The Exorcist

Chapter 7 Yin Tong Chapter 50 Improved Formation

The 'buzzing' sound stopped, proving that the second barrier had been broken, and the third golden light barrier was slowly revealed.

Zhang Xiaohua was a little excited, but what surprised him was that Xiaoxia suddenly raised her head and smiled at him. The smile was still the same as the first time he saw it, full of maternal tenderness, but upon closer inspection, it was a little different. It actually contained a little pity and hatred. At the same time, Bao Datong's hearty laughter also came from outside!

How is this going? As soon as the energy concentrated on Xiaoxia was dispersed, he felt that Hongyu was at a loss! Both men were about to leave their bodies, and she didn't know which side to take into consideration, or just ignore it! But the barrier has been broken, what else is there to worry about? But why is Bao Datong laughing?

Looking back at Xiaoxia, I saw that she was still sitting still, but the third layer of barrier covering her body was expanding outward with a force. It's just that this expansion is not aggressive, it is very gentle, with some rotation, and then the scene in front of you suddenly shakes!

This building is going to collapse! This was Zhang Xiaohua's first realization.

No, if the building collapses, the child's body will be damaged, and he doesn't want to give up this favorite container! This is his second consciousness. And his third consciousness was chaotic and unexpected, because he planned to leave quickly, but the sky and the earth were spinning in front of him and he couldn't help but close his eyes. When he opened his eyes again, the surrounding scene had completely changed!

This is no longer inside the building, but an uneven ground behind the building, surrounded by long grass and scattered gravel. The sky is still as low as ever, and there is not a trace of wind in the air, but this is outdoor after all, the air mixed with the smell of garbage is still circulating, and the light is brighter than inside the building.

However, with his ability, he could clearly see a mosquito a hundred meters away even in the darkness. Light and air were meaningless to him. He just noticed that not only had the scene changed, but those few people were no longer trapped in the same state a second ago. Including Xiaoxia, four people stood in four directions. Although their positions were irregular, they cleverly surrounded him and Hongyu. On the ground, there were actually spells pressed under the seemingly clueless gravels, which clearly showed the arrangement of the formations. And where Bao Datong was standing, there was a square cement stack, which looked like a bill.

He and Hongyu came from the front of the building and didn't realize that they would do something behind the building, but even if he noticed, they would find a way to hide it. He said that this person named Ruan was not so easy to deal with, and he was still careless!

"Xuanzong of heaven and earth, the root of all qi. I have cultivated extensively for hundreds of millions of kalpas to prove my supernatural powers. Within and outside the three realms, only Tao is the only one. There is golden light in my body, which reflects my body. I cannot see it and cannot hear it. It encompasses the heaven and earth and nourishes all living beings. Receive it. Hold it ten thousand times, and have light in your body. The guards of the three realms are welcomed by the five emperors. The gods pay tribute and use thunder. The ghosts and demons are frightened, and the spirits are oblivious. There is a thunderbolt inside, and the god of thunder is hidden. The wisdom of the cave is clear, and the five energies are soaring. The golden light appears quickly, Protect the real person. Be as urgent as the law."

Just when Zhang Xiaohua was upset, Bao Datong recited a spell loudly. While reciting, he took out an incense burner from behind the cement pile and burned a pot of incense.

The incense is strange. Although the flame of the incense head is small, it looks red with gold in the dark night, showing a positive yang state. The smell of the incense is also unusual. As Bao Datong blows the wind from his palm, the aroma drifting over, It actually made Zhang Xiaohua unsteady for a moment.

Zhang Xiaohua hurriedly cheered up. He knew that the incense was an excellent exorcism incense. It was specially made from the purest things in heaven and earth and was most effective against possessed objects. That's all he wants. If it were other spirits attached to the human body, they would withdraw from the human body after smelling this fragrance, and they couldn't stay any longer!

The faint golden light of the third barrier on Xiaoxia's body, the red and gold on the head of the exorcism incense, the arrangement of the underground talismans, the positions where the four of them were standing, and the golden light divine spell recited by Bao Datong all made Zhang Xiaohua vomit out. Four words, "Golden Light Formation!"

"You are quite knowledgeable!" Bao Datong wiped the sweat from his forehead, "It seems that the old way you eat is very nutritious, and you even know the authentic golden light formation in my way!"

Seeing that he had fallen into a trap, although he was not afraid, he was defeated in the first round. Zhang Xiaohua was very angry and snorted, "What can you do to me?"

"Can we not speak classical Chinese?" Wan Li interrupted, "I just acted out that scene with you. It was very tiring! Now I have to use up my brain power. In this kind of weather, we shouldn't overuse it."

