The Evil God of Hogwarts

Chapter 356 Fuzzy Memory

The journey to the University of Bristol was not long, but Alimi still took the time to tell Xing Ze some rumors about the cemetery.

In her opinion, these things are all artificially fabricated. As a history student, she has her own way of identifying these oral legends.

In addition, Emily also gave Xing Ze a brief introduction to the University of Bristol, a university hidden in a backwater town and famous for its history, archeology and folklore. In these three subjects, it is at the forefront of the UK, and it is not an exaggeration to say it is first.

Especially for folklore, the only one in the world that can compete with it is probably Miskatonic University on the other side of the ocean.

In addition, the University of Bristol is also excellent in other subjects such as psychology, astronomy and so on. This historic college is a comprehensive research university like Oxford and Cambridge. However, due to its poor geographical location and inconvenient transportation, it is not very well-known.

Emily asked how long Xing Ze would stay here, because that night they would hold a small party at the bar, which would be attended by folklore students, who knew a lot about rural legends. She suggested that Xing Ze could ask these people.

But she didn't get a reply from the stranger. Xing Ze wasn't sure how long he would stay here. If there was any discovery on Lance Avenue, he might get a result today.

So he thanked the warm-hearted girl and wrote down the name of the bar. When they were saying goodbye, he caught a glimpse of a decorative button on Emily's collar. There was a pattern of the Eye of Truth on the button, which obviously belonged to some kind of university club or other organization.

He thought he had seen this pattern somewhere, but he couldn't recall it for a while. Since his body was strengthened, his brain had also been strengthened. His memory is far beyond ordinary people. Generally speaking, he can remember trivial things in the past.

After Emily left, Xing Ze scribbled in his notes, trying to record the information he had obtained at a glance, but only a little time had passed, and the pattern on the button had begun to blur to him.

Relying on his not-so-clear memory, he reluctantly drew the pattern on the paper. It was unclear whether there were any deviations in the details.

The wandering thoughts were slowly recovered, and the young wizard devoted a small part of his attention to monitoring the house, and most of his attention was used to search for the pattern in his memory.

The first thing he thought of was people, people dressed in high-end and gorgeous clothes, both men and women. Then there is a bright hall, followed by bright magic lights and melodious dance music.

It was very close, and Xing Ze felt like he was about to remember the dance. He remembered the dance, the rhythmic tapping sounds in his ears, and the unique fragrance.

It was Xunrel Jezebeth, the mysterious woman who appeared on the Shafiq family. The memories became clearer and clearer, and the brass ring on her finger also bore the image of the Eye of Truth.

interesting. Xing Ze was secretly surprised in his heart, why was this memory so blurry?

After pondering for a while, he came up with an explanation - there must be magic set on the pattern. A common memory blurring spell can affect a person's memory.

Although magic spells are common, the magic spells imprinted on the patterns are not simple. This principle is equivalent to the defensive spell on the magic robe, which requires special means to achieve. This kind of life requires a magic craftsman, and Emily is a Muggle no matter how you look at it.

Combined with her calmness when facing Xing Ze, a foreigner, let alone an Oriental, it seems that this enthusiastic girl from the countryside is not ordinary, at least the origin of the button decoration must be extraordinary.

After getting the answer, Xing Ze did not delve into these matters too much. Instead, he turned his attention to his notes. He began to sort out the rumors he had obtained, trying to find some useful information from them.

He was thinking that if there was still no progress, he would have to think of some other methods. Maybe people around him knew about this house, and his status as a police officer should be able to help a lot.

Florence came back, with an expression that was both happy and serious. He was a man who couldn't hide his joy, and Worm knew this.

"Okay, the Black Knight agrees to meet you."

Worm drank the rest of the wine in one gulp and said to Ellie: "What did I say, woman? I have everything."

Ellie still had a straight face and asked, "Where should we meet?"

"Speaking of this." Florence said it all. He pointed at the two of them and asked, "Aren't you hot?"

Ellie didn't understand what the other party meant, but Worm stood up and replied: "It's really hot, I'm sweating." He took off his shirt and pants as he spoke.

The eldest lady frowned and looked at him doubtfully, probably in urgent need of an explanation.

"Take it off, woman. This is a necessary procedure." Worm said, "in case we have bugs on us."

"I don't want to go in naked." Ellie flatly refused.

Florence signaled to a subordinate nearby, who turned and walked into the back room, and then asked: "If you hadn't reported a correct address, I would have doubted whether you were a money counter. Don’t you need to check when you come in and out?”

Ellie shrugged her shoulders and said: "Of course I have to check, but at least they will give me some clothes instead of naked like him."

"Don't worry, there will be clothes. I will provide you with clothes." Florence replied coldly, with some hesitation in his tone, probably wondering whether his decision was correct.

Before he changed his mind, Ellie made a decisive decision. She took off her clothes, leaving only her underwear.

"Are you satisfied?"

Florence didn't look at it much. For a nightclub owner with many strippers, a country girl in lingerie was really nothing to look at.

The men who walked into the back room before came out with two sets of clothes. While the two were changing clothes, Florence asked her men to check the clothes Worm and Ellie took off, and after confirming that there were no bugs, Only then did he agree: "Okay, then follow me."

The technical team of the police station considered this possibility, so they installed bugs on the soles of shoes. Although this would affect the radio reception, it was better at concealment. Generally speaking, gangsters would not be smart enough to think of this.

The two followed Florence out of the back door, got into the car, and put on hoods. There was a team of detectives watching the back door, and they followed Florence's car as soon as it drove away.

Harris didn't follow him in a hurry. He needed to make sure there were no other cars following the target vehicle. Many gangs would throw out a bait to attract the watching police, and then send a car to follow. If the car behind found something wrong, it could alert the car in front. Car transaction cancelled.

Sure enough, five minutes after the target vehicle drove out, another car drove out from the front door of the nightclub and followed the same route. It was like a mantis stalking the cicada.

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