The Evil God of Hogwarts

Chapter 353 Negotiation

Worm was surprised that Florence turned out not to be a complete fool. Three years of management experience may have made his once-not-so-smart brain a little more flexible.

But when did it start? Worm asked himself in his mind, because he had never noticed it. In his eyes, Florence was just a barbarian watching the scene, with a head full of muscles.

And now, this muscular barbarian is saying something that he doesn't know how to refute. This guy's vigilance is so strong that it even overwhelms his own dignity. No wonder the Black Knight is willing to keep him.

After taking a sip of wine, Worm pointed at Ellie with his finger and said: "People from the police, huh, Firth. Look at her, do you think she looks like she was sent by the police?"

"I don't know." The barbarian once again pushed the topic to a dead end.

Ellie noticed Worm's embarrassment. She put down the wine glass in her hand, reached for a cigarette and lit it, white smoke spitting out of her mouth.

"Oh my god, why are we wasting time here? I told you before, we should go find Vera."

Worm was stunned for a moment, but soon understood. He ordered angrily: "Shut up, damn, Vera is not a good choice. Let me speak, and listen to me in everything. Believe me, you don't Something will happen."

"Nothing will happen to me?" Ellie sneered. She left her seat and pulled up her shirt, "You men are all trash. I am so stupid that I am stupid enough to believe you. I will go see Vera myself."

Before she could even take a few steps away from her seat, Florence's men gathered around her, and the atmosphere became extremely serious. The smart cleaning ladies hurried away with their guys. Although they hadn't completely cleaned the hall, it didn't matter anymore.

Ellie took a few steps back nervously and asked in a trembling voice: "What...what does this mean?"

"I'm afraid I can't let you leave." Florence replied coldly, "Forget about that bitch Vera. I can still help you."

Ellie's chest rose and fell violently, and she sat back down unwillingly, staring at Worm, wanting an explanation.

Worm was still drinking wine leisurely. While sighing inwardly at Ellie's acting skills, he was also thinking about how to deal with it.

"When you found me, there was no second choice." He said, with helplessness in his tone.

"You!" Ellie yelled through gritted teeth.

In the parking lot not far away, Harris was rubbing his hands in the car. The situation inside was not optimistic. They seemed unable to persuade Florence.

After much hesitation, he got out of the car and went to the phone booth on the street and dialed the emergency number. Ellie hadn't said the safe word yet, so he needed to ask Ruiben for instructions.

"It's me, what's wrong?"

"Something is wrong." Harris stared at the intersection where the nightclub must pass. "Do you want the jackal to get ready?"

"Did she say the safe word?"

"No, I haven't mentioned it yet."

"Where's the other safe word?"

"You mean the sewer crocodile?"



"Then just wait." Ruiben's tone seemed very calm.

Harris didn't understand where his boss's calmness came from. As an on-site commander, he needed to make a judgment on the situation.

It would take at least five minutes for the emergency team to rush into the nightclub from another intersection, and anything could happen in those five minutes. So generally speaking, when the situation is not good, he will prepare the emergency team in advance.

Harris exhaled and said, "I don't quite believe that guy."

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a while, and then the voice rang again, "It's not him we have to believe. Stay on standby."

An order is an order.

Harris reluctantly hung up the phone, walked out of the phone booth and returned to the car. The detective with him asked, "How was it?"

"Stay on standby, what's going on inside?"

"Same as usual, still talking."


Florence's patience was running out. To be honest, he could have taken the girl into the basement and tortured her to get what she wanted.

But with Worm here, he couldn't do this. This guy has been working hard in Liverpool for many years. He has a wide network of contacts and has always been known for his neutral attitude. Offending him is equivalent to offending various gangs and other forces in Liverpool.

Not to mention, this guy also holds a lot of important information. Once there is danger, this important information will be sent to your opponent. It is precisely because of this that he was able to stay in Liverpool for so long and was able to stay safe even after being caught by the police several times.

This is what Florence is afraid of. He is afraid that Worm's coming out this time is because he made a deal with the police, and the target is the Knights Gang. So he was reluctant to make up his mind, even though the information the other party brought was so tempting.

"Man," Worm whispered, "do you think we just brought a little bit of news? Let me have a phone call with the Black Knight. He will understand. It's just a phone call."

"The phone will be tapped and tracked." Florence shook her head and rejected the offer, "No matter what you bring. There are only two options, either talk to me, or I will let my men talk to you."

Worm spread his hands and said: "Hell, where did you hear that phone calls can be tracked and bugged? That's a tampered phone call. Damn it, has your phone been tampered with? In addition to casinos, there are also As for the rest of the Old Record Gang, you can't make that decision, Florence, just let me talk to the Black Knight."

After a brief silence, Worm couldn't help but say: "Listen, I can't let you take all the credit. The information came from this girl, and I worked hard to bring her to your territory, and God knows what I paid for it. How much does it cost? Why do you think I got into this situation?”

"They said the police found your outlet."

"Oh, come on. How long have you known me, Firth, do I seem to be that careless? The stolen goods are in the old record gang's territory. Now you know what I'm talking about, right?"

The nightclub owner frowned. Although he tried his best to hide the confusion on his face, Wurm still interpreted that he didn't understand at all.

"Okay, okay, tell your people to stay back. It's a big place here, why do you have to stand here? They make me breathless."

Florence waved her hand, and those people retreated. Worm then whispered: "I helped her and offended the old record gang. This girl knows a lot about them. The big player is a fool. With enough wine, he can tell some secrets, especially on the bed."

Having said this, Worm glanced at Florence, whose face was even more confused than before.

Maybe he was overthinking, Worm thought to himself, he was still as stupid as before.

"The people from the Old Record Gang revealed my billing points to the police and wanted to force me to hand over this girl. Can you understand now?"

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