"Yes. Only now do I understand that some Taiwanese actors are hoarse as soon as they act. This kind of 'lion's roar' skill is indeed not easy. Acting requires a realistic performance, and physical strength is also very important." Although Bao Datong usually and Wan Li They bickered, but at this moment they were singing and working together in harmony.

Ruan Zhan didn't speak, only watching out for Zhang Hongyu's unusual movements, and at the same time focusing on observing Xiaoxia who was still sitting there. He knew that Wan Li did it intentionally. On the one hand, he wanted to anger Zhang Xiaohua, and on the other hand, he wanted to buy time to rest. Although his strategy allowed them to save spiritual energy and mana, they were really tired after competing with themselves for a long time just now.

This dangerous move was a last resort because he was very aware of the strength of his side. If he had a head-to-head confrontation with Zhang Hongyu, he could barely resist, but if he met Zhang Xiaohua, who had more powerful magic power, he would definitely have no chance of winning. Fortunately, humans are intelligent creatures. From the beginning of hunting activities in ancient times, humans have known how to lay traps. From a Taoist perspective, those Qimen Dunjia formations are a miraculous contribution to humans. In addition, since he got involved in supernatural events, every fight has been extremely difficult, but it is precisely this kind of adversity that has made him grow rapidly and gain rich practical experience. Now combined with the formation he has recently carefully studied, he will definitely be able to deal with these two demon boys.

The question is when, where, how to set up the formation, and most importantly, what formation to set up?

Regarding the choice of the time to set up the formation, after he accepted the fact that his biological father betrayed him, he decided to solve the demon boy's matter as soon as possible. First of all, if it drags on any longer, things may change midway. If the demon boy chooses to hide, this matter will become a war of attrition. The enemy is hidden and we are clear. This situation is the most unfavorable to them. Secondly, he wants to know what his father is doing this time. Whether his death was related to the pair of demon boys, otherwise he didn't understand why he or his body would appear in Xitou shop; in the end, he wanted to fight head-on while Zhang Hongyu hadn't recovered.

Zhang Hongyu possessed Zhang Jialin's body and met him in the hospital. At that time, Zhang Hongyu underestimated the enemy, but he was eager to save Xiaoxia, so the two sides only briefly explored each other's bottom, and neither of them was injured. But when he removed the self-inflicted damage on Bao Datong, Zhang Hongyu was extremely unwilling and tried her best to turn it into black energy and infiltrate it into his and Bao Datong's bodies, trying to kill them both in one fell swoop. At that time, he felt the deep resentment in the black energy. Although it had been proved that Bao Datong was not the reincarnation of the old Taoist and had never provoked them, the hatred was real. Zhang Hongyu probably thought that he would not be prepared when he was treating Bao Datong's injuries. Didn't he know that he had expected that she would come to cause trouble, so he did not let her get any advantage, and even took advantage of the wrong time and place of her attack to seriously hurt her.

Fortunately, she had been hurt before, otherwise Xiaoxia would not have been able to successfully escape when she was kidnapped in the mall. Of course, Xiaoxia practiced the Five Elements Forbidden Technique and Bao Datong recorded a spiritual spell on her mobile phone. Because of Zhang Hongyu's injuries, he has yet to recover.

Although Xiaoxia is a young person, she has a Buddhist connection and is a born blessed general. Whenever she interferes with anything, the situation will always change subtly. When she escaped, she used the Five Elements Forbidden Technique. Zhang Hongyu obviously did not expect it. Coupled with Zhang Zixin's sudden appearance, she was injured more and more. This became a condition for them to win today.

There is also a very important point that cannot be ignored. Zhang Xiaohua was not involved in Zhang Hongyu's kidnapping of so many children. It seems that she did not tell Zhang Xiaohua when she kidnapped Xiao Xia and was injured herself, otherwise she would not have recovered so slowly. When Zhang Xiaohua was breaking the barrier just now, he saw that when she was anxious or angry, her three souls and seven souls had a slight blur, which showed that her injuries were not only not healed, but were getting worse.

As for the place to set up the formation, he chose the old site of Lu Yan's house. Zhang Xiaohua and Zhang Hongyu once lived here in the bodies of children. When fighting in a place they are familiar with, they will feel that it is their own territory and will involuntarily underestimate their opponents. And here is the urban-suburban junction, with either overpasses or undeveloped land nearby. This area has also been demolished, but for unknown reasons half of it was demolished and construction stopped. A few days ago, there was another incident of rescuing a kidnapped child from here. , so except for the police who investigated the place for a while, there was no one left. They are people with secrets and ghosts who cannot see the light. It is most appropriate to break up in an uninhabited place.

Of course, it's also because there is a special passage here.

