The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 148: Beyond Beyond

Ye Fei chose a noodle with a very special name among all the noodles, that is, trouser noodles in northern Shaanxi Province. This kind of noodles will make a biangbiang sound during the production process. .

This is a very famous pasta in northern Shaanxi province. It can be said that traveling to northern Shaanxi is definitely a pity if you do not eat a bowl of biangbiang noodles.

Ye Fei has heard of this kind of noodles for a long time, but he really hasn't eaten it, because he has never been out of Xichuan Province. The farthest place to go from childhood to large is to come to Yinzhou from his hometown.

For this noodle, he was more or less curious.

With a goal in mind, Ye Fei purchased ingredients directly from the system.

Biangbiang noodles are made in two important parts, one is noodles and the other is soup.

After a while, the system's voice came out: "The ingredients are in place."

Although Ye Fei spent thousands of Chinese yuan to buy ingredients, this guy doesn't care about it now, he just wants to eat biangbiang noodles.

Came to the kitchen very excited, Ye Fei saw a few storage boxes with words on it, hurriedly ran to open it.

The first storage compartment is for storing flour. Inside the storage compartment is a transparent glass-like crystal bowl with half a bowl of white snow-like flour. Ye Fei can see at a glance that this is frost in the snow.

He knew the flour was delicious, and it was indescribable in his mouth.

Carefully remove the flour and place it on a cutting board.

Then go to the other storage compartment to get something else.

Big pork bone, also called tube bone, is the main material for making biangbiang noodle soup.

And how to choose pig big bones is also a very important science. The steps are mainly divided into three steps: one look, two smells, and three touches.

The first choice is two thick and thin cylindrical bones. This kind of bone is rich in bone marrow and high in collagen content. The shape of the bone can be seen at a glance. Then you can see the bone and the color of the flesh with very little flesh. Fresh The bones of the canal bones cannot be pale, and the bones should be sporadic bloodshot. Such bones are fresh, and the flesh color is not too much. If the flesh color is dark, it is not good. Absolutely long time.

The second is to smell. There is no smell in the bones. The fresh bones have a meaty flavor, and those with a long storage time will have a strange taste.

There is also touch, pick up a bone, if the bone feels sticky and not fresh, then press the meat on the bone with your hands, if you press it, the meat does not rebound and is not fresh.

Ye Fei believes that the system will not provide inferior products, and he also tested the bone with these three steps, which is absolutely superb.

By touch, he also got the information of this bone, from the copper bell wild pine forest rosin pig. Ye Fei has eaten this kind of pork meat. It can be said that it is a very delicious local native pig. Use this pig's bone to make soup. The effect is naturally not bad.

Put the tube bone on a plate, and then he took out the ingredients and seasonings from another storage compartment.

Salt, ginger, shallots, eggs, tomatoes, chili oil, soy sauce, etc.

With everything ready, Ye Fei started to do it directly.

Ye Fei first cooked the soup first, because it takes about two or three hours to cook the soup, which is long and must be done in advance.

Take out a boiling pot and place it on the stove, add half a pot of water to it, then rinse the bones with water. Then use a wide back knife to chop the pork bones into pieces, put them directly into the pot, and cut two green onions Add a few slices of **** to the pot, cover the lid, and start to burn.

This soup must first be boiled over high heat, and then simmered slowly for about two hours, so that the soup can thoroughly boil the tube bone.

After doing all this, Ye Fei started making noodles.

Biangbiang noodles are very particular about flour. First, leaves flying to the cutting board and pour out about 500 grams of flour, spread a pit in the middle of the flour, and then put about 6 grams of salt in a small spoon.

Mix the flour and salt gently, then add the right amount of water to the flour.

Then Ye Fei began to gently mix the flour. In order to make the flour evenly hydrated, at the beginning Ye Fei did not knead the flour into dough, but first mixed it into a floc, then added water to it, and then mixed with .

At this time you can make a dough.

Just kneading the dough is a little bit special, that is, you can't knead back and forth, left and right, but knead hard in one direction.

Ye Fei kneaded forward, kneading for more than ten minutes, and finally kneaded the face into a long shape.

Biangbiang noodles is a very important step in the process of making noodles. The kneading of the dough to the final level should reach "three cleansing". That is the dough.

Ye Fei looked at his hands and the chopping board, and then looked at the smooth dough. It felt almost the same, and then he rolled the long noodles into small doughs.

These doughs are evenly sized and each is as white as snow.

After completing this step, Ye Fei took a large blue and white porcelain rectangular plate, brushed a layer of peanut oil with a brush at the bottom of the plate, and set aside for use.

Reached for two small dough, Ye Fei moved left and right hands together, slowly knead the small dough into a small strip, and then gently put it into the blue and white porcelain plate.

Finally, knead all the dough. Ye Fei looked at the small sticks in the plate, smiled, took the peanut oil, dipped it with a brush, and gently brushed it back and forth again. .

The small noodle sticks are covered with peanut oil, and the surfaces reflect the luster, like small crystal pillars.

Feeling that he was doing well, Ye Fei then took out the plastic wrap from a storage compartment, pulled it out a section, covered it gently on the plate, and put these small noodle sticks aside for backup.

Now waiting for soup.

Time passed quickly. After the big bone soup was cooked, Ye Fei turned off the heat, took the lid and let the soup cool down.

It was just when a large white soup of big bone soup rushed out of the pot and the seductive smell rushed into Ye Fei's nostrils, Ye Fei closed his eyes, like a drug addict, sucked greedily Nose, full face enjoyment.

"It's so fragrant."

After the big bone soup is cooked, the color is milky white, which is what Ye Fei needs, but this soup is not the final soup that Ye Fei needs, and it needs to be prepared.

I saw Ye Fei take out the wok, put it on another stove, and open fire.

Heat the pan and put the peanut oil into the pan.

This oil temperature is also a bit particular, not too hot or too cold, 70% to 80% of the oil temperature is the best.

When the oil temperature reached, Ye Fei put some onion segments and **** slices in, and the aroma appeared. Ye Fei put the cut tomato pieces in and started frying.

Tomato juice ~ ~ Ye Fei only then use a large spoon to scoop out the soup from the pot of big bone soup.

As soon as the big bone soup was poured into the pot, the intense aroma mixed with the sweet aroma of tomatoes burst out.

Ye Fei looked at the pot with the soup of big bone soup and tomato juice, and then smelled the irresistible aroma, he couldn't wait to lift the pot now and take all the soup away.

"Hemp eggs, I can't help it." Ye Fei said madly.

"Come on, come on right away, Ye Fei, you must not be impulsive, good things are left at the end, calm, be calm."

Comforting herself, the fire in Ye Fei heated the soup in the wok until the soup was boiled. At this time, the soup was mixed. This time took about five minutes.

When the soup is completely cooked, Ye Fei smashes the prepared red-tailed chicken eggs into a bowl, stirs it, pours it into the pot evenly, stirs it gently, and turns off the heat.

The soup at this time is the soup that Ye Fei finally needs ...

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