The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood

The Fifth True Ancestor of Blood Devouring Strike Chapter 408

"Scorching and destroying ghosts!" Just as all the bullets approached, Kotori swung the flaming battle ax forward with amazing momentum!

"Hahahahaha! It's useless!" Tokisaki Kurumi laughed again in response to this move.

Although it is a huge battle axe, it is impossible to face bullets from all directions at the same time!

But what surprised her was that while those flaming blades blocked the attack, even those Tokisaki Kurumi were hacked to death, and finally burned to death by the flames!

"Sure enough! But do you think you can teach me a lesson like this!" Tokisaki Kuruma laughed! After speaking, Emperor Keke appeared again, and finally, Tokisaki Kurumi shot himself in the temple.

In an instant, Tokisaki Kurumi's figure suddenly disappeared like a cloud, but Kotori suddenly raised the Burning Demon to the top of his head, and after a while, there was a sharp sound from that position, and the Burning Demon vibrated slightly, Kotori has blocked Tokisaki Kurumi's attack!

"It's useless!" Tokisaki Kurumi laughed and attacked Kotori with unparalleled speed!

But Kotori still blocked the attack!

"So strong!" Tokisaki Kurumi became even more excited, and burst out laughing!

"Really, if you are still a lady, you should be more reserved!" Kotori shook her head helplessly, looking extremely relaxed!

At the same time, Kotori swept Tokisaki Kurumi away with a sweeping gesture!

Tokisaki Kurumi, who jumped into the sky, continued to laugh: "Thank you for your reminder, then I will kill you in a ladylike way!"

"Seven bullets!" Tokisaki Kurumi sneered, and then fired a shot at Kotori! A shot that freezes time! When Kotori gets hit, time will be frozen!

Chapter 0078 Shido and Kotori break (1)

Tokisaki Kurumi is an elf who controls time. If her time is infinite, then she is really invincible, but her time is limited, that is to say, her powerful ability is very limited. With Kotori's perverted immortal body, Tokisaki Kurumi could only drink his hatred and lose!

Facing the timed bomb, Kotori did not dodge, and after being caught, Tokisaki Kuruma smiled and continued to attack!

Snowflakes flew out of Qinli's body, and soon, there were countless muzzles on her body.

"Haha, you're finally dead!" With a plop, Tokisaki Kurumi laughed wildly after seeing Kotori fell to the ground!

"Is it necessary to laugh so happily?" At this time, Kotori's voice came over!

"You... How could you not be dead yet!" Tokisaki Kurumi looked over and found that Kotori stood up again, and those wounds were burning like flames, and then the wounds healed!

"Cut it off, Burning Ghost Killer!" Kotori finished loudly, the blade of Burning Rotten Killing Ghost expanded several times, and the whole extended to a wider range. The flame blade slashed, cut open, and penetrated, and the body was reduced to ashes.

"Woo!" Accompanied by a painful moan, Tokisaki Kurumi escaped from Kotori's surroundings, but she had already been hit. From the shoulder to the abdomen, there was a horrible, strange wound like a fire wound and a knife wound. scars.

"You guy, who are you?" Tokisaki Kurumi quickly raised his pistol and shouted, "Four bullets!" At the same time, the energy released from the marked dial was injected into Tokisaki Kurumi In the pistol held by San, next, Tokisaki Kurumi pointed the muzzle of the gun at his temple and pulled the trigger. It was like turning back time, and the pain on Tokisaki Kurumi gradually disappeared.

But those clones of Tokisaki Kurumi were all burned up, turned into ashes and dissipated with the wind.

"I, like you, come from elves!" Kotori narrowed her eyes and said! "But you're weaker than I thought!"

"You bastard!" Tokisaki Kurumi twisted his face into a terrifying expression, and then said angrily: "I will make you regret saying this!" After saying this, Tokisaki Kurumi's left eye was in the In an instant, it began to spin at a speed never seen before.

"Haha! I won't let you do what you want!" Seemingly aware of the strangeness of the other party, Kotori raised the scorching ghost to the top of his head, but soon, Kotori discovered the strangeness in his body, no, it should be said that it was himself The difference in time!

"Huh!" Kotori released the second state again. In this state, Kotori's strength can be said to soar like chicken blood, completely suppressing Tokisaki Kurumi!

There is a bloody red in the eyes, and the expression is extremely weird!

Kotori raised the Burning Ghost, and then let go, and then, the blade of the Burning Ghost disappeared into the air, leaving only the stick part standing still, and the blade retracted, and then, The scorching ghost with only sticks left began to change.

