The Evil God of Hogwarts

Chapter 148 Muggles and Wizards

When Reko stood up and wanted to leave, Xing Ze opened the note and pulled off a page and said: "One more thing, the invisible wizard who attacked me, I drew the tattoo on his arm. It may be a little different from the actual situation, but I can only remember so much."

Reko took the paper and looked at it, and asked with some uncertainty: "Is it a rune letter?"

"I don't know. Let Edwin take a look. Maybe she can decipher something."

"Okay. But, friend, you already have the answer in your mind about who sent that assassin, right?"

"It's not certain yet, it's just a guess."

Reko drank all the wine in his glass, "My friend, be careful. If you ask me, you have taken too big a step, and many people are eager to kill you now."

"Then make sure I don't lose. Your Excellency Poet, don't waste your time on girls. I don't want you to sing an elegy in front of my tombstone."

“You’re wrong, my friend. Men always ignore women when making small talk because they subconsciously think women are stupid.

"So, women know a lot of things. And for a little favor, or if you're good in bed, they'll be happy to share things with you."

"Then I still have to pray to Merlin that you will never be defeated?"

"Oh, your kind words, my friend. Now I have to go, you know, to fulfill my promise."

The next day, Xing Ze finished his Hogwarts classes and took time to help Ben correct the pile of test papers. Poor Ben was almost driven crazy.

Professor Bubaji asked him to talk to the failed students as soon as possible, because the make-up exam was scheduled for mid-February, leaving little time for those students.

So Xing Ze used his lunch break to find the two students on the list who were most likely to persuade. The conversation took place in his room, which also served as his private office.

The first one is called Rom, a third-year student. Xing Ze still remembers being laughed at by a group of purebloods when he said in class that his father was a policeman.

"Sit down, Rom." Xing Ze said, "I think you know why I asked you to come."

Rom sat down on the sofa. He looked a little nervous and straightened his back. "I know, sir, I...I failed the exam."

"Very good, then I'll tell you the truth." Xing Ze said straight to the point, "There will be a make-up exam in the middle of next month. I hope you can review it well and pass it."

"I...I will, sir." Rom lowered his head and replied.

Xing Ze noticed something was wrong with the other party, "Rom, I think you are hiding something from me."

"No, sir, it's nothing. I...I still took the time to review."

"No, wait. I haven't finished speaking yet." Xing Ze waved his hand and motioned for Rom to sit down, "I have seen your usual homework, which is very good. But your test scores are so poor.

"This is really surprising, isn't it? So, I came to two conclusions. Either you are copying other people's homework on weekdays. Or you deliberately gave up on this exam.

"But no matter what it is, the nature is very bad. If necessary, I will inform your dean, Professor McGonagall."

The boy's Adam's apple surged and he swallowed, "No, sir, I don't."

"That's what you mean?"

"I...I...didn't do either thing right, I was sick on the day of the exam, that's all."

"I'll just believe you. Then I have reason to believe that you will pass the make-up exam. After all, such a coincidence rarely happens a second time."

"Of course, sir." Rom nodded quickly, "I will try my best."

What is he hiding? Xing Ze couldn't help but think about it in his heart.

After sending Roma away, he called in the second student, Pallavi, who was in the third grade.

This female student comes from Slytherin. Although she does not have a big family to rely on, judging from her class performance and homework, she has not been affected by pure-blood supremacy.

On the contrary, she was considered the top student in Muggle Studies class, her grades were as good as those of Cedric, who was first in the class.

"Let me tell you the truth, Mr. Xing Ze." She walked into the room and did not sit down. Instead, she put her hands on her hips and said bluntly, "I can't pass the make-up exam."

Xing Ze looked at the girl with confusion, waiting for her to give a reasonable explanation.

"To be precise, I can't pass. My father and mother are both pure-bloods. If they knew what achievements I had made in this course, they would definitely skin me.

"The reason why they agreed to let me take this course was entirely because they wanted me to understand the so-called Muggles. So, I'm sorry, sir, but I may not take your class again this semester."

"I respect your choice, Pallavi. But there is one thing. I have read your information. You are from New Ravenska."

The girl leaned her body against the cabinet, "Yes, a native of Ravenska. Our family is one of the first families to settle in Ravenska."

"But as far as I know, that town is a mixture of Muggles and wizards."

"Ah, I understand what you mean, sir. As you taught us before, there will be aliens everywhere. Before Ravenska Village was destroyed by the war, it was no different from other wizard settlements.

“During the post-war reconstruction, in order to ensure the necessary population and sufficient labor force, the administrators allowed Squibs and some mixed-blood wizard families to move in.

"Afterwards, the policy was relaxed again, and as long as there was a wizard in the family, one could move into New Ravenska Village. Of course, this policy was strongly opposed by those who were pure-blooded at the time.

"But those pure-bloods who had no real power could only talk about it, although they did a lot of things later, such as blowing up Muggle houses, using magic to prevent Muggles from entering, and so on.

"But after the authorities intervened, they became a lot more honest. My great-grandfather participated in the anti-Muggle actions at that time. As for the ending, I won't mention it."

Xing Ze opened his notes and recorded some important information one by one: "You mean, New Ravenska Village is just happy and happy on the surface? But behind the scenes, wizards and Muggles are constantly at odds, and no one looks down on the other."

Pallavi stood up straight and shifted his focus to the other side, "Just like this, the conflict between Muggles and wizards has become more and more serious.

"Many wizards will pick on those poor homeless people. I have many Muggle friends who have suffered from this in private, and the managers have turned a blind eye to this.

"Fortunately, the number of wizards is not too large. They can no longer shake the Muggle power in Ravenska, so they will not go too far.

"I sympathize with the innocent victims, but I am opposed to those radicals. There are many Muggles who are also harming innocent wizards. It is like an infinite loop that no one can break."

It seems that Ravenska Village is more complicated than I thought. Xing Ze sighed in his heart.

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