The Evil God of Hogwarts

Chapter 350 Acting

Florence did not give Ellie a cigarette. He lit one on his own, took a puff and asked: "Where did you pick up the stray cat, Worm. Where is the old one?"

"Let's go. You also know that those bitches will try their best to please you when you are rich, but once you are in decline, they will run away faster than anyone else."

"Ha, it's true. But you can't be greedy." Florence glanced at Ellie with a look of contempt.

"Things are not what you think. Firth, do you want to make a fortune?"

Florence laughed, "Everyone likes money." He said, "But you have to spend it with your life. You know the rules, Worm. After entering the game, at least for a month, I can't have anything with you for a month. Business. Oh, by the way, don’t forget the last batch of goods. If you can’t pay, then spit out the money.”

"To hell with rules and last batch. Do you know who this girl is?"

"I don't know, and I don't want to know. Okay, Worm. Don't waste your time on me. If I were you, I would first think about how to pay off the debt."

"She's from the Old Record Gang."

"Really?" Florence showed an exaggerated expression of surprise, "How strange. A prostitute from the old record gang. You should get out of here before I ask the security to ask you two out."

"Wait, Firth..."

"Don't call me Firth, Worm. Florence, my name is Florence. What the hell are you thinking about? Letting someone from the Old Record Gang walk into my territory? Are you going to let her change her career to work as a stripper?" Dancer?"

"Of course not, she knows something. Something important about the Old Record Gang..."

Worm's words were interrupted again, and the nightclub owner shouted impatiently: "Of course, you also believe what a drug-addicted street girl says. You are really finished, my friend. Now, before I get angry, Get out!"

"I'm not a street girl." Ellie suddenly interjected, folding her arms and looking like a frightened rabbit, "I used to bet...betting...underground..."

Ellie couldn't say these words for a while, and could only look at Worm in a daze.

"Casino." Worm answered. He admired the wizard lady from the bottom of his heart and even suspected that she used magic. From the moment she walked in until now, her behavior has been impeccable. Her accent, nervous and guarded eyes, and her lack of speech just now all make people think that she is just a stupid girl from the countryside.

"She used to count money in the underground casino of big players." Worm said.

"So?" Florence looked confused.

Worm leaned forward and whispered: "She knows the time of transporting money, the vehicle that transports money, and the location of the underground casino. What do you think this means?"

Hearing this, Florence's face changed. These underground casinos, which are not accessible to the public, are all for those with wealth and status. These people gamble a lot, and there are even many movie stars. participate.

This kind of casino is equivalent to a small social circle, and all transactions are in cash. One day, oh no, one night can make a considerable amount of money.

Can you imagine? Those gamblers who have a good reputation and have pockets full of money are unable to enter regular casinos and participate in gambling games due to their public image. They cannot restrain their desires and can only go to these places to vent their desires.

You never know what's going to happen in that place. Some people even say that the famous movie "Turbo and the Yellowcake Stone" was negotiated there.

"Don't expect me to believe your nonsense, Wurm. Even if she is really a money counter, so what? Do you think the people in the Old Record Gang are fools? They will change the location of the underground casino regularly, even if she knows a place so what?"

"Oh, Florence. You underestimate her. She knows all the places. Otherwise I wouldn't have brought her up here."

Florence shook off some ashes. After thinking about it, he put out the cigarette. Then he picked up the cigarette box and motioned to Ellie to take one.

Ellie waved her hand and said, "I need something more intense, give me... give me a drink."

"Are you serious?"

As soon as Florence finished speaking, the girl rushed to the bar. She glared at the nightclub owner and growled: "Fuck you, damn idiot. You will never see the most powerful people I have ever seen in this life." Yes, I am not a poor street girl. My hands..."

Ellie raised her slightly trembling hands, "Countless amounts of money have passed through my hands. These hands poured wine for the former mayor of Liverpool. And you? I think the most you can do is stand behind this damn bar and nod. This pile of change."

Florence's face became quite ugly, and even Wurm on the side was panicked. Ellie's crazy move was not planned.

Harris, who was standing outside, looked even more incredulous. He shouted to the police officer beside him in the car and asked: "What the hell is she doing? Who can explain to me what the hell she is doing?"

In the nightclub, Ellie was still talking. She growled nervously, "They are looking for me everywhere outside. You know how those bastards treat traitors. So, don't waste my fucking time anymore, damn it." . No. 334, Phoenix Street. If you don’t believe it, ask someone to check it out.”

Florence was silent for a while. He narrowed his eyes and looked at the out-of-control girl, trying to find something strange on her face.

He has seen many such so-called traitors, but most of them are either spies from the Old Record Gang or undercover agents sent by the police. Judging from Worm's previous experience, these two people are likely to belong to the latter.

But after staring for a long time, he didn't find any doubts. Two thoughts, whether to accept or not, were struggling in Florence's mind.

Worm finally reacted. He immediately pulled away from Ellie, and then said with a sorry smile: "Look, Florence, if you ask someone to take a look, you won't lose a piece of meat. If all this is true, what will the Black Knight do? Look at you? I guess you won't be standing here counting money at least early in the morning."

Florence glared at Worm coldly and said: "So, how can I get her to tell other locations? I guess it won't be that simple, right?"

"I need you to take us to the Black Knight."

"I knew it." The smile returned to Florence's face, a confident smile, a smile that showed the result, "Black Knight, do you think she is some kind of nightclub girl? You can see him as long as you pay some money?" "

Wurm expected that the other party would be like this. Although Ellie's episode was slightly beyond his plan, the effect was pretty good. At least Florence did not doubt Ellie's identity. Now all he needs to do is act more realistically.

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