The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 354: 2 billion smashed the door to Asia

After Mo Yunlong saw Ye Fei's hole card, the goods couldn't bear it, another blood spurted out, and after this blood spurted out, his body shook and fell directly to the ground and passed out Already.

But now he didn't bother him at all. He came over with two strong men in black and pulled his arms and pulled them out.

Ma Jiuzhou and Song Tianhe looked at Ye Fei's box four, and both of them were crying. Although they were very happy with Mo Yunlong just now, in the final analysis, the two of them wanted to win, otherwise they would not Coming to the competition.

But now seeing Ye Fei's card is one more than theirs, it's no wonder that two people don't collapse.

They all looked at Ye Fei, their mouths moved, they couldn't say a word, because it was really speechless.

For a long time, Song Tianhe sighed, held his fists towards Ye Fei, and turned his head.

Ma Jiuzhou also gave a thumbs up to Ye Fei, and left madly.

At this point, Ye Fei is still the old **** sitting in the chair, with Erlang legs crossed, he is the absolute protagonist tonight!

Because he is first!

Because he is the new Asian gambler!

Applause from all around suddenly sounded, like a thunderous thunder, and it seemed like a huge wave slamming the shore, drowning Ye Fei in it.

Bang ~~~

Suddenly, on the huge table where Ye Fei's gambling cards came, a loud noise came. Ye Fei hurriedly looked up and saw the ribbons and petals falling from the sky, covering him and the chips on the table. .

Ye Fei stood up slowly, turned around in the petals and ribbons, and then reached out to the peerless pheasant.

Lin Jiani smiled, stepped forward, slowly walked into the ground, walked to Ye Fei's side, and gave her hand to Ye Fei.

"You want to dance with me?"

"May I?"

"Looking at your excellent performance today, you can."

"But I can't jump."


"I depend, what do you want me to do?"

"Let me watch the petal rain."


The two stood in the rain of petals like this, and Ye Fei still very windy / sao reached out to pick up the petals and ribbons.

Lin Jiani stood beside Ye Fei, feeling so awkward.

Everyone couldn't understand what was going on with them, one by one curious.

"I wipe, don't I want to dance? Why does the new gambler hold the chicken hen's hand still?"

"I don't understand. So esoteric. What kind of plane does the new gambler want?"

"You all don't understand? Haha, I know that."

"what happened?"

"He's so excited, he's in a state of selflessness now, not suitable for dancing."

"Voj, so amazing?"

For a long time, the petal rain and ribbons disappeared, Ye Fei and Lin Jiani were covered with their heads, and Ye Fei bowed around.

At this moment, the contest commentator suddenly shouted, "Dear friends, let us once again send our warm applause to our new Asian gambler !!"

The applause thundered again.

Ye Fei wasn't interested in this stuff at all. When others slap their slaps, he whispered to the peerless pheasant: "Sister Lin, when will the two million yuan bonus be paid?"

Lin Jiani: "........."

She really accepted the goods. At such a high-profile moment, don't you say that you enjoy this moment, do you still remember the bonus?

"Give it back."

"How long is it back?"

"The judges have to speak."

"I rely, why are they so much nonsense?"


"Ye Fei, can you let go of my hand? Will you return me to the auditorium?"


"I feel so ashamed to stand with you."


When the applause disappeared again, the judges began to speak, and Ye Fei didn't hear anything. Anyway, he just heard the judges mentioned the word "two hundred million" at last, hurriedly shouted, and applauded vigorously.

Lin Jiani took the opportunity to run away.

Almost half an hour later, when all the judges had finished speaking, it was time to actually award the prize.

Several judges all came down from the judges' bench, then several people shook hands with Ye Fei cordially, took Ye Fei in the middle and took a few photos, and then beckoned to the staff next to him.

Two beautiful girls came up with a huge check in their hands. On this huge check, there was a 2, in front of it, and a large string of zeros behind it. Ye Fei was dizzy, and the goods were also excited. Nope.

This time, she was really excited. Ye Fei even felt that her heart was about to explode.


Because this is the bonus he got, this thing is not earned by him, it belongs to him!

The thought of 200 million yuan more that he was lingering, it would be abnormal if Ye Fei was not excited.

Two billion!

Ye Fei figured it out in his heart. Even with his current ability to attract money, even if he was able to start a live broadcast, it would take several days to earn it, and this is still in the case that the system does not collect labor costs. If the labor costs are removed, So how long can he make so much money, he doesn't know.

So the hands were sweating with a huge check, and their faces were blooming.

"Mr. Ye Fei, what kind of day is it to you today?" Suddenly the audience shouted.

Ye Fei laughed and said, "A very magical day."

Everyone: "........."

