The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 113: I am also a veteran with 7 days of anchor experience

Snow Cafe.

This is Ye Fei's third visit. Every time he comes, he is not just drinking tea or coffee, but waiting for someone.

The old habit is still a cup of black tea. Ye Fei is sitting in the old position, drinking slowly.

It didn't take long for the two to walk in from the outside.

A middle-aged man with a Mediterranean hairstyle and a handsome young man with fair skin.

飞 Ye Fei didn't feel anything when he saw this middle-aged person, but when he saw this handsome young man, Ye Fei was not happy--NND, the one who hated being handsomer than me the most.

的 The two people who came in from the door arrived at the cafe and looked around. When they saw Ye Fei, they came over with a smile.

The middle-aged people from all walks of life reached out with a smile and said, "Hello Mr. Ye, I am Pharaoh, the one who called you."

Ye Fei didn't shake hands with him at all, but hummed.

Pharaoh's hand was stiff in the air, but this guy is indeed a master of communication, just embarrassed for a while, then followed by a bright smile on his face again, and introduced: "Mr. Ye, this is us ... "

"He Peng, General Manager of DD Technology."

"Uh, do you know?" Pharaoh asked knowingly.

He Peng spoke at this time, and he was not polite with Ye Fei. He sat down opposite Ye Fei, sorted his suit, and said, "Brother Ye, we have met again."

Ye Yefei held a tea cup in his hand and said, "The world is so small, I can meet you everywhere I go."

He Hepeng laughed: "This shows that we have fate."

"Stop!" Ye Fei put the tea cup on the table, and quickly reached out to stop He Peng, saying, "Fate is not fate, let's not talk about it first, talk about what you want me to do, you He Dasha but A general manager is only busy with business. If you miss me, take the time to look at me. I don't believe it. "

"Haha, no wonder Ye Brothers can stand out in the broadcast industry. This mouth is very powerful. In fact, I found out that Ye Brothers were not ordinary people, and they wanted to get together, but you knew that at the time, it was a bit inappropriate. So I made a special time today and wanted to have tea with you and have a good talk. "


As soon as He Peng's words were finished, Ye Fei had already labeled this guy in his heart.

Ye Fei's birth predestined him to dislike such people. He had never experienced scams in the mall, nor had he played official games. The people he knew before were all simple bottom-level personnel. , And He Meimei.

Now He Peng's appearance has only made him see what hypocrisy is, just in front of you.

"If you say so again, I really don't have time to accompany you, waiter, end ..."

Ye Yefei will call the waiter to pay the bill.

He Hepeng hurriedly said, "Brother Ye, brother Ye, we haven't started the topic yet. Don't be busy." Then he turned to Pharaoh and said, "Latte a cup."

Pharaoh hurriedly left to find a waiter.

Only Ye Fei and He Peng are left.

Ye Yefei said: "Say, what do you mean?"

The smile on He Peng's face disappeared and he said, "Brother Ye ..."

"Call me Ye Fei, it's all right. The two of us are not yet familiar with being a brother or a brother."

He Hepeng was not angry, or he was angry and did not show it.

"Okay, Ye Fei, I came here with sincerity. I represent our DD technology and sincerely welcome you to come to our DD platform to do live broadcasts, rest assured, Qiu Qiu ’s conditions for you, we Nothing will change. We will double the treatment they give you. "

After speaking, He Peng looked at Ye Fei's eyes and said that the eyes were the window of the soul. He wanted to see his inner thoughts from Ye Fei's eyes.

But Ye Fei ... how could Ye Fei give him a chance?

The goods closed their eyes. Yeah, yes, Ye Fei closed the window.

He Hepeng: "........."

What does it mean, what is going on with your eyes closed?

"Ye Fei, I want to hear your thoughts?"

Ye Fei opened her eyes and laughed suddenly, "Is anyone else digging in like this?"

He Peng did not deny, saying: "This is only one aspect. On the other hand, they are fancy with our DD platform, and you should be very clear as the anchor. Qiuqiu Technology and our DD technology are completely incomparable. Although they are not Small, but compared with our DD, there is still a big gap in all aspects. The most important thing is that our customer traffic is much more than them. What is the most important thing for a host? It is the audience. On our platform, a Bronze anchors can have twice as many viewers as Qiu Qiu. What is the audience? That is the parents of clothes and clothes, the cash machine. With them, a anchor can live without worry and make a lot of money. "

Ye Yefei shook his head and said, "If you said to me when I first started, maybe I would believe it, but now ... it's true, I'm also a veteran with a week of anchor experience."

He Hepeng: "........."

He almost vomited blood. He was a veteran with a week of anchor experience? How dare you say that, don't talk about your one-week anchor experience. Many anchors don't dare to say that they are veterans for a year or two. You can really do it.

咳 "Ahem, do you mean you disagree with me?"

"Don't agree. The ones you said earlier are actually nothing. The most important thing for a host is to have an audience. The number of viewers really plays a key role in the ups and downs of an anchor. But I don't agree with the latter. Parents are not wrong, but how does the audience become your cash machine? What do you think of the audience? "

"But if a broadcaster wants to make money, he should try to dig out from the audience's pockets as much as possible. Isn't this a cash machine?"

"Go out of their pockets? Then you are not the anchor, it is a robber. I tell you, if a anchor wants to get a reward from the audience, you must let them recognize you, only your show and you They accepted it and convinced them, and then they will reward you voluntarily. The reward is voluntary, not what you said was taken out of someone else's pocket, understand? "


He Hepeng got stuck directly, opened his mouth a few times, and he found that he couldn't refute Ye Fei's sentence at all.

This guy is also very depressed. Every time I see Ye Fei, he will be beaten to death. This is also the last time. Otherwise, you ca n’t refute him. These four words Let yourself cope for several days.

Today, this guy is willing to give another reward. It is voluntary, and he has fallen into a blind spot again. There is no way to refute it. What do you say? Say you want to entice the audience? Want to fool them? If this word is passed to other people's ears, they will definitely kill themselves.

He Hepeng suddenly regretted that he came here today. This guy in front of him is a man who can talk about the sky. He is a dark horse anchor. He seems to be arguing with him ~ ~.

Seeing that He Peng stopped talking, Ye Fei went on to say: "I know the purpose of your visit this time is to dig me to your DD technology, and I can answer you now, this matter is impossible."

"Do you have any opinion on me? If yes, I am willing to apologize, to be honest, I really hope you can give us a chance to cooperate." He Peng finally could not help, said.

Ye Fei shook his head with a smile, and said, "I have no opinion on you. This is our second meeting. None of us knew anyone before. It is true that there is no resentment in recent days and no revenge. With the Qiuqiu platform, I can't slip away in the middle. There are beginnings and ends. This is my principle, so sorry. "

"Don't you look at the conditions we have set for you?" He Peng seemed to have suddenly found a breakthrough and said.

Ye Yefei just smiled.

He Peng said: "I said just now that we will double all the benefits and benefits that Qiu Qiu gives you."

Then, He Peng took a document from the briefcase and put it on the table, opened a page, pointed to a blank place, and said, "As far as I know, you don't need a penny on the Qiuqiu platform. I just want your reward share, and now this blank space is our sincerity, you can write whatever you want, half a million a month? "

Ye Yefei didn't say anything.

"one million?"

Ye Yefei still did not say anything.

"two millions?"

Ye Yefei is still silent.

"three million?!"

Ye Fei ... Ye Fei stood up and shouted, "Waiter, checkout."

After closing the bill, Ye Fei left Snow Cafe directly.

货 This product is going crazy while walking fast. It's stubborn. If you don't go, you can't hold it. The conditions are really attractive.

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