The Evil God of Hogwarts

Chapter 319 Hotel Battle

Yuri rushed to the door of the toilet. Behind the wall was the toilet. He motioned to Mike and kicked the door open.

The toilet was dim and it was difficult to see clearly for a while, but the two scarlet lights in the darkness made him react immediately.

The snake man in the toilet let out a hissing growl and rushed towards Yuri. The thick scales on its dark green body blocked many bullets.

But Mike, who had been waiting for a long time, slashed at the snake head with a machete the moment it appeared. Although the sharp knife only left a shallow scar, the strong force still made the snake man lose his focus. Steady, it crashed to the side.

Yuri took the opportunity to retreat quickly, and Lanni came from the side with a shotgun. He shot the monster twice. The powerful shots had an effect. The snake man was forced back to the toilet, with yellow and green eyes. Blood splattered everywhere.

Mike quickly covered his face with his hands, fearing that the liquid would splash on his face. Before anyone could take a breath, there were continuous screams from the other end of the corridor.

Kent, who was closest to the door, looked over and saw that the residents in other rooms had been attacked. He turned to his companion and shouted: "Come on, let's go to the street, go to the street!"

Yuri and Mike took the lead, with the two ladies in the middle and Lenny and Kent behind. This familiar set of procedures has been rehearsed before in case of emergencies.

Walking to the ventilation duct that Sanders was dragged into, Yuri fired a few shots cautiously, then let the people behind him pass quickly.

Several people arrived on the first floor smoothly. The situation here was even worse than upstairs. The doors of many rooms were ajar, and there were two people lying on the corridor. They didn't know whether they were dead or alive.

"Don't stop, go, go quickly." Kent urged from behind.

But at this moment, at the end of the exit, a tall snake man walked out of the corner. Different from the snake man I met before, it did not have a hunched back, and its entire slender neck spread out like a cobra.

Mike, who was walking at the front, was stunned for a moment, but immediately fired with his pistol. Kelly was also idle, but before she could take aim, the weird self-reliant snake man rushed towards them at extremely fast speeds.

The pistol wouldn't have much effect, Mike knew in his heart. He immediately gave up shooting and wanted to use a machete to deal with the monster, but he underestimated the opponent's speed and strength.

This 190-pound strong man was actually knocked out by the seemingly slender snake man. Together with Kelly behind him, the two of them were severely knocked aside.

The snake man continued to gain momentum and reached out to grab the unsuspecting Serena. The unarmed nurse let out a scream. Fortunately, Lanny arrived in time and fired the shotgun until it was empty of bullets.

The monster's neck trembled rapidly and made a rattling sound. The shotgun had an impact on it, but it was not fatal. It was so agile that it dodged to the side of the aisle, and the snake disciple in its mouth suddenly stretched out and wrapped around Lanny's hand.

Kent turned around and tried to shoot, but he was in such a bad position that there was a chance he would hit Lenny.

"Damn it!" he growled, pulled out the military dagger from his waist, and ran towards Lanni.

Yuri also wanted to help, but the snake that swallowed Sanders came out of the ventilation duct. The disgusting creature was more than two meters tall. Only its upper body was human-shaped. It bowed its back and twisted. On the lower body, his eyes glowed with a strange red light.

"Oops, what the hell." Yuri took out a grenade and threw it over, trying to slow down the monster.

On the other side, Lanny tried his best to resist the force, but he still kept leaning towards the snake man. The only one left now is Kent. What he didn't expect was that the snake man's tail flicked, and Kent couldn't avoid it in the narrow aisle.

He felt like he was hit by a baseball bat. Half of his body was numb first, and then his whole body was swept to the wall by the tail.

Seeing that Kent was hopeless, Lanny had to find a way on his own, but his hands were entangled in the snake letter and he could not get the short knife on his waist.

At this moment, Serena rushed to his side and pulled out the short knife. The snake man's tail didn't turn quickly, so he could only retract the snake letter quickly.

Lanny, whose hands returned to normal, immediately took out the revolver. There were six exorcism bullets in it. The exorcism bullets were effective against dream objects, but it was unknown whether they would be effective against snake people.

Only one of the three rapid shots hit the snake man, and that shot was blocked by the monster's hand. However, the bullet had an effect, and the scales that could not even be penetrated by a shotgun were penetrated.

Seeing that the exorcism bullets were effective, Lanny hurriedly shot again, but it was too late. The monster was already in front of her. With a wave of his hand, it knocked Selina away, and then reached forward to grab her.

Lanny dodged and fired another shot with his backhand, but the bullet just grazed the snake man's abdomen. Then he jumped back with force under his feet and gained some distance.

There were still two bullets left, and he had to kill the monster in two bullets, otherwise, death would be waiting for them.

In a hurry, he saw Mike getting up from the ground. Hope suddenly rose in Lanny's heart. He did not shoot blindly, but tried his best to avoid the snake man's attack.

Although Mike was dizzy from the impact, he knew he had to help quickly. He picked up the fallen machete from the ground, stumbled a few steps forward, and then stabilized his body as much as possible.

Lanny continued to seduce the snake man. He could hardly hold on any longer and could only shoot to relieve the pressure. The bullet hit the snake man's stretched neck.

The monster roared, and the pain inspired its animal nature. It became more and more crazy, and the pressure on Lanny doubled.

Fortunately, Mike has arrived. Although the snake man noticed the attack from behind, it did not pay attention and instead focused more on Lanny.

Mike encountered little resistance. He found the opportunity and slashed at the snake man with all his strength, but the machete was blocked by the tail.

For a moment, Lanny even saw a joking smile on the snake man's face. He figured out their plan, and he clearly knew that the greatest threat to him was the exorcism bullet, not the machete.

The sharp claws cut through Lanny's arm. He could no longer hold on and had to fight to the death. The bullet was shot out, but it did not hit the snake man's vitals.

Just when Lanny thought he was going to die, the snake body suddenly trembled, and after several gunshots, it collapsed weakly to the ground.

Kent clutched his abdomen, with the large-caliber revolver in his hand still emitting gunpowder smoke. He looked at his embarrassed teammates and sighed: "Fortunately, my marksmanship has not deteriorated much."

"No time to sigh, guys." Yuri threw another grenade, then ran to Kent to help him walk with him, "There is still trouble behind, Mike, go see Kelly, Lanny, go see Look Serena, let’s get out of here.”

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