden brown, and then said, "Yes."

As soon as the three words were finished, Ye Fei directly took out the two egg rolls, put them on a plate, and then fried the other egg rolls.

After a while, all the egg rolls were fried and stacked neatly on a plate.

Everyone thought that this is the Yangguan three stacks. Just trying to say why they didn't smell the aroma, they saw Ye Fei take out one fried egg roll directly from the plate, put it on a cutting board, and cut it evenly with a knife. It became four paragraphs.

Immediately after that, Ye Fei took a clean plate with blue and white flowers around, carefully placed the four sections of egg rolls, and then cut all the other pieces on the plate. in.

At this time, many people found that Ye Fei placed these egg rolls not in a random manner, but in the shape of a tower. The bottom is relatively large, and the smaller it is, the more it goes up, the less it is. Egg rolls.

The rafters are stacked on top of each other, exactly ten layers.

Everyone: "…… .."

"I rub it, isn't it Yangsan's threefold? Why stack so many layers?"

"Khan, brother, Ye Shen's food is finished right away, you haven't understood what the Yangguan Sandie means?"

"Uh ~~ Isn't it three layers? But Ye Shen is now stacked ten layers. This should be called Yangguan ten stacks."

"Ten you big head ghosts. Ten, Yangguan threefolds. It's not about how many layers you stack when you put the plate, but you put a few layers of stuffing in the egg rolls. Ye Shen was in each egg skin just now. There are exactly three layers of meat filling. This is the meaning of the three stacks of Yangguan, not how many layers are stacked on the plate. "

Ye Yefei's eyes stared straight into the plate. He carefully stacked the egg rolls together to form the shape of a pagoda.

And just when he first formed the pagoda, he suddenly saw a golden light emerging from the pagoda.

金 This golden light is also in the shape of a pagoda, exactly the same as the shape of the pagoda on the plate.

金 This golden pagoda light group slowly broke off the plate and floated over it, the higher the higher.

Ye Yefei's eyes stared at the light group, and the higher he looked, the higher.

发现 He found that the light group was not as good as the light group formed by the food of the previous few days. Whether it was Kirin to send a child or a black gold fish to play lotus, that light group was stronger than the light group formed by the Panyangguan Triassic.

"Did this dish make a mess?" The goods muttered.

But when he murmured, he saw the golden pagoda-shaped light cluster suddenly violently expand, and then burst out with a bang.

Then .... From this golden pagoda light group, there were several colors of light particles, including turquoise, jade white, and flesh red.

随着 These light particles flew away towards the surroundings with the burst of light.

刚刚 As soon as they flew out, Ye Fei's eyes widened.

Because he has smelled a very domineering aroma, this aroma is not only the aroma of eggs, but also the fresh flavor of shrimp, the strong flavor of pork, and the pure flavor of chicken.

I even couldn't believe Ye Fei. In this aroma, he also smelled the spinach.

Spinach, this is a vegetable. It is reasonable to say that the smell of vegetables is not special, especially when it is not cooked. The smell of many green vegetables is not fragrant or even strange.

But Ye Fei's smell of this spinach at this time is different. It is fundamentally different from ordinary spinach, because the spinach smell is not only unique to spinach, but also in this smell A touch of sweet taste.

Yeah, Ye Fei has now discovered that the spinach he used is actually sweet.

However, this sweetness did not destroy the spinach's overall smell, but also made the spinach's breath more attractive and emotional.

"Guru ~~~" Ye Fei couldn't help but swallowed.

He knew he had made this dish and it was perfect.

Beside him, Wu Tianzhang and Lu Shanchuan were even more embarrassed. The two smelled the aroma and moved involuntarily towards the stage.

Everyone in the live broadcast room was also boiling.

The scent of ravioli appeared, and it was an aroma they had never smelled before.

"Xiangxiang, strong fragrance, pure fragrance, and ... a faint sweet fragrance, is this the smell of the Yangguan Sandie? This Nima is perfect."

"Yes, I also feel that Ye Shen's cuisine is extremely perfect ~ ~ Mixing several different aromas together, it completely forms the effect of one plus one more than two, and the fresh aroma will be strong. The taste is slightly offset, and the sweet aroma is slightly offset by the pure aroma, resulting in a perfectly perfect and fascinating aroma. This is the aroma of this cuisine. "

"Crazy, really crazy, I didn't expect that Ye Shen's first food today was made like this, this Nima ... What can I say besides being a treasure?"

Smoking hurts the kidney and keeps mouthing into the microphone.

"God, how did you create such a versatile cook for the world, that's right, this is what the Yangguan Triassic looks like, and the smell ... This smell is even ten times more tempting than what my Master did. More than that, this is the Yangguan Triassic, and He is the authentic superb Yangguan Triassic! "

货 This product is made of Confucian cuisine in Shandong cuisine, and this Yangguan San Die is a fine dish in Confucian cuisine, so he is more qualified to comment on this cuisine than anyone else.

It ’s just now that smoking hurts the kidneys. He really does n’t want to evaluate it. He just wants to sit in the chair like that, and then take a deep breath, and inhale all the aromas beside him into the lungs of the tract to let it nourish himself Five internal organs and six internal organs.

Ye Fei smiled, came to the main table with a plate, and held three pairs of chopsticks in the other hand.

When he put this stack of Yangguan in front of the computer, everyone could see the taste of the food more clearly.

After seeing the appearance of this food, everyone can say that it is just a blink of an eye, all of them are trapped in its unique and charming color ...

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