For Ye Fei's answer, everyone was convinced, but think about it and find that Ye Fei is not wrong. Today is really amazing. The goods have been faced with a situation of being finished several times. In the end, they turned out to be defeated. ,Amazing.

"Mr. Ye Fei, the two billion yuan bonus is an astronomical number for anyone, how do you spend those two billion yuan?" Asked another audience member.

In fact, this is a problem that many people are very concerned about now. Although this belongs to Ye Fei's personal affairs, people just want to know.

Even Lin Jiani was curious, standing in the auditorium, watching Ye Fei quietly, waiting for Ye Fei's answer.

Ye Fei still had a smile on his face, but what he said made everyone dumbfounded.

Holding the microphone that someone handed over, Ye Fei pondered for a while, and then seriously said, "When I was very young, I knew that people are rich or poor. When I grow up, I ’m rich and poor." The concept of my feelings is even more profound. Although two hundred million is a lot to me, I know that there are more people in this world who need these money more than I do, so I plan to ... "

With that said, Ye Fei paused.

All of them were interested by Ye Fei's words. One by one couldn't figure out what the goods should express, so they all listened carefully.

Seeing that everyone was looking forward to his next words, the smile on Ye Fei's face disappeared, and his face was full of serious expressions, saying, "I plan to donate all these two billions to the poor mountainous areas of Huaxia. I need it more than I do. The elderly there need it more than me. The patients there need it more than me. People struggling on the edge of poverty need it more than I do! So I will donate all this money. "

After Ye Fei's remarks, the entire game venue was silent.

Everyone was shocked.

No one expected that the answer given by Ye Fei turned out to be this.

Donate it! All two billion donated!

What kind of courage is this?

What kind of pride? !! !!

Boom ~~~

The silence only lasted for more than ten seconds, and then the whole hall blew up completely.

This time it was completely bombed. Everyone, whether they were invited to watch the game or the celebrities, or whether they were Chinese or foreigners, all of them were bombed.

No one expected that Ye Fei's final decision turned out to be this, and it turned out to be a donation of two hundred million yuan, which is really not what ordinary people can do.

Lin Jiani looked at Ye Fei's eyes gleaming, but she was more relaxed after being shocked.

Not only did these people explode, even several judges beside Ye Fei also exploded.

When several people heard Ye Fei's words, they all looked at each other in unison, and then all turned their faces and stared at Ye Fei. They did not expect that this new gambler would be so great. Two hundred million yuan in bonuses. Stay, donate it all!

"Mr. Ye ..."

A judge with white hair looked at Ye Fei and called Mr. Ye, but he no longer knew what to say.

The eyes of other people looking at Ye Fei were all admiration. There was no way. This was too explosive and shocking.

Not to mention Chinese people, even the foreigners who came to participate in the competition this time were shocked.

The Vietnamese, Burmese, Thai, Indian, Kirkistan, etc. can be said that no matter whether they are from Southeast Asia or the Middle East, even a few people from the East Japan are shocked.

At this time, they looked at Ye Fei's eyes quietly changed.

"I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it. This new King of Gamblers is so lofty!"

"This person is not simple. I like such people."

"If I win these two hundred million, I will never be able to do this, and donate all of it? It really takes courage."

"This person is not only highly skilled in gambling, but also has a unique character ~ ~ From today on, I will serve this guy. From today on, Ye Fei's name will surely be loud in Asia."

"Yes, no matter if it is famous in other circles, at least some of the upper class in Asia will be famous."

"This guy is good. Go back and brag with my friends."

"I have a few friends in the media. I have to tell them about this when they go back. This is the big news from Nima."

"I also have a few, go back and trade their wine for this news."

"This kind of person is shining like a fireflies in the dark, and one day he will turn into a boundless sun, lighting up the whole world."

"Ye Fei ......... I am serving!"

Hearing everyone's evaluation of himself, although Ye Fei was distressed by the two hundred million, he was more excited because he knew that if he wanted to earn more labor costs as soon as possible, it would not work in China. Yes, we also need to expand the audience ’s resources, go out of China and go to Asia!

How can we go to Asia?

Ye Fei had an idea when he heard about the Asian Gambler Contest from the mouth of the peerless pheasant. He had to participate in this competition, because only in the competition can he dominate. Only in this way can he kick himself. Kick the door across Asia.

It was just that he did not expect that there would still be a bonus of 200 million yuan, which made him determine his own way.

That's right, the reason why Ye Fei donated all the two hundred million pains today is to shock these local tyrants, let them know themselves, let them remember themselves, and they can only give them enough shock Only after they go back will they promote themselves and discuss themselves so that they can absorb the entire Asian audience faster!

In other words, Ye Fei is going to use these two hundred million bonuses to break the door of Asia!

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