The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 249: The landlord's silly son

Killing ducks is a technical job.

Ye Fei pulled the duck's head back, grabbed it with his left hand and wings, and took a sharp knife with his right hand, and just hit the duck's trachea.

As soon as the knife went down, a small mouth appeared on the duck's neck, and blood poured out of the mouth.

The duck blood Ye Fei didn't plan to ask for it, so let it flow down the water pipe directly.

After a moment, the duck died dead.

The next step is to remove duck feathers. This must be blanched with hot water, but not too hot.

Warm duck hair with warm water can make the pores of the duck open, and it can be easily removed. If you use boiling water, the pores of the duck will shrink when it encounters boiling water, which makes it more difficult to pull off the duck hair.

So Ye Fei uses water at 60-70 degrees.

Add half a pot of water to a boiling water pot. When the water temperature reaches about 65 degrees, Ye Fei pours the water into a large porcelain pot, and then puts the duck in.

Grasp the duck's legs with one hand, and then grab the duck's feathers with the other hand, let the warm water soak the duck's feathers as much as possible.

After being hot for seven or eight minutes, Ye Fei began to pluck the duck.

At this time, the duck feathers were removed very well. It didn't take long for a fat duck to appear in front of Ye Fei.

He took the ducks out and treated the water and duck feathers.

Immediately after opening the mouth to remove the duck's internal organs, all the duck hearts and duck livers were unnecessary. He only needed duck meat.

What he wants to do is the bandit duck, not the bandit duck's liver and duck heart. He knows that this thing is useless even if kept, because the guy in the system said that the ingredients cannot be stored and must be used now.

After the ducks were handled, Ye Fei did not lower the ducks, but grabbed the ducks legs and lifted them. The duck's head swayed from side to side, saying, "Bandit ducks, of course, the first step is to have duck meat, and the ones in my hands Everyone also saw this duck. This is a duck of Moon Lake. I believe everyone has heard of it. This is a lake on the mountainside. It is shaped like a crescent moon. Moon Lake has beautiful scenery and a very beautiful environment. It is said that this is a pollution-free lake. The small fishes and shrimps in it are all top ingredients, and this duck in my hand is based on this small fishes and shrimps, and the wild fruits and weeds on the mountain. , The consumption of small fish and shrimp not only has the strong flavor of duck meat, but also contains the fresh flavor of fish and shrimp, and the consumption of wild fruits adds a sweet flavor to it. It can be said that Ducks are the best of the best. "

Ye Fei finished talking and started to deal with ducks.

Eat the husband and watched.

And eating all over the world has a wide mouth, eyes wide and round, and the words of this shock can't be said.

It took me a long time to get mad: "Moon Lake Duck? Ye Shen, are you sure you are not kidding?"

Ye Fei broke the duck with a knife and laughed, "Oh? It seems that the brothers in the world also know about this kind of duck."

I ate all over the world and nodded: "Yes, I know too well, because this kind of duck also has an alias, called the moon tribute duck. It is said that in ancient times, this kind of duck was dedicated to the emperor's tribute, this duck taste It is said that it covers the aroma of poultry, fresh water and wild fruits. It is a mixed flavor, but these mixed flavors can reach a clear level after being made. It can be said that this duck can't be eaten with a bite Forget about it, my god, I didn't expect you to find out all these ducks just for a live broadcast, Ye Shen, I really mean to you ..... just one word, serve! My five-body suit! "

Eat all over the world is really shocked by this duck, and constantly punched at Ye Fei.

There are also many people in the live broadcast room who know about the moon tribute to ducks. At this time, they don't know what to say. Just like eating all over the world, they now admire Ye Fei in addition to or admire them. At the same time, they are deeply moved.

An anchor is just cooking a dish. To be honest, many of them can't eat it. Even if Ye Fei fluffs them with an ordinary wild duck, they don't know it at all.

But now it's different. Now there are live broadcast guests, and there is also a hot character in the live broadcast guests-Chi world.

Ye Fei can't even lie in front of Chi Tianxia, ​​because Chi Tianxia itself is a food lover, he can eat something as soon as it is delicious or not.

If you think about it this way, everyone believes that the duck in Ye Fei's hand must be a moon tribute duck!

The thought of Ye Fei doing live broadcasts with the best ingredients for them, many people couldn't be moved. The rewards were one after another.

