The Evil God of Hogwarts

Chapter 125 The Council of Hogwarts

Xing Ze frowned and said, "I...I don't understand."

"At first, I was just as skeptical as you. Since none of the owls we sent to the girl came back, I decided to go and see for myself.

"Ah, guess what I saw? For Merlin's sake, she stewed the owls and treated them like game."

Speaking of this, Professor McGonagall waved her hand and shook her head: "I have been a teacher for so many years and have never encountered such a thing. If Dumbledore hadn't repeatedly reminded her that this girl is very important. I really want to Become a pig.

"I kept telling myself to stay calm and not to be angry at a child. She may not have understood the magical world so she killed those poor owls, but I was wrong, Xing Ze.

"This girl knows something about the magical world, although it is only a superficial understanding. She has come up with a theory that seems to be impeccable, but in fact it is full of loopholes."

Professor McGonagall caught the strange look on Xing Ze's face and asked, "She also told you that theory, right?"

Xing Ze nodded, "She said it, and that's what I'm confused about."

"Don't wonder, Xing Ze, strange things are yet to come. I can tolerate her ignorance and smugness, but I can't stand her knowing those owls are messengers but still killing them.

"Merlin's beard. I stunned her, which was not a noble thing to do - using magic on a Muggle. But I'm glad I did. Then I took her to see Dumbledore, he decides this girl's fate."

"Dumbledore has always had a very accurate eye for people," Xing Ze said.

Professor McGonagall did not hear the irony in the words. She sighed and said, "I hope he won't get it wrong this time. He is too superstitious about prophecies."


"Yes, the prophecy from Trelawney, she predicted that the girl would become a great person in the future. Well, who knows.

"Let me tell you, although she predicted the mysterious man's demise more than ten years ago, her predictions have never been reliable. I don't think that girl will have a big future.

"She is indeed smart, but a little too smart. She is also beautiful, but appearance is not everything about a person. What is important is the inside. Just like Professor Flitwick, the freshmen will more or less laugh at his size. .

"But after getting to know him in depth, students will like him. The school newspaper did a survey last year - who is the most popular professor in Hogwarts? He ranked second. In addition, don't forget that he is still a professor. Duel Champion."

Xing Ze has never seen Professor McGonagall deny a person so much, and he is still a student. You know, she can be impartial even to Malfoy.

So, she changed the topic and asked: "I'm curious who is ranked first."

"Ellie Shafiq." Professor McGonagall picked up the cup and took a sip, "I remember, um - I remember you were still at the same table?"


"Okay, I've talked long enough." The professor sighed, "Do you still want to play this game?"

"Of course, I don't want to give in so quickly."

"Then don't think about that child, Xing Ze, Dumbledore has other plans for her."


"At the end of this semester, she will be sent to Nurmengard."

"Wait a minute, professor!" Xing Ze frowned and shouted, "I admit that the girl is a bit weird. But she won't send her away..."

"Oh, my bad. Don't be nervous, Xing Ze. Dumbledore just wanted to send her to Grindelwald for education."

"Why? Could it be that the principal wants Greenwald to teach her black magic?"

"Suppress the girl's spirit. She is now a sharp sword and needs a scabbard that can cover her. These are Dumbledore's exact words."

Xing Ze cursed in his heart and said: "This is really unbelievable. I really wonder if the principal is old and confused."

"This matter is not without precedent." Professor McGonagall replied calmly, "Ellie once stayed in Nurmengard for several years."

"Really?" Xing Ze frowned, "No wonder she is so knowledgeable about black magic. So, Greenwald became an external teacher at Hogwarts? How will his salary be determined?"

Professor McGonagall laughed, "Although I was opposed to this from the beginning, sometimes, as you know, Dumbledore, he can be very stubborn sometimes."

This is why he refused to become Minister for Magic. Xing Ze said in his heart.

"Also there is Ellie. You have also seen that her excellence is obvious to all. She became a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at a young age and even became the director."

There was a hint of helplessness in Professor McGonagall's tone.

Xing Ze didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Yes, she also joined the Key Hall at the same time, and also monitored Dumbledore and Hogwarts. Dumbledore really had a keen eye.

As expected, he lost the wizard's chess game, but left Professor McGonagall's office satisfied.

The next afternoon, people from the school board arrived as scheduled, and the leading man took Xing Ze to a single-person office that was not commonly used.

The fire was burning brightly in the room, but it still felt a bit chilly because there was no magic to stabilize the temperature.

Sitting behind the small table was a man with a resolute face. He was about sixty years old, with a large square chin and thick, carrot-colored hair that was starting to turn gray.

After Xing Ze came in, he didn't say a word. He just looked at Xing Ze with his own eyes, looking at him without any concealment.

It wasn't until he looked away - maybe he found something, or maybe he found nothing - that he spoke: "I think... you should know who I am."

It was difficult for Xing Ze to read any information from his unchanging face, so he said hello honestly: "Hello, Mr. Shafiq."

"I think you also know the purpose of my visit this time."

"Of course I know. Is it about me beating Barrow Foley? After all, this matter has been spread throughout the school and even appeared in the school newspaper."

Albert Shafik, Ellie's father, patriarch of the Shafiq family, executive director of the Hogwarts Council...

This man with many titles raised his eyebrows and said, "Of course, we can talk about this later."

Unexpected answer. Xing Ze frowned. He didn't like surprises, because they often represented new problems.

"I need to talk to you about my daughter, Ellie, you know her."

"Don't believe those rumors, my dear sir." Xing Ze immediately defended, "I don't know your daughter very well."

"If I had heard this before, I would have been very happy to hear this." The executive director said solemnly, "But now, it is too late to say this."

"Well, dear sir, let's open the door and speak frankly. I did ask your daughter to do a small favor, but it doesn't involve anything dangerous."

"I will make my own judgment on this. What I want to talk about is your true identity, Xing Ze."

"You mean..." Xing Ze looked around.

"Don't worry, the necessary spell has been cast and no one can eavesdrop on our conversation."

"Do you mean that your daughter and I have the same status?"

The wood in the fireplace crackled.

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