The Exorcist

Part 7: Yin Tong Chapter 35: Unearthed Cultural Relics

Instinctively, Xiaoxia quickly closed the curtains, because there were invisible restrictions not only on the windows but also on the curtains. She hoped that this double protection would make Ruan Zhan and Bao Datong safer.

But when she drew the curtains and quickly backed away, she found that the curtains were blown up. In the corner where the curtains were lifted, the faint black air also tried to flow in. Although most of it was blocked due to the restriction, it was still blocked. A small part still entered the room.

Ruan Zhan still didn't move, but his brows furrowed even more tightly.

He didn't move, and Wan Li and Xiao Xia, who had not been instructed, did not dare to move either. They could only watch the black air surrounding Ruan Zhan, slowly covering his body, swimming like an insidious snake, and seemed to be What he was looking for suddenly condensed into a thick black needle, piercing his body from his shoulder!

Xiaoxia almost screamed!

She subconsciously wanted to save Ruan Zhan, but Wan Li hugged her tightly from behind and covered her mouth to prevent her from making a sound! She couldn't get away, and her eyes widened in horror as she watched the black needle bulge on Ruan Zhan's shoulder, and she could clearly see it swimming in Ruan Zhan's body through her skin!

It went down Ruan Zhan's left shoulder, seemingly trying to enter his heart, but failed. So it retreated to Ruan Zhan's neck and tried to rush into his head from the side of the neck, but failed again! This situation seemed to make him unwilling, so he repeatedly wandered around Ruan Zhan's neck and left chest. In Xiaoxia's eyes, it seemed as if a real little snake had penetrated Ruan Zhan's body, biting him mercilessly. he!

This made Xiao Xia extremely distressed. She always felt that she had seen scenes of him being tortured like this before, but she couldn't remember anything and was so anxious that she almost shed tears.

Wan Li had let her go now, but she realized that she couldn't move or make any noise. She looked up at Wan Li and saw that he was holding his breath and tense all over, as if just waiting for Ruan Zhan to say a word using telepathic skills, he would pounce forward and fight the invisible evil!

Looking at Ruan Zhan again, he was sweating profusely. Although the expression on his face had not changed, he was definitely in great pain. But it was under this stalemate that the little snake's range of activities gradually became smaller. It was trapped on Ruan Zhan's shoulder and could not move even an inch. It was forced to ball up into a small ball, squirming under the skin and jumping a few times. , seemingly trying to rush out without success, finally turned around suddenly and rolled down Ruan Zhan's left arm.

Ruan Zhan's left hand was placed on Bao Datong's forehead, and the small ball of black gas escaped from his arm and penetrated into Bao Datong's body. At this time, Wan Li suddenly shouted, "Xiao Xia, hold Bao Datong's feet!" and he suddenly rushed over and held Bao Datong's upper body.

Xiaoxia understood that this was a sign that Wan Li had gotten Ruan Zhan, so he immediately followed his instructions. And as soon as her hands touched Bao Datong's feet, Bao Datong, who had always been as quiet as a sculpture, suddenly started to move, and a strange sound came from his throat. Although she couldn't hear what he said clearly, Xiaoxia was sure that it was definitely not his voice, and it was definitely not human language!

He was not an ordinary person, and with Ruan Zhan protecting him, could he still be possessed?

Xiaoxia thought in confusion, feeling that Bao Datong's struggle was becoming more and more intense, and the sounds he made were getting louder and more urgent. Not only did her heart tremble, and she felt an inexplicable fear, it also almost made her almost I couldn't hold back his kicking feet.

"Hold on, he's coming back to his glory!" Wan Li's voice made Xiao Xia jump with excitement and wake up from fear. She didn't know whether the 'him' Wan Li said meant Bao Datong or the black energy!

But this 'return of light' was really powerful, so Xiaoxia had to climb onto the bed, press Bao Datong's leg with her knees, and then hold down his other leg with both hands. Even so, Bao Datong's struggle almost knocked her to the ground. And because Bao Datong kept twisting, his trousers were torn open by more than half a foot, and Xiaoxia's hands touched his frighteningly hot skin!

"He's on fire!" Xiaoxia glanced at Ruan Zhan and couldn't help shouting.

And as she shouted, Bao Datong snorted in pain. At this sound, Xiaoxia recognized Bao Datong's voice. At the same time, a stream of white steam rose from Bao Datong's naked chest, just like the steam that comes out when the lid of a pot filled with boiling water is opened. It's just that there are wisps of blackness in the steam and no heat. As soon as the strange gas comes out, Bao Datong's struggle weakens, and in the end there is only a twitching shaking!