Just as Ye Fei was dealing with ducks, he ate up under his husband, then reached out and touched the ducks, and said, "Ye God, to be honest, I don't know any moon ducks or moon tribute ducks, but I know Water duck, hey, aren't you a duck? "

Ye Fei rolled his eyes with annoyance and said that the question you asked was to find the type of pump. Can the duck meat provided by the system be a water-fed duck?

I have been eaten all over the world, but I ca n’t help but slap in the back.

"Do n’t know what to say. What kind of duck is injected? Is n’t Ye Shen like that? Besides, you still do n’t know what kind of duck meat is?

Rubbing the back of his own head after eating the husband, depressed: "I really don't know, Ye Shen, please give pointers."

Ye Feidao: "The easiest way to tell you is to see that water-injected ducks usually have red spots or discolored pieces of meat on their wings or places that are not easily noticeable. The duck skin is very light. If you are still not sure if you bought a water-fed duck, then you can press your finger on the duck meat a few times and buckle it a few times. Do you understand that the water will overflow from the duck a few times? "

After eating all over the world, he nodded and said, "Yes is right, this is indeed the most intuitive and easiest way."

After eating the husband, I also said, I don't know if this guy understood it.

After Ye Fei's explanation, the duck meat had been decomposed there, and all of them were cut into pieces of duck meat.

Then Ye Fei sliced ​​the garlic and ginger, peeled the carrots and cut them with a hob, cut the pepper into shreds, and chopped the parsley.

When these are done, Ye Fei adds half a pot of water to the boiling water pot, and then puts the duck meat in cold water and directly opens the fire.

This is called 焯 水!

In the process of cooking, many people will encounter this situation, that is, a piece of ingredients must be blanched with water to taste delicious, but how to hot, many people are aggressive, add the ingredients to the water, boiled and finished, The ingredients are rotten, and some are not rotten.

So this ladle is very particular. It is divided into two types, one is boiled water ladle and the other is cold water ladle.

Whether a dish should be boiled or boiled with cold water should be done based on experience.

The boiled water boil is mainly used for vegetables, celery, lettuce, and other crispy and bright-colored ingredients. After boiled water boiled quickly, it is quickly removed, so that they can remove the green taste, and at the same time ensure that the ingredients are bright in color and taste delicious brittle.

The cold water simmer is mainly to cook the ingredients. This requires the ingredients and cold water to be brought into the pot together. Then, as the water is boiled, the ingredients also slowly mature, so as to achieve the purpose of removing meat, fish, and astringent vegetables.

Ye Feiyao chooses duck with cold water.

Put the duck meat and half a pot of cold water on the stove at the same time, and cook on fire.

When the water was boiling, Ye Fei opened the lid and saw that the duck meat quickly turned white in the boiling water. At the same time, white oil-like foam began to appear above the boiling water.

After a while, Ye Fei took out the duck pieces and put them in the prepared white porcelain plate.

At this time, he turned off the fire.

Immediately after, Ye Fei put the wok on another stove and added peanut oil to it.

Wait until the oil temperature is 80% hot ~ ~ Pour the duck meat directly and start stir frying.

Why choose to stir-fry duck meat so fast? In fact, it has something to do with simmering water.

After the meat has been simmered in cold water, this time is the time when the tissue cells in the meat are expanding and dividing. At this time, it is easy to stir-fry the meat and make it crispy and delicious.

Ye Fei put the duck meat in a frying pan and stir fry. After three or four minutes, put the cooking wine and watercress sauce in.

As soon as these two seasonings were put in, Ye Fei was taken aback. As the bean paste was added, the pot suddenly rose up, and a large slice of orange with a light flesh white light mass in the pot, and then suddenly exploded. Then rushed out.

Eating all over the world and eating the husband are watching Ye Fei cooking seriously, they can't see the light group, but they can smell the fragrance.

As the light group burst, the two of them shook together, and then stared at the duck meat in the pot inconceivably, and then ... and then the throats of the two people fluctuated violently, and Ye Fei heard two grunts. .

He turned to look at the two people, and the tongue under the husband was licked on the lips, and it was miserable to eat all over the world. The famous local tyrant stared at the duck meat in the pot, then Ye Fei saw with his own eyes that a thin, bright silk thread appeared slowly in the corner of the mouth, and became longer and longer. When there was a half-foot, I saw that I ate all over the world, sucked, and slipped the silk thread again. Suck it back.

Ye Fei: "........."

Would you like this? You are a local tyrant. How many local tyrants have you seen?

To be honest, you look really ... really stupid!

Rich and stupid, how do I feel like the silly son of the landlord? ?

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