The Evil God of Hogwarts

Chapter 202 Chase

They didn't stay in the potion shop for too long. After a short period of energy recovery, the four children and one adult set off again.

"Where are we going?" Ron asked, with confusion, confusion and fear on his silly face.

"Remember the antique store where you and Pallavi got separated?" Xing Ze, who was walking in front, replied. He signaled the team to stop, then stuck his head out to look at the next floor.

After hearing the black cat's cry, he waved his hand and let the children pass quickly.

Harry walked at the end, and Xing Ze gave him the job of paying attention to the rear, which was at least much better than letting Ron do it.

"Who remembers the way to the antique shop?" Hermione asked quietly from Cedric's back.

Ron curled his lips, "What a stupid question. Mr. Xing Ze must remember it."

"This is not a stupid question, Ron Weasley." Hermione said with a stern face, "What should we do if we get separated again? Since our goal is an antique store, we have to make sure that we all know the way. "

"I don't remember." Harry shook his head helplessly, "At that time, all I remembered was running for my life."

"Me too," Ron agreed.

Xing Ze quickly walked to the front of the team. In addition to the safety in front, he also had to pay attention to the safety in the rear.

Many wizards use invisibility magic, which is too difficult for a first-year student who has just come into contact with magic.

"It's safe, let's continue walking." Xing Ze said.

The children were still discussing who remembered the antique store. It was good to have something to distract their tense nerves. As long as they were not too loud, Xing Ze didn't want to stop it.

The topic finally came to a conclusion on the fifteenth floor, where no one except Hermione remembered the way to the antique shop.

The two wizards killed by Xing Ze on the fifteenth floor were still lying on the stairs. Although several children had seen corpses along the way, seeing two adult corpses at such a close distance still made them tremble with fear.

"Don't look, just walk over." Xing Ze said to the students.

Ron was almost crying. He stepped over the body at an extremely slow speed, and then ran quickly to where Xing Ze was.

Cedric was much calmer, and before passing over the body, he glanced hastily.

Hermione on his back covered her eyes with her hands. Harry and Ron, who were walking at the end, were in similar condition.

But just as he was running towards Xing Ze, there was a sound of footsteps. Xing Ze frowned slightly. The footsteps were still far away from them, and if it weren't for his excellent hearing, he wouldn't have been heard at all.

survivor? No, the pace is wrong. For a moment, Xing Ze thought a lot in his heart, and he heard that the sound was not made by humans.

And if you listen carefully, there are some murmurs mixed in with the strange footsteps. But whatever it was, it was coming down fast.

"Go, go quickly." Xing Ze urged, "Harry, Ron, go ahead."

Although the children didn't know what their teacher was panicking about, they immediately ran down after seeing the serious look on his face.

After continuing down a few floors, Harry, who was running ahead, asked softly: "Did you hear me?"

"What did you hear?" Ron frowned, "What did you hear, Harry? Don't be kidding."

"I'm not kidding, there was a sound coming from above us."

"Don't stop, go quickly." Xing Ze saw their pace slowing down and urged them quickly.

The sound is getting closer. Xing Ze felt a chill on his neck, as if something was wrapped around his neck and he was being watched.

"Children, go to the antique store, go to the antique store and hide." Xing Ze's pace slowly slowed down, "If I didn't go, then go to school, go to school and hide."

"What do you want to do, sir?" Cedric turned to ask.

"Just run, Cedric, don't stop. No matter what you hear, no matter what you see, don't stop." Xing Ze shouted, "Run!"

Probably frightened by Xing Ze's appearance, Cedric turned around and ran as fast as he could.

"Yes, that's it, run, don't stop..."

Xing Ze turned around suddenly, and his blue beak turned into a black blade and slashed at the monster falling from the sky.

The silver sword blade passed through the wizard's body, and then was quickly withdrawn. The bishop spun around to avoid the magic attack, and the blast of air blew up his hair and the black leather windbreaker.

He squatted slightly and jumped up. The wizard riding the broom did not expect that the other party could jump so high, which was beyond the limit of the human body.

As a result, he was stunned and split into two parts by the staff and sword, together with the broom under his crotch.

As he fell, Nathanael pointed the shotgun in his hand at the last wizard. The gears on the gun clicked, and with a burst of gunfire, the bullet came out of the chamber.

The next second, the wizard's back blossomed, and blood spattered outwards. He staggered and fell onto the chewy cement road.

"He is quite powerful." Sheikh looked at the seven corpses on the ground. "No wonder he doesn't want to go with us."

John stuffed the wine bottle into his arms, "Leave him alone, Mr. Mendez. Hurry up and lead the way. I'm still rushing to save people."

Sheikh nodded and ran in a certain direction, "The town hospital is not safe. My eyes are spread throughout the town. If I find survivors, I will take them to school.

"So, let's go to the school and have a look first. It's a stop by anyway. Maybe the person you're looking for is there."

"You're the guide, Mr. Mendez, and that's okay with me."

"Oh, just call me Sheikh, John. That title always reminds me of my stupid brother." Sheikh said, walking around a bent brass lamppost. "By the way, how about Manel?" Did he reveal any information?"

John carefully watched every move of Nathanael, who put away his staff and sword without paying any attention to either of them.

"As far as I know, no. The Ministry of Magic is discussing whether to use Legilimency on him.

"You know, if those officials start a discussion, the matter will probably last a long time. As for torture to extract confessions, since the death eaters were destroyed, the Ministry of Magic has rarely used torture on members of important families."

"Hmm~ What about the Key Hall? Didn't you take any action? Let those old antiques fight over it?"

John didn't reply, but frowned and looked at the other person.

"Oh, don't be nervous, friend. It's not like I've done nothing in the past five years."

"I can see it." John said with a sneer, "At least the magic circle on the tower cannot be built by ordinary wizards."

Sheikh ducked into an alleyway, followed closely by John. Just as they were about to talk, an inexplicable fear came from the bottom of their hearts.

The Sheik immediately clung to the wall, John followed suit, and two black shadows passed over their heads.

The thing looked like a man with bat wings, and a long, barbed tail trailed from its bony body.

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