"Go and see Ni Yang." Ruan Zhan used Wan Li's words to give another order, "Repair the photos and save them immediately."

Xiaoxia let go of Bao Datong and quickly ran to another room. She saw that Ni Yang had just finished repairing the last bit, and quickly asked him to save the disk, and then ran back to report the news.

"You monster, get out of there!" Ruan Zhan finally spoke, and at the same time he pinched the two fingers on Bao Datong's head, and swung it into the air as if he was pulling out something, and waved his right hand in that direction at the same time.

With a sound like a whistle in the air, a ball of black air was split in two by the invisible wind knife waved by Ruan Zhan's right hand, shattered into pieces in the air, and then again blown away by an unknown wind.

Bao Datong was as quiet as dead again.

Wan Li took a step forward and helped Ruan Zhan, who was about to fall, "How is it?"

"He consumes too much and will wake up after a while."

"I'm asking you!"

"I'm fine." Ruan Zhan looked extremely tired, as if he didn't have the strength to even move. "Find a fan to blow away the filthy smell in this room, and let Ni Yang go and rest too."

"Don't worry about others." Wan Li frowned, "You sweat too much. You need to replenish water, otherwise you will become dehydrated. Xiaoxia——"

He turned to Xiaoxia for some water, but found that Xiaoxia was already standing there holding a large cold water cup and a clean towel in her hand.

Ruan Zhan drank the water and took the towel, "I want to take a bath. Just keep an eye on Bao Datong. I think he will feel uncomfortable when he wakes up."

"Are you okay?" Wan Li was a little worried, thinking that Ruan Zhan's face was unusually pale.

Ruan Zhan nodded, indicating that it was absolutely fine. But as soon as he got out of bed, he felt dizzy and fell forward uncontrollably. Xiaoxia on the side quickly went to help, but she didn't have the strength, so she was directly pressed to the floor.

She had fantasized about having close contact with Ruan Zhan countless times, but she had never imagined it would be like this. Now she was completely using Ruan Zhan as a cushion, and his chest was pressed against her face. If Wan Li hadn't helped him up, , she will definitely suffocate to death!

"This guy didn't forget to take advantage of him even if he passed out." Although there were twists and turns, the matter was over after all, and Wan Li was in a good mood.

But Xiaoxia didn't think so, instead she was a little worried, because this was the first time Ruan Zhan had fainted in front of her, which made her a little flustered and unbearable. In her heart, Ruan Zhan was always so strong and confident in dealing with these supernatural events, as if he could solve anything in his hands. She never thought that he was also fragile, and that behind that strong mask might be the countless painful prices he had paid!

She was guarding Bao Datong, but she was worried about Ruan Zhan. Fortunately, Ruan Zhan got better after resting for a while. Although his face was still pale with no blood at all, after taking a bath and changing clothes, he returned to his usual self. He looked calm and steady.

When it was getting dark, Bao Datong also woke up.

"Am I not dead?" He was not like Ruan Zhan. Although he was a little haggard, he was very angry as soon as he woke up, especially after drinking almost a bucket of water.

"Haven't you heard? Good people don't live long, and disasters live for thousands of years." Wan Li smiled jokingly, "The wisdom of these Chinese ancestors is infinite."

"Hey, I just walked through the gate of hell, can't you let me have some time?" Bao Datong tried to stand up from the bed and stretched his muscles. "Apart from a little weakness, it doesn't seem to be anything serious." He looked at it I glanced at the other people and saw that everyone looked tired. I was very touched for a moment, but I couldn't find the words to say thank you.

"Speaking of which, how did you find out where I was hurting myself, and how did you save me?" His eyes swept over Ruan Zhan, and he saw Ruan Zhan holding an old book and reading hard without raising his eyes at all. Wan Li, on the other hand, looked like he didn't want to pay attention to him, so he could only turn his questioning eyes to Xiao Xia.

Xiaoxia had no choice but to tell him once.

"Can you take a shower first?" Xiaoxia wrinkled her nose, "It's summer, my bed already smells bad."

"Okay, I'll go, I'll go." Bao Datong also felt that his taste was not good enough, so he went to the bathroom to take a shower. As soon as he left, Ruan Zhan winked at Wan Li and left.

Xiao Xia was cleaning the room alone, always looking out the window uneasily, but she never saw anything abnormal anymore. It seemed that when Ruan Zhan saved Bao Datong just now, he also injured the evil spirit who came to cause trouble, so they all got temporary relief. of peace. Seeing that the room had returned to its original appearance, she suddenly felt that all this was like a dream, and she doubted whether it had ever happened.