As for the way to set up the formation, it was a decision he made after careful consideration for a while, and it was also the key to this risky move. Setting up a formation requires considerable spiritual power and mana. He suffered some injuries when he helped Bao Datong relieve his self-inflicted damage. Like Zhang Hongyu, he had no time to recover. Later, because of his father's affairs, he urgently used the time-space distortion technique twice, but still took Bao Datong with him, which consumed his already compromised strength.

He calculated over and over again and felt that under such circumstances, if he forcibly set up and activated a formation that could kill the pair of demon boys, he would definitely exhaust his spiritual power. Then even if the formation was set up, he would not be able to defend it. Formed. Finally, he decided to adopt the strategy of luring the enemy.

Zhang Xiaohua is just like Zhao Jiang back then. They don't deserve the word love, but they both have a strong obsession with one woman. Zhao Jiang is for Nana, and Zhang Xiaohua is for Xiao Xia. Therefore, wherever Xiaoxia appears, Zhang Xiaohua will definitely appear. So he and Bao Datong worked together to create two layers of barriers. They were sure that he would break it. He was also sure that he would see what they were doing on the surface. They were even more sure that he would forcefully break through the first layer and then use his strength. Work hard to crack the second level.

In fact, they are the ones who are really leveraging their strength. The second layer of barrier is not actually a protective barrier, nor is it intended to suck away Zhang Xiaohua's soul, but to activate the golden light array and the switch of time and space distortion. As long as Zhang Xiaohua 'breaks' this barrier, time and space will be distorted to the back of the building according to his prior design, and the golden light formation will be activated at the same time. This formation was used to capture Duan Jin's mother and son. Later, it was improved by Uncle Bao. Although it is more laborious to activate the formation, once it is activated, the monster trapped inside cannot get out without a lot of effort.

Although the strategy is well designed, it is still difficult to implement. First of all, the golden light formation could not be discovered in advance, so he placed the formation behind the building. When the second layer of the barrier was broken, he wanted to use Zhang Xiaohua's power to reverse time and space here. Then, they want Zhang Xiaohua to feel that they are vulnerable.

In fact, he knew beforehand that Zhang Xiaohua and Zhang Hongyu would borrow objects to create clones. As early as when he and Zhang Hongyu first met in the hospital, she was split into two. The main body blocked him outside the morgue, and the clone was formed by a fallen pin on the morgue. So he guessed in advance that when they came up, they would use the debris that could be found everywhere near the black building to use the clone technique.

But when the pair of demon boys actually used the clone technique, he was still shocked. He had never expected that their clones would appear so strangely. When Zhang Xiaohua entered the room inside and broke the barrier, the scene they performed outside was not all fake, at least the struggle was not. It's just that he won't throw away the bloodwood sword so easily. He always holds a charm in his hand. As long as something goes wrong, he can control the bloodwood sword to hit any part. One of the three people has gained freedom and has a blood-wood sword in his hand. Will he still be afraid of the little clone? They have three hundred years of mana, but their clones can't attack and dodge like their main bodies!

But think about it, this trick is still very risky, but now it seems that it is very worth it. They only used half of the spiritual and mana to set up the formation. After being fooled, Zhang Xiaohua not only activated the formation for them, but also made him His own psychology is frustrated and his strength is damaged. In this way, the balance of power between the two sides is much more balanced, and their chances of winning are also greater.

I remembered that Bao Datong and Wan Li were afraid that Zhang Xiaohua would suspect the barrier and then see the flaw. The two acted hard, pretending to be so anxious, shouting on the side, and psychologically urging Zhang Xiaohua to fall into the trap. Ruan Zhan was in this nervous situation. In this situation, I actually wanted to laugh.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" Bao Datong's voice echoed in his ears. Ruan Zhan looked around and saw Zhang Hongyu's blurry black face, a pair of pale eyes staring straight at Bao Datong, full of hatred. , "If you want to kill me, you must also let me die clearly. Why do you hate me so much!"

Bao Datong was still stalling for time to allow all aspects of the formation to be fully in place so that they could recover their physical strength. As for the magic power lost by the demon boys, they could not recover it in such a short time.

"You look like him!" Zhang Hongyu suddenly screamed after being silent for a while, startling everyone present.

"Am I - like him?" Bao Datong pointed to his nose with a surprised look on his face, "Who am I like? That - the old man who let you be buried with you? Just for this reason? Hou, it's really weird. I thought about it. My head, I don’t know why I offended you, but I didn’t expect you to chase me because I look like that shameless person!”

Zhang Hongyu snorted coldly and looked around, seemingly looking for a way to break the formation.

"This is a typical paranoid personality." Wan Li concluded.

After finishing speaking, everyone stopped talking, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense!

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