The Evil God of Hogwarts

Chapter 241 Victory (Thanks to Monkey Big Green Pepper for the reward)

Of course, Xing Ze would not be stupid enough to engage in a long war of attrition with Barrow. The flames just consumed a lot of his magic power.

From this, he also learned the limits of Blue Beak. Like many dream objects, his resistance to flames was not very strong.

The continuous flame can effectively prevent the recovery and plasticity of Blue Beak, and he must invest a lot of magic power to make this process normal.

But as for freezing, I don't know if it was due to the fact that it swallowed Novel Ke, but Blue Beak's resistance to cold is quite good.

In addition, the re-evolved Blue Beak no longer exists in the form of flesh and blood, but in the form of strange particles that greatly enhance its plasticity and resistance to blows.

Not just him, Xing Ze's body is also gradually transforming. Of course, this transformation is quite slow, probably because of the lack of necessary energy.

This duel allowed Xing Ze to learn more about his body. What he wants to do now is to end this meaningless game as soon as possible.

As mentioned before, the duel between wizards not only tests an individual's magic power, but also tests their proficiency in magic spells, adaptability, practical experience and psychological quality.

"The Barrow boy is doomed." Scrimgeour snorted.

These words were harsh in Carlo's ears, but any wizard with some level of skill could see that Barrow was struggling to hold on, and the rhythm of his spell casting was too chaotic.

"A very effective countermeasure." Bones, who had bet on Barrow before, couldn't help but praise Xing Ze. "First use melee entanglement to disrupt the opponent's rhythm, and then force the opponent to enter a magic duel in panic."

Obviously, this Eastern wizard has considerable practical experience. Bones didn't say this. She was simulating how she could win if she met him. Although there are many ways, each of them requires paying a heavy price.

Seeing the proud look on Scrimgeour's face, she regretted why she didn't get to know this Eastern wizard earlier.

Minister Fudge, who had been silent, had quietly made a decision in his heart. He turned to Scrimgeour and said, "Prepare a piece of information about him for me. The more detailed the better."

Scrimgeour looked troubled, and he replied helplessly: "I'm afraid that can't be done, Mr. Minister."


"He is from the Key Hall. You also know that the Key Hall does not really belong to the Department of Mysteries. It belongs to..." At this point, Scrimgeour did not continue. There are some things that don’t need to be pointed out, people who understand will understand them naturally.

Fudge frowned and muttered: "Key Hall, Key Hall, Slytherin family..."

While they were talking, the duel in the arena had entered a fever pitch, and the spells on both sides were becoming faster and more intense.

Barrow kept retreating, his breathing becoming more and more rapid, and every move and attack would test his tense nerves.

That inexplicable fear hit his heart again. The figure of the Eastern man in front of him became bigger and bigger, and Barrow felt like he was fighting against the endless darkness.

Seeing Xing Ze pressing closer and closer, he used his last energy to vent all his magic power, but he desperately found that it was too late. The fierce duel gave him no chance to cast advanced magic spells.

He gradually understood a terrible fact. All of this was under the control of the Eastern man. He was constantly speeding up, and he a stupid dog, he was completely led by him.

A dog jumps over the wall in a hurry. Xing Ze knows this truth well. He does not have much magic power, but there is still a risk in trying to have a quick fight with Barrow.

Therefore, he adopted the strategy of boiling the frog in warm water and letting Barrow completely follow his own rhythm. Obviously, this is not difficult. His enemy is completely confused, which is easy to see from the panic look on his face.

People often lose judgment and reason when they are panicked. In this way, Barrow lost his final chance to defeat Xing Ze, and his magic power could only rot in his stomach.

With a series of mistakes and mental breakdown, Barrow was finally hit by a spell from Xing Ze, and the yew wand in his hand flew out and fell to the ground.

As the wand fell to the ground, Benedick Foley closed his eyes in despair. Some people in the stands cheered, some screamed, and some cursed in a low voice, but most of them were boos and shouts of dissatisfaction with Barrow Foley, and many wizards left the table angrily.

Lena and her companions' expressions were extremely ugly. She turned to look at the group of cheering Anti-Mutual Aid Alliance members, and the anger in her heart was comparable to the flames from hell.

"How could it be? Mr. Foley actually lost." Donna murmured absently. As one of Barrow Foley's fans, she really couldn't accept this fact.

Lena's originally twisted face immediately put on a smile. She stretched out her arms to hug her friends, and whispered comfort: "Their victory is only temporary. Don't be sad, my friend. One day the world will know that hypocrite." ’s true face.”

This heartwarming gesture moved the members of the Mutual Aid Association. Looking at the fiery eyes of the people behind her, a sneer flashed across Lena's face inadvertently.

Xing Ze took a long breath. He could have won the duel more easily, but he didn't want to expose the existence of Blue Beak in front of so many people. Although the mysterious Eastern magic can deceive most people, it always fails. There will be people who know the goods when you return.

As for the final magic duel, he just wanted to test his magic level. Even if the duel was unfavorable, he still had a backup plan.

Know thyself, ever-victorious. It is not difficult to know your enemy, but it is difficult to know yourself clearly.

After seeing Edward Mendez's methods, Xing Ze felt that he should have a clear understanding of himself so that he could be more cautious in subsequent investigations.

In the stands, Albert asked Dumbledore somewhat dullly: "Phoenix feathers?"

The old wizard's expression did not change at all. He said cheerfully: "There is more than one phoenix in the world, old man. Before you doubt me, I also want to ask you, how much support have you given to the Welfare family?"

"Who do you think I am, Albus?" Albert was a little angry. "Although I am dissatisfied with the Oriental, I will never be so shameless as to win by cheating. Besides, helping the enemy family to attack me No benefit whatsoever."

"Hahaha." Dumbledore laughed, "His victory means a lot to you and me. You should make good use of this opportunity."

"That's natural. This victory has wiped out the decline of the reformists. I can't wait to see the angry faces of those Conservatives."

Dumbledore pointed his finger at Xing Ze in the arena and reminded: "He helped us break the first wall and deserves our gratitude."

"Don't think of me so stingy, Albus." Albert waved his hand, "Public is public, private is private. I give him the necessary respect, but I also have to talk to him about my daughter. "

For some reason, Xing Ze felt a chill on his back. He subconsciously looked at a corner of the stands but didn't find anything strange, so he shrugged his shoulders and walked towards Barrow.

Yes, he still had some things to ask this "respectable" colleague.

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