"You can turn on the air conditioner." Wan Li's voice came from behind, startling Xiao Xia.

Today's weather is extremely hot and muggy. It's really unbearable without the air conditioner. But if the air conditioner is turned on, won't something come in through this pipe?

"It's okay." Wan Li understood what Xiaoxia meant, "Azhan has performed surgery on this defensive formation, and there is no problem at all!"

The formation in this house is absolutely impossible for ordinary spirits to enter, but this time there are indeed some loopholes in dealing with something with such high magic power. Ruan Zhan has been unable to find a remedy. Just now he had an idea and remembered the book that Master Long left for him. It was about formations. He had read it roughly before, but did not study it carefully. Today, he suddenly remembered the relevant records in it and hurriedly browsed through it. Sure enough, he found a way to remedy the loopholes in this protective formation.

In this way, the environment is much more comfortable - the troubled Bao Datong is back to full health; Ruan Zhan is said to have a few days of recuperation, but he is fine at the moment; Wan Li's mood has also relaxed; the temperature is refreshing Cool, in this case, although Ruan Zhan advocated that everyone rest first, especially Xiaoxia who had to go to work during the day, everyone was eager to know the origin of his opponent and wanted to know what Ruan Zhan had gained from this trip, so he voted one against three I decided to hold a small meeting.

"Just like what was said in a cartoon, you really have the resilience of a dog." Seeing Bao Datong's enthusiasm, Wan Li couldn't help but quarrel, "An hour ago you were covered in stripes, like a tea egg!"

Bao Datong rarely replied, focusing entirely on Ruan Zhan's information. He just pointed at Wanli threateningly and said to Ruan Zhan, "So, who are they?"

"They are unearthed cultural relics." Ruan Zhan said simply.

"What? What unearthed cultural relics." Bao Datong asked.

In fact, everyone wants to ask, everyone is confused, and no one ever thought that the answer would be this.

"Remember what I said, the demon energy in Zhang Jialin's body turned into a red lotus? At that time, we also said that whether it is a demon or a human being, we always unconsciously put the things we often see in our lives or that have a particularly deep impression on us. Something that is unconsciously brought into behavior or other things, as if it formed an instinct.”

"You said it." Bao Datong took over, "So we concluded at that time that these two - we tentatively guessed that there were two, one was Zhang Jialin and the other was Xiaotong. The place where they lived before must be related to Lotus."

"Don't forget the wet mud." Wan Li reminded, this was the information provided by Yang Yang.

Ruan Zhan nodded, "Yes, these are all related. In other words, this is the origin of these two demon boys. We guessed it right. There are two demons who caused trouble, and they both came out of Xitou shop. .”

"That's Xi'an." Wan Li sighed, "Come so far here? But there is a time issue, have you noticed? Lu Yan's husband Zhang Zixin disappeared five years ago. Did they come here at that time? ? Or is there something wrong? Also, we have suspected Lu Yan, so is she a human, a demon, or a ghost? Why did she come to us? "

"These things will come to light little by little, so don't worry." Ruan Zhan said, "The important thing is that we found the root of the matter and the place where they were 'born'."

"Don't interrupt him, just listen to him first!" Xiaoxia stopped Bao Datong who was about to speak again.

"Bao Datong deserves some credit for this." Ruan Zhan said calmly, but the meaning of the compliment was not obvious, "If he hadn't found out about the Xitou store from Zhang Zixin's friends, we wouldn't have been able to find it for a while. Go to the den of this pair of monsters. This is a very remote and poor place. But it was in this place that something strange happened five years ago. It was a big fuss at the time, and the local tabloid reported it as an anecdote. Otherwise, It wouldn’t have reached Zhang Zixin’s ears. Of course he didn’t believe it, so he wanted to decipher these supernatural events and write a book, but he never expected that he would disappear from there.”

"So if you say something you haven't seen before, it doesn't necessarily exist in the world." Bao Datong gave an explanation, "People still have to be objective."

"Do you think Zhang Zixin's death, or disappearance, is really related to the incident at Xitou Store?" Xiao Xia asked.

Although they had been so suspicious before, she still wanted to get Ruan Zhan's confirmation. Although Ruan Zhan had no direct evidence, his intuition made him extremely sure. So he nodded.

"Ouch, you are going to piss me off!" Wan Li interrupted, "What kind of 'unearthed cultural relics' did the villagers of Xitoudian dig up?"

"Water tank. A water tank with red lotuses painted on it. It is commonly known locally as 'Lotus Tank'!"


PS: Sorry, the update is late today. Because I went out at noon, it suddenly snowed when I came back. It was so difficult to ride on the bus! I'm sorry.

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