After storing the handle part of the scorching ghost in the body, it is equipped on Kotori's raised right hand in a way that covers the arm.

Kotori, who was covered with huge sticks from his elbows to his fingertips, pointed the front end of the equipment at Tokisaki Kurumi in mid-air. It looked like a cannon erected on a battleship, and the muzzle emitted There was a red light, and then, the flames that originally surrounded Kotori were all sucked into the muzzle!

"Turn into ashes, burn and kill ghosts!" Kotori said coldly! Immediately afterwards, Kotori emitted an astonishing scorching torrent, as if a huge volcanic eruption was condensed in a range of tens of meters, the overwhelming heat energy drew a straight line reaching the sky, as if decorated with the afterglow of the setting sun, and the surrounding scenery also At this moment, it was dyed red.

A few seconds later, the smoke dissipated, the floor and walls of the roof were melted by the astonishingly high temperature, and the place where the cannon passed was empty. Of course, Tokisaki Kurumi was still standing there alive, but he lost his left arm, probably because he was killed Due to the terrifying heat energy that sent the wound flying, the cut surface was scorched black like black charcoal, and not a single drop of blood flowed out.

Even the angel behind it has a quarter of its huge dial pierced through.

"Huh!" Tokisaki Kurumi squeezed out a little breath, then knelt weakly on the ground.

Tokisaki Kurumi finally realized that he was no match for the elf in front of him!

Kotori put away the angel, and then came to Tokisaki Kuangzo, she thought that Tokisaki Kuangzo was a very dangerous guy, when she was not willing to be sealed with spiritual power, she must be imprisoned, so as not to come out to kill again !

"Tokisaki Kurumi, you've been caught by me, come with me!" Kotori was about to pull Tokisaki Kurumi up, but Tokisaki Kurumi laughed!

"It's a pity, that moment just now was your best chance to kill me! Now you have no chance!" Tokisaki Kuruma laughed!

It was only then that Kotori discovered that there was already a layer of black shadow under Tokisaki Kurumi's feet, and Tokisaki Kurumi's body was falling into the shadow!

"Want to leave, it's not that easy!" Qinli yelled suddenly: "Burning and destroying ghosts!" An ax appeared in Qinli's hand immediately!

"It's useless, you have no chance to kill me now!" Tokisaki Kurumi laughed again, not paying attention to Kotori at all!

Kotori struck down with an axe, slashing across Tokisaki Kurumi's body, but Tokisaki Kurumi turned into a drop of ink and melted into the shadow!

"Run away!" Kotori exclaimed! Then ran down the roof and came to the place where Shidou was placed!

"Brother Shidou, are you alright!" Seeing that Shidou was safe and sound, Kotori breathed a sigh of relief. Although his arm was injured by Qin Zheng, he just needs to be healed!

Kotori put her hand on the injured arm, spiritual power gushed out, Shidou felt a warm, itchy feeling, and finally, the arm was healed!

Chapter 0079 Shido and Kotori break (2)

Mana did not expect that he would not be Tokisaki Kurumi's opponent wearing the latest military uniform!

Now, she finally knows why Qin Zheng is so sure that humans are no match for elves. Under such circumstances, it is really difficult for humans to win, especially the special ability of Tokisaki Kurumi, which speeds up time and freezes time!

At this time, Mana felt a little resentful, because she had put Shidou into a crisis situation, she saw Shidou being thrown by many Tokisaki Kurumi just before she fainted, it is conceivable that her brother will definitely be torn to pieces!

Originally, Mana also thought he was dead, but after waking up in a trance, he found himself in a compression hospital surrounded by white decorations!

"You're awake!" Qin Zheng stood aside, saw Zhenna wake up, and said with a slight smile!

"Where am I?" Mana asked weakly!

"This is a hospital, you can stay here and have a good rest!" Qin Zheng waved his hand and said with a smile!

"It was you who saved me!" Mana glanced at Qin Zheng, and then said: "But how can I rest well! Tokisaki Kuangzo killed my brother, and I'm going to kill Tokisaki Kuangzo for my brother's sake." revenge!"

"Don't get excited, keep your body up and talk!" Seeing Zhen's panic, Qin Zheng quickly calmed her down! "Even if you rush over now, how can you be Tokisaki Kurumi's opponent? Besides, Shidou is not dead, so don't worry!"

"Really?!" Hearing this, Mana was a little surprised!

"Of course!" Qin Zheng nodded!

"Hmm!" Mana glanced at Qin Zheng, since this man was able to save himself from Tokisaki Kurumi, he must be able to save Shidou too!

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